Friday, December 14, 2007

Wrapping it up....

Braved the mall yesterday to pick up a few more items I was afraid might sell out....thank goodness all but one thing was found. Had to run into Antrhopologie ( of course) & found they were giving out super cute package toppers. Last year they gave yarn balls with felt snowflakes...precious.

This year ~ white yarn fluff pictured below.

Tried to add some color to this years wrapping. Never found exactly what I wanted as far as wrapping paper but love the red poka dot with Martha Stewarts yummy tiffany blue ribbon. The rest I used all whites with gold & silver. Last year I wrapped everything in white paper....again , a big snoozer for the kids!

Found these little boxwood wreaths on sale at Ballards & I may have to keep these up past the 25th ! Put a couple in the kitchen...

& a couple in our master bedroom.
Would love one of Cody Fosters glittered homes ( find those cuties at room service home or christmas traditions) but they are $$$.

Found this little cutie at marshalls for $6--fit the budget for sure!
Know you're tired of the mantel & the white frames...& yes its been redone a few times.

Ended up with some fresh garland & I'm happy now.

Found one of charlotte lyons ornaments the other day...her line is so cute.
Decided to frame it in my favorite old ceiling tile frame in front of sheet music I used when I was little.

This is the last weekend for Madison's performances. Each show this weekend will have a live orchestra & is sold out! Precious memories for sure.

Have a blessed day!

Please note--last photo used by permission richard calmes


  1. LOVELY! Every touch, every bow, every beautiful christmas merry in your home. I am calling Country Living to get them to come to your home next year. I love how you care so much to make your home lovely and to all the bloggers that read Paige's blog.....her home is even more lovely in person! Have a blessed and merry hopeful kind of Christmas weekend. GO Madi! I pray she does wonderfully and enjoys this lasts weekend of performances to the fullest! Love to you friend, K

  2. So pretty. Love the red + blue combos in your packaging. I suddenly feel a strong need to go to Anthropologie.

    Just discovered your blog & look forward to having more time to check it out soon. :)

  3. What pretty little holiday details all throughout your home.

    I really love all the beautiful little toppers on your Christmas presents. Makes the gift even more special when it comes wrapped up so wonderfully.

    Happy holidays!


  4. You are making me salivate over here! I LOVE taking the time to wrap everything beautifully and think out my wrapping scheme. Not gonna happen this year. I am knee deep in 18 month old hood life. I just need to take a deep breath and love where I am at in life. I will have time again to pay attention to the details someday ...I will... (I am trying to convince myself;) I am lucky if I even get things wrapped this year.

    Also LOVE the little wreaths. I may try to order some if they are not sold out yet. And...LOVE the cottage from Marshalls. Good find! Okay I have rambled enough here.


  5. ummm...i need to get on the ball. you are putting me to shame :)

  6. Miss Page Merry Merry Christmas, your home looks sooo beautiful...unreal....thanks for sharing the seasons goodness with us...Love, Jennifer

  7. oh paige! everything is so beautiful! can you come over to my house and decorate it? i love the little wreaths and how sweet that you have the sheet music from childhood. thanks for sharing. you've inspired me. its been so hot here that i just haven't been into decorating much.(not that i'm complaining, its been wonderful.) i needed a little shot inspiration.

  8. I love the wreaths! I also love your beautiful packages. Unfortunately, I am in Kim's boat -- I have a 16 month old and my packages aren't very pretty this year!

  9. love seeing all these, Paige! especially that one in the tin, my fav for sure! ;)

  10. Beautiful presents!!! I love admiring gorgeous wrapped gifts under a tree. It just adds a special touch, a warmth to the room. And who doesn't love opening gifts that are so lovely to look at. Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Beautiful pics! (And, wonderful choice of songs too.)

  12. Just stumbled across your blog from 3 Peanuts. I do so love Antrhopologie! Your house is an inspiration! I will visit here again for sure!

  13. Your home is so beautiful and the photography...incredible!

    Merry Christmas blessings,

    kari and kijsa

  14. Everything is so Lovely! And the white frames just look so crisp!
    Seasons Greetings!
    Sandra Evertson

  15. hi paige - i just did my anthro damage (i mean shopping) today - so fab! love the little house you found at marshalls - i'll have to go! looks like you could even add some of your own decorative touches to it - fun!
    wishing you a merry, bright, and blessed christmas! xo

  16. So beautiful! Absolutely loved everything- your home looks so soothing. I just found your blog and you better believe I'll be back. PS - Would love to know where you found the adorable polka dot paper!

  17. Love it all! I just adore your blog!

  18. Your home looks amazing and I'd love one of everything!! Honestly, I love each and every item!

    You've inspired me to wrap my presents a little nicer...


  19. Oh, how lovely your wrappings are Paige! Beautiful! I also ran into Anthropologie to pcik something up and had it wrapped with that fluffy thingy too! Love it!


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