Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Poor guy...

So I take Brinkley in to the vet to be groomed & weighed only to discover that he has a yucky ear infection.
Sadly I must instill these drops & cleanser into his big floppy ( what I thought were rather clean) ears twice a day. Now my once "follows me everywhere--velcro doggy" refuses to hang with me. If I'm up stairs, he's downstairs & visa versa. If he sees me coming towards him he sort of ducks in case I have the medicine. So I've been trying to follow him around & give extra tummy rubs.....our relationship may never be same.

On a good note, he is up to his desired weight. He needed to gain about 15 pounds from when we adopted him. The vet encouraged me to go easy on the treats & feed him raw broccoli, carrots & canned green beans---who knew?
For Christmas, the big guy got a Vera doggy collar ( yes its blue ) & these spiffy albeit pink tennis balls. Surely after all this medicine is over he'll remember who loves him, right?
I hope to get he & I ready to volunteer with Happy Tails. Happy Tails is a group here in Atlanta that these awesome dogs volunteer to visit children's hospitals and others that could use a slobbery sweet doggy hug.
See, even Brinkley has new years resolutions!


  1. Our Lab had the same reaction to me when she had an ear infection. She eventually forgave me.
    Love the pink tennis ball, btw.

  2. Oh, pup is just beautiful - a lot like my Rosie actually. I'm sure he'll forget all about the ear drops once they're finished - my Rosie does the same if she sees her bath towels. That Happy Tails sounds wonderful - I'd love to do something like that.


  3. Only the Knudsen house would have pink tennis balls for their doggy...Smile! Hope Brinkely's ear is better soon. Very cool resolution for Brikley to volunteer with Happy Tails!

  4. Poor Brinkley....what a cutie. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I have had a lot of catching up to do and every one of your posts is truly inspiring.

    As far as the chalkboard, I used a picture frame and my hubby cut me a thin piece of partical board to size. Then I just spray painted the board several times with chalk board paint. I made it over a year ago and it still works like a charm. Hope that helps.

  5. You know, adopted Goldens must be the best gift in the world! We adopted TROOPER last Christmas and I would describe him exactly as you've described your boy (in your original adoption post). AMAZING dogs aren't they?


  6. Ahhh. poor guy. Our little Scout has an ear infection too. The only good thing is that the medicine makes our rambunctious puppy calmer somehow! hope he feels better soon:)

  7. What a sweet pup...I'm sure he'll come around and be friends with you're pretty lovable!!
    If I ever get a dog, it will definitely be one like Brinkley. And I, too, will have a real purdy collar on him/her, too!!

    Happy New Year!

  8. He is so blessed to be yours..much love and Happy New year, Jennifer

  9. Hi Paige ~
    I love your blog. Brinkley is adorable! I feed my dogs carrots instead of dog treats and they love them!

  10. I am sure he will forgive you quickly when you don't have to give him any more medicine. i love his pink tennis balls.

  11. Love the pictures of Brinkley! Poor guy...I hope his ear is doing better soon. He will warm back up to you!! I saw the Vera Bradley collars and leashes when they first came out, but have since forgotten about them. I am thinking that our pups might need a VB collar too!! Hope Brinkley makes a speedy recovery!

  12. Oh Paige! I am so glad you are going to do Happy Tails! We have 'Soul Dogs' here in Sacramento and not only are they good for patients but for STAFF too! It really brings alot of smiles and a happiness around the ward! Love the photos!

    Sorry to hear about the ear infection! (sorry about the pun...just realised).

  13. What a Cuteie! Don't worry he will get over it!
    Sandra Evertson

  14. I love your blog and your home pics, we have the same pine armoire, I am getting ready to paint mine white. The love you have for your family shines through all your posts. I am sorry about your pup but it was lucky he needed to go in and they found it. He will forgive you, I make my hubby do the medicine thing with my dogs now because I can't stand for them to be upset with me.

  15. Poor little guy! I'm sure that he'll remember you for your tummy rubs more than anything after the medicine is finished. You take such good care of him!

  16. What a cutie pie! Did you by any chance get him from The Dixie Golden Retriever Rescue? I hope he forgives you soon.

  17. Get better Brinkley!! We do love our little four legged babies. Our sweet little Katie (poodle) is totally blind. She is a special needs little girl. Visit my blog and see her. I will visit again! Connie

  18. Hi Paige,
    Drop by my blog and pick up an award...your blog always makes me happy to visit!


  19. your dog is just beautiful. our golden had an ear infection last summer and it wasn't very fun for him. good luck.

  20. Must be something about Labs and ears - ours has the same problems too. Brinkley is a cute name - our labs name is Bentley :-}. Hope Brinkley feels better soon.

  21. I just happened upon your blog the other evening, and I'm so enjoying it. I hope Brinkley is feeling better soon.

  22. Paige~
    I have read your blog through the summer, so far and I had to send a message and tell you what an inspiring human being you are. Your blog had me in tears...and makes me want to be a better person. Because of you, I want to seek God have renewed my faith in so many ways and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your life with us - some friends - others perfect strangers.

  23. Paige,

    I know you are blogging less. I just wanted to tell you I miss you:)



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