Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My sweet Emily Austin

Happy birthday my sweet girl. 11years old--it seems like yesterday.
I found out I was pregnant with you on new years eve....just days before your daddy found the lump. The lump that would later prove to be metastatic melanoma. I often refer to you as my angel baby....had we not have gotten pregnant right when we did, there may have been no you.
Daddy was very sick the entire time I was pregnant with you. He loved the name Emily. Which worked perfect with me. My first madame alexander doll was named Emily.
We were going to induce labor around daddy's chemo schedule. He did fine until the day you were born. Its like he was waiting to make sure YOU were ok. From that night on he quickly went down hill. He passed away when you were 10 weeks old...but you looked just like him! What a special gift from the Lord. As you grew we saw how much you resembled his favorite relatives....
happy & cheerful
and full of joy!
Seems like you've lived a lifetime already for such a young girl. I can't image "us" without "you". You are the tender soul in a busy house of chatter box girls. You have a forgiving spirit that often times amazes me. You are so loyal. You certainly are the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. You still hug me in public...melts my heart everytime. When you & I go on walks together, you reach out to hold my hand.
I hope you know I am so proud to be your momma.
I am always here for you.
Daddy Gregg looks down from Heaven each day & is full of love for YOU>

Happy Birthday angel baby.


  1. Hello Paige!

    Your daughter is beautiful! My husband and I just returned from a vigil at a brand new abortion clinic getting set to open in "our Neighborhood"!!!! What a beautiful affirmation for me to see the celebration of your daughters life ,especially under such challening conditons. Thank You Paige!
    (i found you thru my etsy mail...if you are a different Paige, Please know how much I have enjoyed your post and my heart goes out to You in all of your glorious strength. I will visit often and may I put you on my "Pretty Places" list?
    With Kindness,

  2. What a touching story! I just found your blog through someone else's and I think I'll take a look around!

  3. Hi Paige,
    What a lovely tribute to your daughter, and how sad that she never got to know her Dad. I was so touched by that story, and happy that you have found happiness again and a new father for your sweet girls.

    God bless, and Happy Birthday to Emily!!


  4. Happy happy birthday sweet girl. I am thrilled to know someone as special as you has one of my birthday hats. Wear it like the specail girl you are!!!

  5. happy birthday dear Emily! Paige your little girl is beautiful and your story left me with tears in my eyes. What love poured from that story, as sad it is that she never got to know her dad through his have done him proud...just look at her. She a symbol of everything good and godly! Thanks again for touching my heart with your family! God Bless you inspire me!

  6. Emi,
    Sweet, sweet tender friend of mine that I met only a couple of days old. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you sweetness, joy and amazing giggles and laughter to be in your life always and pray for God to gently and boldy be in the center of your soul all the days of your ife. You are growing up with such grace and I want you to know that I just adore you little friend of mine and think you are just well....wonderful!

  7. What a touching birthday tribte to share. Thank you so much. She is simply beautiful.

  8. This is a touching post! Happy and sad all at once! Happy Birthday to Emily...she is just beautiful.

    My favorite book is Little Women and reading about each of your girl's personalities just reminds of it. :)
    You are very lucky to have them. (and they you!)

  9. What a sweet birthday present! It brought tears to my eyes. What an amazingly strong and close family you must be. Your girl will remember this and treasure it for the rest of her life.

    Happy Birthday, Emily!!!! :0)

  10. Happy Birthday to Emily! Happy Happy Day!

  11. Happy birthday, sweet spirit, Emily! Here are birthday wishes for this to be your best year yet!

    Paige, I would like to say 'hello' and offer how much I admire you for your story. How wonderful God has blessed you again. Thank you for sharing a part of your story with us.

    I am new to your blog and I want to thank you for visiting mine!! I love your blog...I looked around for a while...and your photos are just beautiful. May I ask what type of camera you use? Thank you for taking the time to leave your nice comment and I have added you to my 'favorites' I'll be stopping by now! : )

    God bless all of you!

  12. Hi Paige,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and for the nice comments.
    What a touching story. Happy Belated Birthday to Emily!!
    I love your blog!

  13. Happy Birthday, Emily!! What a beautiful little girl, what a sweet soul. I hope she has a wonderful 11th year!

  14. Happy belated birthday to your little one!
    You have such beuatiful children :)

  15. What a wonderful post! It made me teary. Emily is so beautiful, happy belated birthday!

    your etsy friend,


  16. Paige, I don't even know what to write. I am so touched by your words. Happy birthday to your sweet, darling Emily. Cammy

  17. I am so sad for what you had to live through, but I am inspired by your positive outlook.
    I cannot imagine how hard life was for you in those moments.

  18. Paige,
    Your story and words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for giving me a new outlook on the day, and for reminding me that each moment truly is a gift. What an amazingly strong woman of faith you are!!!
    I make these super cute Car Monograms and sell them at and I'd love to make YOU one, for the impression your story has left with me. Just email me and let me know your initials and what font and color you want. Warmly, Electra

  19. I did not intend the above post to sound spammy- sorry! Paige, there was no way to contact you directly from your blog, and I really wanted to do this for you after reading this amazing post- if that was in poor blog etiquette, I apologize! I didn't know any other way to get my website to you, and I knew from your comments on another blog that you wanted your own car monogram! Warmly, Electra

  20. hi paige - and happy belated birthday to your sweet emily!
    wow, i knew you were an amazing woman, raising lovely girls, but i had no idea how trully beautiful you were until i read this - so brave, bold, and beautiful! thank you for opening your heart and sharing! (((hugs)))

  21. paige.. I have tears..

    love to you.


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