Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New mercies

Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

I love this scripture.
I love the idea that the Lord gives me a clean slate every day. That no matter what I did wrong or how I blew it , or what I failed to accomplish I get a fresh start.
Sort of like a heavenly chalkboard.
He washes my sins as far as the east is from the west- & most days I need to be reminded of that promise.
I feel like the older my girls get, the more days I need a clean slate. I wish as far as raising a teenage daughter there was such thing as a pre-test.....a little refresher course before the real time comes along. There are those days where I wish I could just get a "do-over"....some days it may be as little as "oh i wish i had baked brownies for the carpool kids" all the way to " i can't believe i just said a cuss word in front of my 11 year old " .
gasp....yes I did.
I visualize how I wish to parent, the type mom I'd love to be yet when I look back I realize how often I fall short of that image. No its not even a perfect image for I know that's impossible. Never the less, that 'mother' is often out of my grasp.

For several years the girls attended a private christian school. We have also been attending an absolutely fabulous church with an amazing childrens up through high school ministry. Bible based grace filled teaching at its best. During the christian school days, I knew my girls were memorizing scriptures weekly , often times large passages at a time. Unfortunately , since moving to a public school I have failed to continue encouraging them to memorize bible verses. I would love for them to have God's word hidden in their hearts.
When Caroline was about 3 or 4 years old I began quoting scriptures to her before bedtime. We started with the Lord's Prayer. She would repeat the lines after me...she called these "copy prayers". As I would say Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done......she would repeat each line but instead of 'thy' she would say 'my'. so funny. so it would go.......hallowed by my name, my kingdom come, my will be done....cracked me up. & how poignant as we often do believe its our will & our kingdom--could easily be called the all -about -me -prayer instead!
The other night she said mommy can we do our copy prayer. She obviously now, as an almost 7 year old says "thy" correctly. But that little copy prayer was a reminder to me that while I may have failed or dropped the ball here & there, His mercies are indeed new every morning. and yes tomorrow is a great day to start over.....

ps- these are oldie pictures from almost 5 years ago but went well with my thoughts today.


  1. Paige! Just lovely as usual. Your posts always pull at my heart strings! Sending you warm thoughts and prayers your way!

  2. how humble and sweet of you to share your shortcomings with us. i know how you feel. teenage years are hard, even when you have great kids. your post is beautiful. thank you so much for sharing. just makes me wish once again you were down the street and we could share a cup of tea. what a sweet lady and a great mom you are.

  3. Thank you for posting this. I'm not dealing with teens yet, thank goodness. But toddlers can be awfully challenging and I am constantly aware of my short-comings. This was a very nice reminder. Thank you!

  4. The teenage years are very difficult.
    You can't protect and guide your children as easily, but have faith that you have instilled the right values deep within their hearts, so that even if they falter, they will come home, again, to the truth.


  5. Paige, I love, love, love this! So real, so true and good to remember that God has a clean slate for each of us each day. Know from the outside in being your friend, and I have always stated this to you that if I could be half the mom you are in the future, then i will feel blessed. You are a great Mom and as Victoria Mackenzie Childs said to me last Saturday "Life could well be a big joke on us (That includes one of the jokes being the teenage years for a mom. God is still looking down and smiling on you.) She also said, "Life is like a river ever changing, we just have to know how to mold to it and look up so we can enjoy the view." No matter what! Know I think you are an awesome Mom. Always have! Love to you friend.

  6. I don't know if it was from Buddy's sermons or not, but lately I have had the whole "mercies are new each day" in my head and on my heart. I thank God that they are new each day and that he isn't keeping a checklist of every bad thing I do. Makes it easier for me to parent accordingly.
    Thanks for the post.

  7. Hang in there and stay real. My DH and I have raised four lovely ladies. The last two are getting married this Spring and Fall. Time flies, take the time to listen lots and talk a little. Remember, it is okay to be not liked for a while. It will only last a season and you will be rewarded with respect for the rest of their lives.

  8. This is such a wonderful post Paige. We have a teenage son and some days can be very challenging. Every day I strive to be a better mom and so many days fall short. Thanks for reminding me that each day I start anew in God's eyes.

  9. Simply beautiful! I love the way you share you heart. I always feel inspired and challenged when I read you blog. I feel like after I have come to your blog I just had coffee with an old freind. Refreshed and blessed. Thank You! ~Rachelle

  10. Hi Paige~
    The email was a forward from my father, but it came at a time when I needed some inspiration the most. Thanks so much for your sweet response. I do have a question for you...where did you get those cute froggie "fountains" in your pics?

  11. How I loved this post. The scripture from Lamentations is beautiful, and such a wonderful reminder. And I am sure that you are a terrific mother. The very fact that you think about these issues and are concerned about them speaks volumes.

  12. oh paige...such lovely lovely thoughts. thank you. i just love your posts and photos :) they speak to me....

  13. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. It's very inspiring for me as a mother. I am now challenge by my 3 yr old daughter. I'm trying to be the best mother I can be!!! Bless you...

  14. Wow, seriously beautiful photos!!! And even more beautiful thoughts.

  15. Paige...I just love stopping by your blog. You are always filled with such inspiration! Thanks for this post! I needed to hear it!


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