Saturday, December 29, 2007

Shabby Chic!

So today we all headed out to the mall to spend Christmas money & giftcards. We have a signature Shabby Chic boutique that opened here in Atlanta just a few weeks ago!!!
Oh happy day!
I think I could have just sat there & soaked it all in for quite a long time
( they even had corinne bailey ray playing) is good!
Enjoy some eye candy....sorry these all turned out so goldy yellow

After a run to Anthropologie to spend my giftcard ( that sweet man!), a quick ride on Macy's Pink Pig, way too many other shops , & a yummy lunch at Crescent Moon-we called it a day!
A great day with everyone.

I told my sweetie that I felt this had been an all around wonderful Christmas season. Even though things were a little busy with all the ballet everything really fell miraculously into place. No one was sick, no goofy family crisis, a great Christmas Eve program at our church & just several super events together as a family. We don't spend ( nor do we have ) loads & loads of money at Christmas. Santa just fills the stockings & we try to get each of the girls a "wow" gift ( wow to them anyway) and few other goodies that they've asked for. I felt like they were all really happy with their treasures.

We are blessed & I don't take any of those blessings for granted.

~~Happy New Year~~


  1. Paige! What a FAB store...I have to look and see if I have one around or near Sacramento! Those were lovely photos! But I have to ask...what is 'the pink pig?' and has your littest one grown another 2 inches...she looks a bit taller in that last photo! Amazing how they grow over night almost. My darling nephews and niece are sprouting like beans! Paige dear wishing you and your beautiful family a blessed New Year! HUGS!

  2. Paige...I am SO JEALOUS! I want to go the th Shbby Chic store!! I just may havet to come to Atlanta!

    I am glad that you had a wonderful Christmas.

    Have a blessed New Year!


  3. Ooooo, I bet it was hard to resist the after Christmas sales.

    I'm so happy that your Christmas was wonderful.


  4. look at you amazing Christmas spectacular and bounty...Happy New Year Paige..Love, Jennifer

  5. thank you so much for sharing your trip to shabby chic. i am going home next week and plan on making a trip to shabby chic. can't wait! happy new year!

  6. Paige---Happy New Year! I wish we had the Shabby Chic store near us but i know there is online, thanks for sharing great pics. peggy

    my first blog

  7. So yummy! Happy New Year!

  8. Hello Paige,
    I just found your blog thru Home Daisy/Cottage Bethy(?). I saw on your profile where you lived and it turns out that we go to the same church and know at least one mutual person. I emailed my friend and asked if she thought your name was familiar and she said that you lived in the same n'hood as her mom.
    Small world, huh?
    Thanks for sharing about the Shabby Chic store. Oh, I used to live right around the corner from you, near Gwin Oaks, but now am in Dacula.
    Happy New Year!

    athomeelise at yahoo dot com

  9. Yay, glad to hear you were able to browse through one of my fav shops, Shabby Chic. I have been to the shop in Chicago and to the Malibu shop that is a 20-30 minute drive from my home. When I step in the door, my blood pressure goes down, I'm sure of it! Yet, my heart races with all the ideas, new products. . . .my heart is racing just talking about it!

    Found you blog from Restyled Home. Hope you stop by my blog/website to say hello! Cindy


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