Thursday, December 20, 2007

Her prayer last night.........

dear jesus

thank you for this day & for this food

we are so excited that it's almost Christmas

& that means its almost your birthday!

hope you have a great day in heaven


I have just a couple random things to share...there is a great shop in Virginia Highlands

( a fun & funky little area located in downtown Atlanta) named Mooncake

... this was their Christmas open house flyer

.... isn't it just precious!a few weeks ago I found these

fun old mercury glass little votives

~ i placed a couple here and there~

they are so pretty , all twinkley in the candlelight.

My oldest three girls all attended the same preschool. Each Christmas the 4 year old class made these adorable painted hand wreaths...they place them on a little dowel to be hung. I had my mother in law make them into little pillows.

Honestly, any hand print painting of those baby girls is a priceless little treasure.

now -on a completely light & embarassingly material note....( see i even used the smallest font!)

Last year my bible study had an ornament swap. If you've purchased anything from Mackenzie childs than you are familiar with their signature black & white checked ribbon & cream gorgeous giftboxes. Well, my girfriend began to open this little number--as soon as I saw the checkered tissue & ribbon I started flipping out--i think i stopped way did someone bring this ornament to a swap! My girlfriend had no idea what was inside. Before she even finished opening it she sooooooooooooo sweetly & generoulsy said, "i think you need to take this home".

I'm certain I heard the hallelujah chorus in the background! My precious friend that had brought it to the swap shares the same affection for MC as I do & knew it would magically end up in a home that would treasure it! oh happy day!

I feel sorta guilty sharing that with you on the same post as my little one's heart felt prayer....but we all have our weakness right?

I also want to thank Carolyn Peeler
for the sweet blog love today! I have been a fan of hers for some time & am honored to be included in her post! Thank you sweet Carolyn!

Lastly I'd like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas!!

(thank you kristin & tracy....xo!)


  1. What I love is that little children pray to God, not in order to impress or say the perfect wording for others to hear. Instead they are simply beautiful and just to Jesus, as to know that He is their very best friend and so unselfish. I pray we all find that kind of prayer in us. Gentle in words and heartfelt. Loving the pictures as always. Have a wonderful day my friend.

  2. Your daughter is so precious!

    Just had to tell you, my daughter works in the Highlands. She is a senior at Emory and has worked at one of the nicer Italian restaurants there for a couple of years. We love that neighborhood and they have the cutest boutiques there. I sure hated it when they cut all the trees down this summer though.
    Love your blog!

    Have a blessed holiday!

  3. Merry Christmas Paige. What a great post. I love those pillows! omgosh, what keepers those are....and the merc. glass. love it...and that prayer by your daughter. wow. so priceless. god bless you all. xo

  4. What a precious prayer! That ornament is SO dreamy!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh Paige! Thank you for that dear post! You littlest really says it best! And congrats on the blog love from Carolyn!

  6. What a sweet prayer! Your daughter is absolutely adorable.
    I have those same hand print wreaths and you've just given me the best idea ~ making them into pillows. Thank you! I've hated having them stuffed away in a box to only come out at Christmas time.
    Have a blessed day!
    Sandy :)

  7. Oh I love this one. Caroline is too sweet. Love the MC ornaments! And I collect mercury glass (and have been for over 10 years--before it became so popular) I LOVE the votives.

    Simply devine. Mary Christmas!


  8. merry christmas, my friend :)

  9. Sweet prayer...out of the mouths of babes! (Love, love, love the ornament too!!) We wish a most blessed Christmas Day to you and your family from both of ours.

    Merry Christmas,
    kari & kijsa

  10. your blog is so beautiful! but not as beautiful as your 4 girls! i have ALWAYS wanted 4 daughters- sometimes when i say that to people i get funny looks. so far, we have been blessed with one FABULOUS daughter who i thank God for daily. my prayer is that she will have sisters to share her life with- what a gift siblings are! i LOVE it when my daughter prays! isn't a child's prayer just the best sound in the world?!
    thanks for sharing all the lovely photos of your home! i have really enjoyed them! happy holidays to you and your beautiful family, karri

  11. Paige, I just came onto your blog, my heart skipped a beat when I read your daughters prayer to God. As a mother it moved me , my girls are now 14 and 11. I am started to remember them as little and miss it but this age is filled with wonderful memories to, and your blog has helped me to see the simple and life moments that are to be treasured. As I sit here early this morning in the White Mountains of NH, reading your blog your thoughts I have to say I feel like we are friends in spirit, we have the same likes, and feelings about God and our families. Thank you for sharing your heart with the world. Hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

  12. thank you peggylee, what a lovely sweet comment to begin my day with.
    merry christmas & happy new year to you too

  13. I've been reading your blog for a few months, and I'm amazed and inspired by you. I'm still working on getting to all of the previous blogs. I was raised a christian, but there was a lot of mixed messages of what was right and wrong. Getting to know you through your blog has showed me that being true to God is the most important thing. I'm still in a struggle with what being a christian is, but your faith has taught me a lot. Thank you so much.

  14. Oh thank you Paige, I am here again reading your older blogs and listening to the music, so inspirational to my spirit. You has such a way with words, words of wisdom is what I would call it. Thanks if you want to email me at you can. life is amazing.

  15. that angel photo and her prayer are precious paige! so sweet!

  16. just an fyi in case anyone wondered.....
    i do not have a connection with the above comment ( even though i probably need an ab diet)& there is not a blog profile available.
    i did not open the website nor would i encourage you too.

  17. Your little one's prayer is so special and what a sweet little angel she makes. Thosse mercury votives are gorgeous and the MacKenzie Child ornament you got in the swap is fabulous. Hope you and your family are enjoying this holiday time.

    xo jeanne


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