Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentines Day girl

My baby girl turns 15 today!
I'm so proud of you proud to be your mom!! You make it easy for me~ i hope your heart is full of joy today!!! & more importantly I hope you feel totally loved !

a little letter I wrote to her last year.....

Your due date was to be February 28th, but honestly I knew you'd come on Valentines Day. As I told friends & family no one believed me. Firstborns rarely come early.
But, you did! My sweetheart warmed my heart Valentines Day 1993. I had talked about my baby-girl-to-be "Savannah" before I was ever even married. Your daddy Gregg would be so proud of you cutie, so proud. My heart hurts for you that at such a young age you had to witness loosing him to cancer. You were so special to him. Never forget that…keep it in a special place in your heart that you can always go back to!

You were such a bright young little girl. I know you have heard us talk about how you memorized the "birthday girl" book on your 3rd birthday. You loved books, you loved your preschool. You were my best little buddy those few years without a daddy~always my helper, always my sweet little friend. When I look back I realize you were always so much more mature than your actual little age. I guess being forced to grow up quickly will do that to you. However, I hope when you look back on those days you remember being days full of joy, games, books & fun.

I will never forget telling you I was to marry Dan. You so sweetly looked up at me & said " I will always love my first daddy and miss him. But I'm really glad we are getting a new daddy".
You are an amazing big sister, they all look up to you. You have always had leadership qualities , an outgoing friendly personality, and such a cheerful happy disposition.

Honestly I was quite concerned when I knew we would move you from the little private school you had grown up in to a huge public middle school. But -wow- you never missed a beat. You have been so inspired by the academic and social opportunities only a large school can truly offer. I am so proud of you!!
You have made all A's your entire K-8th grade!!
Many of those grades were made in advanced placement classes. You were chosen a leader in FCA & a leader in your church youth group. My heart just leaped when Randy ( our beloved youth leader) introduced you as one of his favorite people....what a compliment!

Your hearts desire since you were about 3 years old has been to be a cheerleader. What a proud moment for me a few weeks ago to witness you making the JV Football & competition Squad at Parkview!

When I think of you I remember ~ pink & green, chocalate chips & peanut butter waffles, Harry Potter, IM, winning an iPod, tumbling class, poms, a new chi, your bff annie, wonderful days at Seaside, silver hoops, all A's, confidence, loyalty, wisdom, laughter, secrets, a girl with more friends than she can count, and an amazingly beautiful young woman who loves the Lord.
I know the Lord has so many wonderful things ahead for you.
You can do anything!
I will always be here for you!
I am so proud to be Savannah's mom!
I love you sweetheart!
Happy 15th birthday my valentine baby!


  1. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day! What a very sweet post! :)

  2. Your daughter seems like a beautiful girl...inside and out. Hope her birthday has been wonderful and hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

    Also, I LOVE this song on your blog, "It's Only Life" to iTunes now!

  3. Beautiful post, beautiful birthday girl!! Happy Valentines Day from our hearts to you!

    kari & kijsa

  4. What a blessed Mama you are indeed. Savannah is a beautiful young lady!

    Rachel's got the right idea; you have great taste in the tunes!!

  5. What an achingly beautiful letter to your precious daughter! How lucky are you that she chose you to be her mom...and how lucky is she to have a mom who adores her so completely! XOXO

  6. Awh, that was so sweet! She is beautiful. Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love this friend. You always strive to lift your girls up so they can have great, strong, delicate wings to fly. You show them the beauty in themselves, that their dreams and hearts desires are attainable and you always show them how to just simply love God with all their hearts. I still remember vividly the day Savannah came into this world and throughout Savannah has grown into this incredibly beautiful, bright, humble and just lovely human being. Happy Birthday Savannah! You are in a word, just LOVELY and I am blessed to know you! Love you.

  9. such a beautiful girl! so fortunate to have such a loving mama!

  10. You have such a beautiful family! Hope you don't mind, I added you to my favorites on my new blog.

  11. What a beautiful letter you wrote to your sweet girl. You have inspired me...I think I will start that always inspire me as a mother. Thanks for that...

    Take care,

  12. What a beautiful post Paige. I can only imagine my Ella turing 15 so very soon and feeling all these thoughts...... Love to you and Savannah xoxo

  13. awww, cool fast forward post. beautiful.


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