Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Goodbye summer~~

there shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart

c thaxter

summer '07~

we had days filled with laughter

some with sickness

many with joy

new friendships made

a new addition to the family

the much awaited book 7

a sacred week in seaside

seeing God's hand in each day

each one was a blessing.

a "few" of my favorite summer images.....

(hopefully i've chosen some different ones from earlier posts)

Then followed that beautiful season...


Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;

and the landscape

Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


  1. Sweetness! Loving the one of you and Emi. So great how you tender, love your family.

  2. Sweetness! Loving the one of you and Emi. So great how you tender, love your family.

  3. The pictures and your girls are just beautiful! What a handsome family : )

  4. So sad to see it go here too. Even though its still warm routines and schedules are underway that steal it little by little until the chill fills the air. Beautiful post and a beautiful family. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh my goodness your pictures are just beautiful, of course you daughters are just gorgeous! Loved sharing your blog...I added it to my favorites so I can stop back often!

  6. Your family is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I know you know that already, but I just had to say it.

    There is a little wisfulness in your post...and I am feeling it to as everyone talks about changes in the air and leaves turning. Oh, summer. How I love summer.

  7. What a wonderful collection of those you love. There is so much joy in your photos. Thanks for sharing them, those smiles would melt anyone's heart!

  8. Love this!! What a beautiful family. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. More pictures please!!!! You and the dresses blow me away..Paige you should design a line!!! thanks for your kind words..Love, Jennifer

  10. Your girls are gorgeous...and you do such an amazing job of capturing them! I really enjoy seeing your pix.


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