Monday, August 27, 2007

Jack & Luke

One of my dearest friends gave birth to 30 week preemies 4 weeks ago.
I was asked to do a photo chronology of their growth & development while they stayed in the NICU & transitional nurseries.....what an honor!!
They are doing absolutely fabulous!!
2 little miracles.
I have gone each week to take photos & I'm amazed to see their progress each time.
Their family is one of great faith. This pregnancy has been a testimony to the power of their prayers.
Mama gave me the "ok" to share these little images so I proudly introduce.....
Jack ~~3 days old with daddy peeking in the isolette--I love that image!

Sweet little man!

Jack holding daddy's finger--3 days old

Mommy and Luke (oh, I think!) 3 weeks old

Precious toes
Luke at 3 weeks

mommy & daddy with little Jack

Little Luke last night. They just began to wear clothes this week!! so sweet!!

Psalm 139.13 -14

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!


  1. Perfect trust to walk in faith, perfect babies, perfect family, perfect verse, perfect friend to photograph life. The hand image made me melt. They will cherish this gift that you have given them. Love to you my friend.

  2. You photos are stunning! And thank you for sharing such a testiment of their faith. God had blessed them twice over. I am praying for this little family. I feel very honored to view their story...

  3. How precious they are! i don't think I've ever seen such pretty premies. True blessings!

  4. So sweet...
    Once again I am reminded of how blessed we were 23 years have our twinnie boys...weighing in at 18 lbs 3 oz total...
    At the time, I did not consider all that could have happened and did not.
    God is good...all the time.
    Thank you for sharing these photos and reminding me to thank God once again.
    Keep us all posted with updates of these little angels.

  5. What a terrific friend you are! They are beautiful! Our Big Girl was a preemie at 5 lbs. :)

  6. What little miracles! Thank you for sharing these precious pictures!

  7. Precious little miracles! Love your blog...I found it via Enchanted Cove. Off to read more of your blog.

    Cathy @ Domestic Bliss

  8. I'm so glad she let you share them! They are just so tiny and perfect.
    Aaron was a preemie. I still look at those tiny little clothes am amazed that he was ever that small!

  9. Such beautiful and touching photos. Thanks for sharing.

  10. wonderful job! they are such little miracles!

  11. beautiful work! just stunning!

  12. precious are they and that sweet family. god bless them all. your photo shoot will be worth gold to them one day paige. just amazing.

  13. Pure sweetness. They are little blessings and how wonderful you are documenting their growth so the family will always have those images to look back on.

    Blessings to those sweet babies and their parents.


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