Friday, September 24, 2010

me.... on a wednesday

this past wednesday i was mentally exhausted from all the emotions
surrounding virginia's funeral
i was tired of sitting in a car all day
& listening to my thoughts knock around inside my head

but i knew that evening there was only one place i wanted to be

our church has an AMAZING program for the middle schoolers
it stands for living under grace

the purpose is to teach our kids about the amazing love
our heavenly father has for them
make sure they have nailed down in their hearts
at such a pivotal age
that we have a holy god
who is full of grace
& is wildly crazy about each of them

somewhere between 800 and 1000 kids meet up every wednesday night
eight hundred to one thousand

hilarious skits
amazing teaching
worship music that would blow your mind
& sweet sweet small group time

during group time the highschoolers teach the middle schoolers
pouring back into the next generation what they've been taught
i am privileged to be the adult facilitator for the group savannah leads

most weeks i sit and listen to them
i usually get all choked up
i'm so proud of these girls

wednesday night they spontaneously began encouraging each other
every one of them
picked out a character quality about another that meant something to them
over a dozen 13 year old girls loving on each other

when we come back together
all 800-1000 of us
we worship
talk about worship
these kids love the lord unashamedly & with a pure devotion

part of me felt guilty that night
sitting with my daughter
while my friend had buried hers just hours before
but during worship that night
while all 800 to 1000 of us worshiped
i knew viriginia


  1. I think that is a perfect way to heal--to work with young people and bring them closer to God.

    Your family and your friend's family are in our prayers.

  2. when i read about all the wonderful activities your church offers, i feel a little jealous. i know that virginia was worshiping along with you. in a much more powerful way. Hugs!

  3. indeed she is......and she knows Carter!

  4. teary. makes me want to pack my bags asap and move to georgia. what I wouldn't give for my girls to experience all that. especially the worship. that's how i grew up. hands thrown in the air, tears streaming down my face...loving my lord unashamed. as it should be!

  5. This sound amazing. I gasped at the number and thought "what?" and then you said "eight hundred to one thousand
    seriously" and I laughed because it was like you heard me. What an way to experience God and all of His glory...a true blessing. And yes, I'm sure Virginia was dancing along :)

  6. Paige
    I'm absolutely amazed and in awe of your youth group. I truly have never seen such a large group of kids come together in His name on a regular basis. It makes me so happy to see this. Looks like fun too.

  7. Oh paige, this is beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. I am just catching up on blog-land, so I apologize for the tardiness of my sentiments, but pray that you are doing well.

    Be thankful that your family has found a church home that puts so much importance on kids and their relationship with Christ... it's a beautiful thing!

  8. what a perfect night!
    and yes..i noticed the chick fil-a cup;-)
    it was fabulous chatting yesterday!

  9. And I know that Virginia was looking down and smiling.
    What if Heaven was that close. That it was as if a wall of air that we cannot see. To have our family that near, that loved. I know that with your big heart you loved on Ginger well and that if the life situation was reversed that the one place that she would be is singing songs to her Father in Heaven.

    I love Savannah. My first little girl. I see her and my mind quickly goes back to the day she was born and these moments of her being a toddler or young teen. My Sweet Savannah is lovely and I am so proud of the Mamma that she has that is beautiful too just like her daughter inside and out. Love you all! Mwahhhhh!

  10. I have heard about Grace's amazing youth program from many people. How awesome to be such an integral part of it!

  11. god always reach out for different ways...

  12. This sounds like balm to a wounded soul.
    Just what I could use this week, myself.

    I wish we lived closer...

  13. Hello Dear Paige...

    I haven't been able to visit in a while with everything that has been going on in my world. But I'm glad I came always inspire me. Thank you.


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  15. it's saturday morning.
    i just got back from our first of two soccer games for the day.
    i sat down for 10 minutes of looking at blogs.
    and i'm crying.
    love this post.
    love your church.
    love our God.

  16. Hi Paige, this is such a wonderful post!
    Thank you for entering my giveaway, I threw the Paige-notes in the big bowl, fingers crossed!
    Have a happy happy weekend, the first weekend of FALL! xx

  17. An amazing church you have, Paige and so wonderful to see these young girls in worship together, praising God!!

  18. This and the previous posts were very moving.
    Prayers for you and your friend's family.


  19. I would struggle too. I'm so thankful you have the blessing of this amazing youth group - it sounds like it really ministered to you. Yes, Virginia is worshipping and she is absolutely basking in the glory of God!!!!! I will continue to pray for her mom, I cannot even imagine.

    beautiful. beautiful. photos,

    sending hugs & prayers.

  20. I forgot to say THANKS! for replying to my question about the slipcovered sofas. I haven't decided what to do yet but it makes so much sense to have sofas you can sit on without worrying! I love your house, it is totally beautiful and calming.

  21. Is that you up there on stage? This is awesome Paige. Will goes to two youth groups each week at church. And I am so grateful that he has that.

  22. Absolutely
    precious, Paige!
    You are right,
    MS is such a
    pivotal time.
    This program
    sounds amazing
    and I wish our
    church had one
    this strong.
    Still praying
    for sweet Virginia
    and all who loved
    xx Suzanne

  23. what a wonderful place to be with your daughter and to take part in that with her
    I'm so sorry for your friend's loss as well as yours too with Virginia


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