Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A fresh start

I love January, I really do.
After all the excitement, business, "must-do's", decorations, baking, parties, sending Christmas cards, & etc of December I welcome the serenity of January.
As much as I love to decorate & enjoy all the Christmas lovelies, I equally love to pack them up & declutter. I won't confess when I took my tree down-maybe more than you can bear-wink.
January brings the license to snuggle in & feather my nest~~ get things in order, read great books, enjoy new recipes.
Over the last several years I have made a marked decision to declutter my home. As a former packrat that saved everything & bought even more , this transition has changed my life, changed my thinking, & freed me up for sure. In the past if I saw something I liked my philosophy was " I'll find a place for it"...ugh....after years of that my home looked over cluttered without a focus & quite frankly, all that stuff made me nervous . So.....after many & I mean many trips to good will, a couple of garage sales, loads to a consignment shop things look much better and I feel a sense of peace.
Where I once used a variety of colors, now each room flows into the other. I no longer feel the need to have all my treasures out on display at all times. Now when I shop I really try to think if the item is something I really want-do I have a place for it or will it just be future clutter.
Ok, now if I could be this disciplined with my workouts & weight loss!

A couple of things I would love to do this year~~
I plan to read through the Bible in chronological order. I found a great plan on line. My desire is to understand the context in which many of the great stories & psalms occurred. I'm really excited about this!
I would love to read the Chronicles of Narnia ( the 2nd movie comes out in may) & finally begin the Harry Potter series (my older two are fanatics & doubt I'll accomplish that one).
Drink more H20!
Eat smaller portions.
Get to my gym twice a week & walk Brinkley daily.
Minor on the minors and major on the major issues with my girls.
Keep short accounts of the "wrongs" & encourage their strengths.
Forgive more.
Try to love my hubby as well as he loves me.
Wishing each of you a Happy New Year!
If you have a moment I'd love to be inspired by some of your new years desires.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope & confidence.
Helen Keller


  1. Happy New Year! I love your list. I love to de-clutter too. I want to read more (I used to read at least one book a week before Kate). Use my creativity more and spend less time on the computer:) And have more dates with my hubby--also haven't done much in the 9 months since Kate came home.


  2. Hi Paige-
    Have been enjoying your beautiful photos of loved ones and your home. I could have written your post today about buying less and simplifying! I've been doing the same for about a year and it is quite freeing.

    A book I highly (okay HIGHLY) recommend is called "The Shack" by William P. Young. My resolutions are many, but the main one being growing in and loving Jesus more each day.

    Thanks for the gift of your blog :)

  3. Paige! I loved reading your post. To declutter is my biggest resolution! Right next to eating better! lol! But I really need to feel 'free', so the decluttering has begun! Love the pics today! That sand looks so white and soft. And love the sunsetting. Wishing you and your beautiful family the happiest New Year!

  4. Paige, Happy New Year! And yes I am also trying to declutter our life. We have lived in a small, I mean small two bedroom apart. for over 2 years with two growing girls, the space is close and now we are getting ready to buy our first home this spring/summer. I want the move to be smooth. I have had to let go of some things I regret but do find peace in it all. I see it as a new adventure. I to want to read more of God's word, and listen more to my girls who are pre and teens. Life flies by to fast at that age, I was explaining to my man that in 6-7 years our baby will be a senior in High school that woke him up a little. I also am going to join the gym here and make a new me for the new dreams that hopefully come true even if they are just dreams.

  5. That is a great idea to read the Bible in chronological order. I like that. Also, I am big on de-cluttering too. I love it. Sometimes I wish I was a professional organizer to help people do this.

  6. I LOVE your photos of Ms. Caroline and I love your New Year's list. I too love a life without clutter. I only have a few minor areas to clean up, but for the most part I love that all of our closets and little areas are clean and clutter free!

    I would love to walk my two dogs daily too. I try as much as I can to get them out, but usually work out on our elliptical machine at home. But, I should get them out daily.

    I too have always wanted to read my Bible in chronological order. I made an attempt several years ago, but didn't follow through. I would love to know where you found your plan at online.

    May God pour out his Blessings over your family in 2008!

  7. Hi Paige,

    I am trying to de-clutter too, wanting to make my life easier and more authentic is my hope. Your blog is beautiful!


  8. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, Paige!


  9. i love your blog that i have just discovered. i am new to all this blogging stuff. but i love how encouraging your words are and i do see january in a different light than i have in a long time. i am going to write a few things in the front of my planner that i want to work on each day of this year.thank you for the jump start, and i pray God trully blesses you and your family.much love

  10. i love your blog that i have just discovered. i am new to all this blogging stuff. but i love how encouraging your words are and i do see january in a different light than i have in a long time. i am going to write a few things in the front of my planner that i want to work on each day of this year.thank you for the jump start, and i pray God trully blesses you and your family.much love

  11. What a lovely "to do" list. I love your photography as well.

  12. Paige-
    Thank you for the comment you left me. Yes, I taught kindergarten at CC for 4 years... (2003-2007). I've enjoyed looking at your blog! The pictures of your girls are just BEAUTIFUL!!! I see we have something in common too... a LOVE for Seaside! Pure heaven! :o)

  13. I love the Chronicles of Narnia and they are enjoyable reading. The Harry Potter series I totally enjoyed and I found a lot of spiritual lessons as far as the battle between good and evil (ie Eph 6). I also am doing a Chronological reading this year, along with another kind that reads in the New and Old and Psalms and Gospels each day. I like to do both--it is refreshing. Blessings on you in the new year.

  14. These beach pictures are beautiful. Wouldn't these make beautiful scrapbook pages. What a cutie pie.

  15. She's getting sooo big...I'm tryiing to declutter too!!!
    Have a happy New Year my love...


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