Tuesday, January 29, 2008

as promised...

a light hearted post today--
i wanted to share one of my oil paintings. i am in my second year of class & i love it. sometimes on a rainy cold morning i want to just stay home in my jammies ( being the homebody that i am) but i do love it once i get there. i love to feel the brush against the canvas.
i love to smell the oil paints and especially the cleaner (no surprise there!)
& enjoy the classical music playing in the background.
this snap shot was taken a couple of summers ago in a wonderful sunflower field with sweet Caroline as my little model. below is the painting. most of the paintings i've done are just propped up in my closet....but this one i do enjoy & it makes me smile so it actually made it to the wall!
okay, so i fell way behind in the scrapbook kits once the holidays rolled around. decided i needed to cancel my beloved Jenni Bowlin monthly kit & just get caught up with some of the many projects & papers i already have. i find that when i feel rushed i just throw a layout together just to "get it done" & of course that's not what i want to do. i still prefer my simple one photo 12x12 pages but hopefully without the pressure of 'keeping up' i will be able to just enjoy the process. below are some from the November kit. the first is an all out scraplift from Jenni--just a bold faced 'almost' copy!

thank you precious friends for all your warm comments on the last post. i treasure each one.
may you have a blessed day
i promised a light hearted post, unfortunately i can't do it completely. -- a precious friend of mine buried her 13 year old baby girl saturday after a 3 month battle with cancer. this precious mother is truly remarkable....her gracious spirit, her kind gentle voice, her strong faith. she is choosing to praise the lord in this storm. she entered in her post last night that she & her husband are in a new ministry--one they would not have chosen, but one they were placed in none the less....that of coming along side other parents who have lost a child.
she stated so eloquently---"The ministry I envisioned was that Ashley would be completely healed on this side of heaven and I was going to take her on tour to visit the youth groups who had been praying for her so that the kids could see a walking miracle of God. Instead, He chose to completely heal her on the other side and allow her life to impact the world. It is up to John and I to continue to walk closely w/God and to do the work He has called us to do...even with huge broken hearts! "--amazing grace, that's what that is my friends, amazing grace. Gods grace is present tense. He gives us the grace we need at the exact moment we need it. Reading what this precious mother wrote, you might wonder where that peace comes from. The scriptures tell us that He gives us peace that passes all of our understanding. I don't understand how she feels nor will i try to pretend that i do. I realize that nothing i say could bring her any comfort but I do realize the our Heavenly father can & will take care of her & the rest of her family. I realize that one day she will see that precious child again--free from her cancer & free from her pain. until then~please remember them in your prayers~


  1. Paige~
    You are quite talented...I LOVE the painting. I will keep your friend in my prayers.

  2. Wow--shivers up my spine reading about the strong faith and understanding that family has so quickly after their daughter's death. It is inspriring. I will pray for them.

    Your painting is beautiful. you are such a talented woman.


  3. Be proud of your painting--it's beautiful! And thank you for sharing the story of the young teen girl. My prayers will assuredly be with that mom and dad.

  4. I love the painting. Its beautiful.

  5. Thank you for sharing...first, your work, which is beautiful. second, your friend...what a beautiful sentiment that your friend and her husband have expressed. I cannot imagine that kind of strength, and my hearts go out to them and everyone who is mourning their precious girl.

  6. Oh Paige! How talented you are! I've always wanted to paint like that. I absolutely love that painting. Your scrapbook pages are beautiful too. I think you should frame some of those also. Thank you for sharing your friends' story. I will continue to lift them up in prayer. I recently lost a very dear friend to cancer, a young mother with 5 young children. Her family is also praising God and being such an inspiration through all of their pain. My heart is deeply touched by their loss. Keep painting and share more, please.

  7. Wow -- beautiful painting - you are so talented! And I love your scrapbook pages too.

  8. What a precious painting.
    Love it !

    Jackie Carl
    Marion, IN

  9. I will certainly be praying for that family.

    I LOVE your painting! I too paint, but have never taken a class. I think I just might put that on my list of things to do one day. Wow!! You have really done an awesome job on that!

  10. Paige, You have an amazing talent. Your painting is breath taking.

    My heart goes out to your friends. I can't imagine losing a child. They sound incredibly strong though and have found a way to make great strides in a time of despair. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

  11. Your picture is incredible!! What talent!

    I will keep your friends in my prayers.


  12. Wow what a lovely painting and your layouts are great as well. I have just found your blog and looking forward to reading more.

    I know it is some months down the track but my heart goes out to your friends. We will not always understand how and why things happen but to continue to walk in grace through the storm is the only answer.

    Pennie in Oz


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