Thursday, February 28, 2008

She's a teenager now!

Happy 13th birthday my sweet Madison Grace!
As i look back through some of these, my most favorite pictures of you, there are many thoughts and prayers I have for you.

You are delightful. You are always smiling & you have such a cheerful disposition. I pray you continue to enjoy life, enjoy where you are , enjoy the moment.

You are beautiful. People have always commented on your gorgeous blue eyes. I pray that you see the beauty around you. That you see the good in people.

You are fearless. I pray that you continue to be strong & brave in all you do. That you believe that you can do anything you want to ....that you can be anything you want to be. That you focus on what is good, what is true, what is beautiful.

You have a creative spirit. You are our fashion plate. You effortlessly can turn anything into a fabulous outfit. I pray you continue to be grounded, that you not follow the crowd. That you continue to be the steadfast, quiet leader that I see you becoming. You never demand the spotlight but you just keep on keeping on.

You are so easy to please. I pray you continue to have a grateful spirit. That you enjoy the simple pleasures. That you not get caught up in the world nor take what you do have for granted. I know that spirit will bless those around you & encourage them to have a grateful heart as well.

You are a graceful dancer. It has given me much pleasure for the last 10 years to watch you dance. To see your enthusiasm grow & watch your talent unfold. I pray that if this is indeed the road you choose, that you will find favor with your instructors & that you will stand out in a profession that is filled with often times, self absorbed people. That you will rise above any of those tendencies & just be the natural sweet spirited young lady that you already are.

You love well. You are kind, encouraging, considerate, compassionate & tender. You make me proud to be your mom. You are loved so much. I pray you always know I'm here for you, I'm your #1 fan & I'd do anything for you.

On March 2nd 1995, coming 3 weeks early, my perfect little 6 pound 6 oz blue eyed baby girl came into my world. You have been a source of great joy to me ever since
Happy Birthday, my little bird.


  1. your girls are all so naturally beautiful! I love all your beach photos.
    Have fun in Seaside in June! You have me curious about going there myself now.

  2. She is so pretty!Thanks for sharing the pictures. I miss the beach!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. we go again...

    She's a beauty.
    Hope your dear Miss M enjoys a very special day!

  5. She is beautiful and blessed to have such a wonderful mother. I know how much you like Seaside, wanted to point out that Vera Bradley has a magazine and there is an article in there about Seaside.

    Happy Birthday Wishes,


  6. What a beautiful post! I love all of the pictures too!

  7. Happy Birthday Sweet Madi! I love you and pray everything your Mom prayed over you as well. Always beautiful, always smiling, always a gentle and steadfast soul. Great and happy wishes for your birthday! Love you, Kristin

  8. I just toggled over from Rebecca's blog and found a fellow Georgian.

    Serendipty! Especially when I heard your place made this mother of two rough and tumble blue jean boys a wee bit misty.


  9. Happy Birthday to you both! What a sweet post, from such a sweet momma. She's beautiful!

  10. Happy Birthday!! She has such gorgeous eyes!! They just glow in every picture! Beautiful! :)

  11. She is so Pretty, I am too on the cusp of letting my baby go, she turns 13 In july. It really does fly by.. Your photos are simply beautiful..

  12. what a wonderful photo montage of your beautiful little girl.


  13. We crossed that milestone too this year.

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! Boy, she did not go through the gawky stage. Lucky girl!

  15. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! Those piercing blue lucky is she??



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