Monday, February 18, 2008

Good bye Princesses

We had planned on our vacation this year being a trip to Disney World. The older girls have gone before ( the two older girls have actually been twice) and we thought Caroline was at the perfect age for her turn . She's a fan of all the Princesses--ariel, cinderella, belle, etc.

She climbed into bed with me recently & asked
"mamma, when can we go back to the beach?"
I reminded her that this was going to be her year to go to Disney & how very magical it would be for her. She sorta sighed & replied " well, ok, as long as you promise we can go back to Seaside next year."
hmmm....... made me stop & think ......not that we are allowing the 6 year to decide our family trip by any means, but this really was for her. Sounded like she was indifferent to going. Not that I'm suprised. She's been asking for sometime now when I'll allow her to start reading the Harry Potter series (insert eyes rolling here).
Anyway, I played it up somemore & told her what a fantastic place it would be & how much she'd love all the rides and the characters. Still, she really preferred the beach ( what can i say, the apple didn't fall far from my tree!)

So Dan & I thought about it, talked about it, slept on it & talked somemore. Taking 6 people to Disney was going to be quite an expense--we really couldn't swing both trips this year. However I really felt Care was the perfect age to go to WDW and wanted to make sure she had the opportunity to go. Despite the fact that the older girls say they barely remember anything ( yikes---$$$) I truly felt 7 years old would be such a great age. But I tell ya, we love our beach trip. We love Seaside , we love the food there, the shopping, the cottages, the white sand, riding our bikes, the shopping ( did i say that twice) & the just whole Seaside experience. If little one really prefers the beach over Belle, who I am to say this year would have been the only year to get there?

So~~ the reservations are made & the shopping has begun......
Seaside Florida we'll see you first week of June!!!!
Or as Caroline said when we told her "YIPPIE~~goodbye princesses, hello white sand!"


  1. I've seen your past pictures of Seaside and that would have been my vote over Disney World too. I think it is so sweet that Caroline cherishes those times over the would be new adventure. Thank you for leaving the sweet comment on my new blog. Your blog is one of the first I ever read and inspired me to create my own.

    Have a wonderful night.


  2. What a wonderful trip you have ahead of you...sounds like you have a wise little one!!


  3. Seaside is my favorite place in Florida!!! There's nothing like it. Everything is so perfect there. A few years back we took our summer vacation there with three other families and rented a big house to hold us all. We had such a wonderful time and great memories. We will definitely go back. In fact, some of my girlfriends and I are thinking about renting a place in Rosemary Beach (another one of my favorites)this spring.

  4. I've never heard of Seasdie until I read your blog....that might be next years trip :) Have a great day!!


  5. How sweet that Caroline wanted to go to Seaside. I definitely think that says something about your family and obviously how much she loves the beach! That is too cute! I also love that she said "Goodbye princesses, hello white sand!" That is priceless! :)

  6. Paige!
    Oh I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after reading your lovely post about your Valentine's baby! Oh she is truly lovely and I am blessed from reading how wonderful she is. What an inspiration. As you are too wonderful paige!

    And then to read the Seaside post. It will be lovely for the wee one to get her wish. Mmmm...the yummy white sand. How I do miss those days. We used to go when we lived in Mississippi. Stop by when you get a chance I love seeing your face over at my blog! You are such an inspiration as always!

  7. I wandered onto your blog today, it's lovely!

  8. I think Caroline made the right choice! Seaside looks soooooo fun!

  9. Beautiful beach photos!

  10. *Gasp* What a gorgeous family you are. You are so talented behind that lense Paige!

  11. I think I am going to have to check out Seaside. We normally vacation on Bald Head Island, NC but I think it's time for something new!

    Beautiful photos, as usual.

  12. What a wise little beauty you have! Her heart is in Seaside, how sweet! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to fill out the survey. It's been so interesting, can't wait to share the results with everyone. Have a great day~xo (beautiful photos by the way!)

  13. I've never been to Seaside, but have seen lots of pictures of it and it looks like it is heaven on earth. I would take the beach over the princesses too!

  14. Sounds like this was the perfect solution for everyone:) However, it is hard to say goodbye to the princesses.


  15. I have posted before but just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your blog! I could sit here and read it all day but unfortunately I have things to do! So sad! Anyway, just want you to know how great your blog is and also how much we love Seaside! We got engaged there! Have a great day!


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