Wednesday, January 23, 2008

a love language & a long post

Recent treasures from those i love~~~
-my sweet hubby came home with a box of yummy paula deen goodies--several seasonings & biscuit mix from her restaurant
Lady & Sons in Savannah.
dearest life long friend, while at the Atlanta market visited with Victoria Mackenzie-Childs-they shared precious stories just about life really, loss, moving on etc. She knows I love that line & shared with me some special stories from VMC. She then ran into Wendy Addison-knowing I've been a fan of hers & all her glittery wonder, she brought me a signed glittery keychain ornament.
That day , both of those thoughtful gestures from 2 people I love dearly, albeit small in nature spoke largely to my heart.
The next day I was able to exchange overdue Christmas with another precious friend. We are both huge
anthro fans--she handed me a huge box from there filled with this wonderful bowl, little silver tree & funky kitchen towel. The girls have collected ornaments from coton colors and she gave me the adorable friendship one. too fun.

They say everyone has a love language---a form that when expressed has a way of making you genuinely feel loved, accepted, & appreciated. They include physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, & gifts. When I look back on moments or special times with loved ones I remember the card sent, the way a gift was wrapped in the special way, a box of cookies when i was in labor, an amy grant cd that had been dropped off while i was at school, from the simple to the extravagant those special gifts fill the space in my heart.
They also say its easiest for us to love others by using our own gift but in actuality the most effective way is to discover what makes the object of your affection tick?
Does that little girl feel most special when you carve out time in your day to spend with just her? Does he feel loved & respected most in those moments when you verbally affirm him? Does that precious friend feel loved when you cook her dinner or clean her home while she's at the hospital with a sick relative?
While all forms of love are wonderful, it seems to connect on a deeper level when we discover what love language speaks loudest to those we cherish.

The last time it snowed in Atlanta was 5 years ago.
While we weren't completely blanketed in fluffy white loveliness, we enjoyed our "snow day" none the less!

One of my girlfriends asked me the other day why I blog? Initially I began as a way to journal the simple thoughts & events in my family. A fun place to keep photos & memories together. Somedays I may have just a silly photo , while other days my heart is heavy. But one aspect which I never planned was the connection with other women. Many of whom I love to be inspired by spiritually and those who creatively inspire me.
In the last week however many sweet precious tender things have also occured that I treasure deeply.
I have connected with a young mommy, widowed 2 weeks ago. Having been there myself I hope to come along side & encourage her. Sometimes there are no words, but just knowing someone's 'out there' who understands brings comfort. I see many of you doing that for others all the time.
I have prayed for a new blog friend via private emails shared about a difficult time in her life right now. I think sometimes its just easy to share with someone that's not in your daily life--a fresh 'someone' with an objective perspective.
I have been honored to pray for a young mommy whose baby girl is currently in the hospital awaiting results of some tests.
I was humbled to receive a couple of comments from women who had questions or doubts about their walk with the Lord & felt inspired by something I said. While I take no glory for that one, I am fully aware and am amazed that the Lord can use a medium such as typepad or blogger. And to reap the benefits of joining others whether in a laugh, a shared hobby, or even in prayer I consider that a blessing .

I treasure each of you that I've had the priveledge of connecting with this last year as i began blogging.
May you have a wonderful day
(especially because you made it through my lengthiest post ever-ha!)
Next post promises to steer clear of heavy thoughts!


  1. After reading your blog today, I immediatley thought of this poem I received from a friend and thought you would enjoy reading it.

    I Appreciate your Gift

    It's not the gifts that I receive
    that end up meaning the most to me;
    It's the joy it brings, the special thought, with which the gift to me was brought.

    It's not the gifts that can be bought that becomes life's little treasures;
    It's gifts that come from the heart, the ones that can't be measured.

    It's the gifts of friendship, tried and true, that become life's gifts of gold;
    These gifts of kindness can't be bought for they're too precious to be sold.

    Author unknown

  2. Beautifully written. I agree. My blog has connected me both in public and privately with real women. Loved reading your post today.

  3. Paige,
    Thanks for your post today. It really spoke to my heart.
    You seem so "real". I feel you really have a sincere heart.
    I thank you for that.
    I'm glad I came across your blog several months back. I check it every day to see what new thoughts might be posted.
    Have a blessed day.
    Jackie Carl

  4. Paige~
    You are so "positive"-ly wonderful. Thank you...

  5. Hey Paige~
    I just listed you in my current blog - I hope you don't mind...I think you're just what the dr. ordered.

  6. You my lifelong kindred friend are precious! Sorry, the key was not wrapped worthy of remembering (yikes!), but Wendy Addison wrapped the fun sparkly thing while talking with me. So, know the wrapping was not necessarily beautiful, but the conversation that surrounded it was. Love to you my precious friend. Thank you for sharing your heart. Your life and the love you give is just a true gift.

  7. You are amazing, Paige, and quite possibly one of the most beautiful women i've met!

    Keep your spirit bright and your heart true!

  8. Such a beautiful post...I enjoyed every word. I love what you had to say about love, so true. Enjoy your wintry/snowy mix...and thanks for your writing. I'm glad to be a part of the blog circle you've created.

  9. love this post. thank you for sharing it. i too have made connections with wonderful ladies. i wish i could have you all over for a party. you are a precious inspiration to me. i love all your little goodies. they speak my love language. bless you for your generosity of spirit and know that there is someone in blogland who loves you.

  10. Thought you might like to check out this blog. Very inspiring for us ladies.

  11. Can I add that you are a beautiful soul. I am so grateful to call you my lifelong friend and share this journey of life. To pray with you, laugh with you, share with you, to just be me with you and even shed tears with you. I am blessed. Hope your day is filled with really sweet twinkles.

  12. Oh my goodness! I am so glad that you blog. I feel as though I learn something everytime I come here. How wonderful that you can be there for the widowed mommy. I cannot imagine how difficult that would be and what a blessing it would be to have someone like you to guide one through such a time. God is using you to help others. Blessings to you Paige. I am so glad that I have "met" you here:)


  13. Paige, I just adore you! your writing is inspiring. I so look forward to new posts. You are a breathe of fresh air. I don't mind lenghty posts at all. Keep on doing what you are doing. Bless you.
    The snow was fun wasn't it?? I have some fun pics on my blog too. I hope we don't go another five years before we get more!


  14. Paige,
    I have been reading your blog for a few months now, but have never commented. I love your positive outlook on things and reading your posts always leaves me feeling encouraged. Thank you for doing that :)

  15. Lovely...pure, from the heart and full of wisdom. I get so much from your blog-not just creative inspiration but positive messgaes that honestly affect me as I go about my day.

    Yours is an uplifting place to come...


  16. Paige! You are incrediable! I just wanted you to know that! Bless you and your beautiful soul! sending hugs your way!

  17. Paige, you are such a beautiful and heartfelt writer! Your photos are like masterpieces of your life. I always look forward to seeing them.
    you are a blessing!

    Teresa McFayden

  18. Paige,

    Add me to the list of people who are glad you blog! I love visiting and always come away thinking what a lovely person you are...what a wonderful wife, mother, and friend you seem to be! You are an inspiration!


  19. i love the connection between all of us too! you have a beautiful heart paige!

  20. I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I love hearing your stories. I did not know you were widowed before. The Lord has been good. You are a blessing to me friend. ~Rachelle

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Blessings upon blessings. That's what you give and what you receive in return. Beautiful post.
    Hugs, H

  23. thank you so much paige. you truly touch me more than you know.

  24. I love this post! Isn't it amazing the people that you come in contact with through a blog!

    I also love your snow pictures!!

  25. Every one of your posts is such an inspiration to me Paige. Blessings to you. Cammy

  26. Love your blog! I saw your comment on my friend's blog (Heather Heaton) and stopped by to check it out! It's wonderful and I was so inspired by your words.


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