We celebrated Caroline's 7th birthday yesterday.
Its so special to me that she was born on March 20th~ the first day of spring. A day that symbolizes new life, new beginnings.
You see, March 20th was also the same date that Gregg ( my first husband) was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. She's a gift from God , as all children are, but her birthday makes it even more tender & sweet for me. Sort of like the rainbow after the storm.
After Dan & I were married we knew we wanted to have another child. I suffered two miscarriages , both of them late in the first trimester. I worried ( as i always seem to do) if something was wrong with me.
When I found out I was pregnant with Caroline, my ob informed me that he was unable to find a heartbeat. He told me to prepare for another miscarriage. We were leaving for the beach the next day---he said he'd see me when I returned but not to be surprised if and when I miscarried while on vacation. ok....
Upon returning we had another sonogram & guess what....there was that beating heart!
I think this precious blue eyed, blond haired baby girl is the perfect completion to our family. There is not a day that goes that I am not hugely aware of how blessed I am to have her in my life. She fills us with giggles & hugs. Savannah, Madison, & Emily have doted on her from the first moment they saw her. She is personality plus!
We love you sweet baby girl
Happy Birthday Caroline Elizabeth!!