Hard to believe but the girls do indeed go back in 13 days. Man, where did summer go? Even though our summer playtime is ending the hot weather here in Atlanta is just now starting to really get cooking! As much as I need order, I really have enjoyed ( & always do) just hanging out by the pool with everyone~ sleeping in too! No carpools, no crazy after school schedules. This time each year when all the schedules start solidifying i wonder, "how will i get everyone where they need to be AND get a great meal on the table?" But I know moms all over the world will give me an Amen to that one!

I have hosted a bible study for several years in my home. Definitely a blessing. Definitely a wonderful way to bond between other women . I believe the Lord has given us friendships to encourage one another and to just come alongside each other. But the business of life often competes with time we should make to nurture those relationships. & nurturing them does take a commitment. This year I am hoping to do just that. I decided to take a break from the organized study. I have been blessed with many women in my life who are a few years older than I. They have "been there-done that". I want to spend time with them & discover their secrets. Find out how they transition with children.....especially when they become teens. I know none of them are perfect as they'd be quick to say, but I know I love them & have much to learn from them. The first thing each of them has told me is SIMPLIFY. Learn to say no. Do not make yourself feel like you have to be at the school or church every time the doors are open.
Of course, we need to be involved in our children's lives. Of course we need to be their advocates & their support. But I think we feel guilty if we don't do it all!