Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A beautiful day....

I love beautiful sunny days. That might sound funny. Of course we all love beautiful days, right?
For years & years I loved rainy days~~ even preferred rainy days.
But this winter, some of the cold dark dreary days have just about done me in. I have struggled with blahness, blueness, and lack of motivation. yuck.
Here in Georgia, we are often times teased in the late winter with gorgeous warm 75 degree days but in the same week we will also have a chance of snow flurries.
I am longing for the sunny days where I can open my window & feel and smell the wonderful breeze. Where I can awaken to the beautiful sound of those little birdies chirping outside my window. Sun kissed days where we can light up the grill. Thankfully today is indeed one of those days!

Switching gears~
This season I am totally into Idol. In years past I thought Simon had become just down right mean & I didn't watch until the bitter end. My older girls love this show. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings we have all been gathered together from the start of this season. I have been able to spend some fun times with my girlies!
& Yes, I have felt Simon has been much more tame.
The guys this year....holy cow, are they talented or what! There is about 4 of them that I think are so fab!
Jason sang Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah-- OH MY--LOVED that!! love that song!!
David Archuleta sang Imagine last week--that was incredible.
But my word--what David Cook did to Lionel Richie's Hello was insanely awesome!!
& Yes, we love Micheal ( our atlanta boy!)
We are big fans of Brooke --I love how great she sounded singing Carly Simon last week. Wish they could always sing music from the 70's!

So between today being a gorgeous day & the fact that Idol is on tonight....I'm feeling pretty good.
What's a post without a picture--a silly one from last year


  1. Paige,

    I am sooo with you on Idol this year. Same thoughts as you on the guys and Brooke !

    Glad you're having a sunny day.

    Jackie Carl

  2. Paige, I'm with you on feeling blah lately due to the weather. It's hard to get motivated when it is so cold and gray outside. I'm just hoping for a sunny day with the temperature at least in the
    40's here in Chicago. I'm looking forward to sunny, warm days in Florida for spring break in a few weeks.

    Have a great day! Enjoy watching Idol.


  3. I love beautiful sun shiney days, but I live in Florida and there is such thing as too much sun. We need the grey in order to appreciate the warmth of the sun. I miss the snow.

  4. I'm so glad the weather is turning for you. I don't like that I talk about it so much, but let's face it, weather is a huge part of life! It really does make a difference in your day, whether it's sun or rain you are hoping for.

  5. Oh Paige! How I have missed you and your wonderful blog! It is good to be back. (see my blog for my drama with my legs). I have missed you something awful! Come and visit!

  6. Paige,
    You don't know me, but I have been reading your page for weeks now. I LOVE every single thing you post. You pictures are to DIE for. They are sooo pretty.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories so people like me can come and just read and read.
    BTW, I love the same people you do on AI. I also think the guys are much better then the girls, with the exception being Brooke.
    Love the sun today too. Nice Carolina blue day here as well.
    Thanks again,
    Purple CJ Diva Duckie

  7. I am longing for those warm days too! VA is a lot like GA, in the sense that we go from beautiful 70 degree days to yucky cold in a matter of days. They'll be here before we know it!

  8. We are Idol fans as well. There aren't many television shows today that a whole family can watch together. I agree with your thoughts on the guys and we all love Brooke!

    Wishing you a warm and sunny weekend. Cammy

  9. I have the exact same opinions about Idol as oyu. My hubs and I are really enjoying it. I love David A! how did you do that gogeous photo of Miss Caroline?

  10. I am now so obsessed with that Hallelujah song...I walk around constantly singing it...and I agree about how insanely talented David Cook is...the judges didn't brag near enough on how he handled that song...they know he is more talented than them LOL! I wanted to rush out and buy the song...but so happy to have Youtube :)


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