Friday, September 03, 2010

crewcuts & swimsuits

ya'll are entirely  too funny
the question i have received more than any other
"how many bathing suits do your girls own"

let's just say caroline has more than 14 less than 20
savannah has even more
she does however also have a job :)

daddy has 2

the dress caroline is wearing in an earlier post
was from crewcuts
you can find it here

several of you asked about the color
its a gunmetal grey , pewter
it looked different in some of the images because of the post processing i ran

i found another dress for you that's super cute
& on sale
you can find it here

the navy ruffled suit is also from crewcuts
i felt ran a tiny teeny bit small
also on sale here

crewcuts has free shipping too :)

obviously when it comes to beach photos
i am not a less is more kinda girl


  1. thank you very much for answering my questions about the suits and the dresses....your crew is full of some serious fashionistas! I'm telling ya...we could all be friends.

  2. This family would look beautiful wearing a brown paper bag!! LOL!!
    Love your top Mom!! I think I have the same one...from TJ Maxx???
    Have a great Holiday weekend!
    Tammy :-)

  3. I love crew-cuts! I have a 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. We have one at a local mall and we have to go there at LEAST 2 times a month! Love, love, love!!!

  4. Great pictures! I love how the youngest is standing on her tip toes to be taller!

  5. It's official...I NEED to go shopping with you. You all look so nice. I'm a more is more kind a gal too. I think I was the only person wearing shorts when I walked around on South Beach this Spring. Heck I might have been the only person wearing a bathing suit top for that matter;) HA! Have a great weekend girl.

  6. Beautiful photos...beautiful family :)

  7. Awww..such a beautiful little family! ;o)

    You would all be gorgeous no matter what you were wearing!


  8. such a photogenic family. you're all so gorgeous! Love crewcuts!!!!!!

  9. Wow! Lots of swim suits. They're super cute though. Love those tippie toes Miss C.

  10. I never get tired of seeing you and your cute family -- esp. on the beach!! :) Funny, your Mr. has one more swimsuit than my Mr. Tennis! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  11. I love your blog !!! You are an amazing photographer.... I also love the music that you have on here it is so great!!! Wishing you a wonderful Labor Day Week End.
    Blessings to you and yours
    Curtis & Sherrie

  12. They will love all having all these photos when they are grown up. So pretty...every single one!

  13. So, so precious,
    Paige! My kids are
    both too big for
    crewcuts catalog,now,
    BUT I have a darling
    niece {you may have
    seen her on my blog}
    and you can BET her
    Auntie ZuZu is heading
    to their web sale, now : )
    Gorgeous pictures, seen
    through any lens, but
    most especially through
    your proud eyes.
    Happy Weekend,
    xx Suzanne

  14. You have the prettiest gaggle of girls, you know that? And I'm including Mama in that bunch, too. :-)

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  15. In my findings as a women you can never have to many swim suits. You never know what mood you will be in that day.

  16. Gorgeous! You ladies should be posing for magazines! Love how you coordinate so well! I love crewcuts! I love shopping for swimwsuits for Myah, not for me so much! Love that Rosemary Beach, so serene!

  17. Darlin' Paige!! What a beautiful bunch of girls you have! And I love, love, love that ruffled dress!

    I told John of your sweet well wishes and prayers...he knows your blog because I'm always bragging to him about your fabulous photos (he's a photographer, you know). Anyway, he was grateful and I just want you to know how grateful I am for real, true friends out their in blogland.

    You really are an inspiration to me, and visiting your blog makes me smile everytime. Thanks for a smile today...I soooooo needed it.

  18. I recently discovered your weblog, and I think you are a very pretty family.
    The foto's of Daddy and his youngest..... so so beautiful!!

    Love from Holland,

  19. You have SUCH a beautiful family! Wow! You are so blessed!!!!

  20. I could just squeeze a tan little girl with pink cheeks!1 They are all beautiful!!

  21. Love crewcuts! They have the cutest dresses and your girls are so beautiful.

  22. What a beautiful family!! I love that pink floral dress - just gorgeous! Happy weekend to you all! :)

  23. Before I comment about your blog post I am going to comment about your BEAUTIFUL little girls!!! You guys are so pretty! I can barely tell you and your girls apart. Either they are getting older and slipping about of your hands, or you look so so so young! Well, I think it is both! You could be 20! Now my blog post comment, let's just say I only have one child and she has one less swimsuit than me which is somewhere near 15. oh, and crew cuts is a great place to get children clothes. I have a 9 year old girl and she is the size of a 7 year old. She is very small. I hope we can get at least 4 more years out of crew cuts! Sorry for the long comment!!!

  24. You have a beautiful family! I also must say that Im happy to finally have found someone who has 4 girls like I do. Its seems all my blog ladies have tons of boys. I have 4 girls and 1 boy and he is my mama's boy at 11 but thats okay with me. Once again beautiful family!

  25. beautiful photos, touched with sun & love :) my fav? you & your girls!


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