Monday, September 27, 2010

her senior homecoming

what a super fun weekend!

savannah & bailey have been besties for several years

bailey is precious to me
i have considered it an honor to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman
who's love for the Lord continues to bloom
i am so proud of her
( & she's just been accepted to Ole Miss!!)

i have files of photos of these two from various occasions
but saturday i captured what are certainly my most favorite pictures of them

we had a little bit of time before the boys arrived
to get some gorgeous shots

i've said it hundreds of times
but i'm so proud of this child of mine

 the obligatory "we're so mad ya'll are late shot"...ha!

this is savannah's other "best friend"
trevor is such a great guy

one of the things i've tried to encourage my girls to do
is hold off on the 'boyfriend' thing
to not find themselves in a committed relationship at such a young age
blah blah blah

anyway...i couldn't be prouder of savannah's choice
she held off on the boyfriend gig until a few months ago
& he's a winner

they had a fantastic evening
making memories
they will never forget


i want to share just a tiny bit about trevor's family~

this weekend in atlanta the weather was glorious
a far cry from a year ago

trevor's home was devestated in the floods that ravaged atlanta almost a year ago to date
at one point, their home was under 15--FIFTEEN--feet of water

this family is amazing
actually....that word doesn't even begin to touch the character of his parents

trevor is one of two biological children in a home that also has 8 children adopted from russia

his mom is one of the world's top researchers
on the relationship of HIV/aids and a host of issues facing orphans

after the devastating loss of their young son years ago
the hillis family began their adoption process

honestly, i've never known a family like trevor's

while they are still battling insurance issues on their home
they currently are in a rental home in our area

if you have a few minutes
i'd love for you to see their application
to extreme home make over

i think you'll be inspired by this precious amazing family

Hillis Family - Flood Video from Matt Gibson on Vimeo.


  1. paige wow! what beautiful pictures of a beautiful young lady... and the video... WOW! I can't even image... what an a amazing story... brought tears to my eyes! miss you friend... hope you are doing well! :)

  2. What a touching story about Trevor's family. They seem very deserving of an extreme makeover! I'll pray for them! On another note, I LOVE Savannah's shoes :)


  3. Oh Paige, that is unbelievable! Thank you for sharing the video. Is there some way to vote for this family to make it on to the show? If I can help, I'd love to! Your daughter is beautiful- and even though I don't even know her- I can tell she's beautiful on the inside too. Thanks for sharing your family- Have a great week!

  4. what beautiful pictures! those kids will love and appreciate your shots for years and years.

  5. what a touching video...i hope they get picked..that would be amazing.
    fabulous photos...she's a doll!

  6. what a touching story and an amazing family. bless them.

    your daughter - wow. what a gorgous young lady. and her friend is beautiful too. you took some amazing shots paige. love the one of baily laughing and looking away. those kind always tug at my heart.

    have a wonderful day!!

  7. Hi Paige-
    Those girls are beautiful! Great pics Mama!
    Trevor's family is certainly deserving of the home makeover, praying for them. Thanks for sharing!
    Tammy :-)

  8. Wow first off gorgeous photos as always. Love the one with the girls in a row. Too cute!

    And that Trevor story. Oh I hope they make it. They definitely stand a good shot. Their family fits the bill perfectly. I love the adoption angle. I soooo have a heart for adoption. Still working on the hubs with that one.

  9. wow!! what gorgeous girls, and i love all of their dresses and jewels, they look amazing, but trevor's family sounds simply wonderful. looks like she couldn't have picked a more awesome guy!!

  10. That video is so incredibly sad. I wish I had so much that it would be easy to give it away. I hope they get help. Their outlook is incredible and I agree with you...what an amazing family.

  11. Oh my.
    I had the blubbering cry on that video.
    What an amazing family.
    I hope they are considered!

  12. Just WOW to beautiful people in pretty dresses { words to describe to people not only her outer beauty, but her insides far outweigh that of her looks which is hard considering she is gorgeous, but it is true.}, to best friends that you can tell just get one another, to SMK's boyfriend that I hugged last night and felt just like he was there in your family all along. To see that SMK is very much her own person with him, but they get one another. Made me smile for her. And well the beautiful video....I admire his family much as they just live out the love of Christ...literally live it out.

    You all are my blessings and I am grateful!
    I pray always bless you right back.


  13. Darling photos, Paige!

    Looks like your daughter chose well with Trevor, they seem like a wonderful family! :-)

  14. Your daughter is beautiful and so is her friend. What great group pictures. The last one of your daughter and Tfrevor is so cute. What a story about his family. Sure hope they are chosen for the makeover. Great pictures, great memories.

  15. The pictures are amazing and those girls dresses are gorgeous. Trevor's family story is inspirational and you must be so proud at raising a daughter that chooses such a great guy!

  16. So beautiful! The inner joy radiates and even enhances their outward beauty:)

    Trevor and his family sound incredible!! You are raising fabulous daughters, Paige.

  17. Okay...I have sick child home and did not watch the video at first...then came back to watch...and now I have tears streaming down my face!!!!!!!
    The Hillis family seems so incredible and they have been through so much.

    I so want them to get this makeover. I will pray about it and is there anything else we can do????

    What an incredible family. I have no doubt that Trevor is incredible too. They sure are walking the walk.

  18. What an amazing family Trevor's is...I hope their application is accepted...oh my that would be wonderful!

    Gorgeous shots of Savannah and her bestie!!! They are shining as they capture such wonderful shots!!!

  19. Is it just me,
    or do they grow
    the loveliest
    girls in Georgia?!
    Wow! Keeping my
    fingers crossed
    and saying a prayer
    for Trevor's family.
    WHAT a story ~ WHAT
    a family.
    xx Suzanne

  20. Thanks for sharing the video. They look like a wonderful family. Maybe we'll see them again soon on Extreme Makeover. They surely deserve it.

    Love the homecoming photos. Savannah's dress is beautiful. I know you are so proud of her.

  21. Dear Mama,
    I got some awesome shots too
    the Hillis are in my prayers
    I love you

  22. Those pictures are SO amazing, Paige! Your daughter and her friend are just darling!! You capture their spirit so well! I love the lighting/editing of the photos, too!
    The video was so touching and of course made me tear up....I hope the Hillis family is able to make the extreme makeover show....they certainly deserve it!

  23. breathless.. what an amazing story and darling child you have..

  24. What beautiful photos of your sweet girl! She looked stunning:) Wonderful to hear that a fabulous time was had by all:) I have to say, everytime I visit your amazing blog, I go away so inspired to be a better Mum and a better human being. Trevor's family has an amazing story and I wish them all the luck in the world for the extreme makeover! Wishing you a wonderful week sweet Paige ~ Tina xx

  25. Your blog is like a piece of key lime pie in the fridge..I just have to savor it!!!
    I usually read a post then think about it for a day or two and eventually come back read it again and leave a comment.
    The girls are sooo lovely. So poised for their age too! Don't ya love that our girls are being raised so confident and knowing that they can do anything??!!
    I love their dresses.
    Savannah's simple strapless dress with the chandy earrings and Bailey's chic dress with those 'em!!!
    I have watched the video again and again of Trevor's family. Even sent it to a few friends. I tried to post it on fb but couldn't get it to load. :(.
    What a wonderful young man to be her special friend and first boyfriend.
    I will be praying for his Family to get the help they so need and deserve.
    Love the Mercy couch story....
    Blessings for a wonderful Fall day!

  26. Paige - thanks so much for posting this video - trevor's family is an amazing!! I hope and pray they receive the make over.

    Both Savannah & Bailey are gorgeous. Bautiful, lovely girls!!
    Tell Bailey congrats form this Ole Miss fan .. and Hotty toddy to her! ;) Maybe, just perhaps she will meet Connor next year?!!

  27. such beautiful girls. they will remember these photos, long from now.
    and Trevor- bless his family's heart. i do hope they win. prayers sent up.

  28. Oh my -- those two girls are so beautiful - what a special time in her life and yours too!

    Her guy is quite adorable and what a sweet family!


  29. HOW do we get Home Makeover or SOMEONE to help this family with a new home? what can I do . . .? Seriosuly?

  30. Paige: Hello. I am a new follower of your blog. Love, love, love it! I really appreciated your comments about teenage girls "holding off" on the boyfriend until later on in high school. My husband and I are really being tested with this right now (we have four teenagers at home). I would love your thoughts on this, especially with girls! Please email me if you get some free time (funny, I know!) Thank you - Melissa, Louisville KY. (

  31. Oh Paige, you write the most amazing posts ever......truly.

    Your girls are exceptionally beautiful, both physically and spiritually, they all radiant that special something.

    The girls look gorgeous in their dresses, just stunning - you must be beyond proud. You can see they are great the "you're late" shot too, that really made me smile.

    Trevor's family sound AMAZING, what wonderful people. I hope they get chosen.


  32. Sooo fun! She looks GORGEOUS!!! And I LOVE the shoes...sooo cute!
    Trevor looks like a sweet kid and his family sounds amazing...I'm going to watch the video now! :-)


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