Sunday, June 27, 2010

just like you

i'd love to give a shout out to my daughter madison
she has been an absolute delight this summer and a huge helper to me

i feel like i have a built in mommy's helper

madison is always cheerful with me & always asks how she can help

savannah has been lifeguarding this summer & working her tail off

emily, well-lets just say... sweet emi has quite the relationship going on with facebook & is a social butterfly. since she's only 13, i'll cut her some slack

but madison has been the helper extraordinaire

let me roll it out for you....yesterday i had to work all day, as did savannah. dan was visiting his dad in the hospital ( long story for another day). & emily was off with friends. so that left madison & caroline home together. madison is a natural in the kitchen & loves to cook. she googled a recipe for double chocolate chip muffins & made them from scratch. no lie, they may just be the best muffins i've ever tasted. she texted me a photo of caroline licking the bowl, followed by another photo text of their table scape, cute plates & napkins with huge perfectly baked muffins topped with powdered sugar.

they played & had spa time~ each sporting a fantastic manicure. then she covered caroline in sunscreen & packed a picnic lunch. off they went to the pool. monogrammed lunch tote, green tea, peanut butter & marshmallow fluff sandwiches , wheat flavored crackers, cute napkins and silverware, of course.

i came home from work to a spotless house & happy children.

madison has whipped through all the Harry Potter books multiple times. caroline wanted to read the first one this summer. so to help encourage caroline to persevere, madison offered to have a little book club for her where each week they review a chapter together. fantastic!

the list goes on & on

i received a couple calls this week from adults complimenting madison's cheerful disposition & her helpful spirit while helping at bible club and at her cheer practice

thank you sweet girl for everything you do
for me
& for sister

i'm so proud of you

i never had a big sister
but i would have loved one





  1. Wow, what a beautiful daughter you have. A
    Ll the things she did for your other daughter are just plain sweet. You need to clone her, it's hard to find girls like her.

  2. your posts always make me cry...what sweet and precious girls you have!

    you are such a sweet helper to me
    i have fun spending time with you

  4. You've done a wonderful job with your sweet girl!!!
    So happy that she is such a big help to you and so nurturing to her little sissy!

  5. Oh I am going to listen to your playlist while I clean my craft area!

  6. Now I have a wonderful daughter Emily that helps out a ton, but I can use a Madison too. I love that they go to the pool and she has the where with all to put sun screen on Miss C. I swear she looks just like her Mama too (beautiful).
    Hey Madison, want to come to Colorado, I'll pay your way?

  7. She looks lovely. And it sounds like she has an angelic personality.

  8. What a sweet girl! I need a mothers helper....send her my way!!!!!!!

  9. what a precious angel! (and I'm loving that caroline commented here) --

    it's the middle child - we are the sweetest ;)


  10. I adore this!! She's a beauty - inside and out. And you are clearly one fantastic mama for raising her up! Oh, and I totally dig her bag, but that's kind of beside the point...

  11. I never had one, either, but THIS is the kind I would have wanted, for sure! What a kind and wonderful soul AND she is as pretty as her mama. {As pretty on the inside as the outside, as my grandma used to say!}
    You have a right to be PROUD!
    xx Suzanne

  12. she is so wonderful ~ sister and daughter...and what a beautiful post of a beautiful girl!!!

  13. you are an incredible mom..why wouldn't your kids be great.?? great post...

  14. such a sweet post about your daughter! Can you send her to me for a few days! Love your blog so much! thanks for making things beautiful!

  15. So sweet -- what a wonderful daughter and sister! Sounds like a fun summer at your place!


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Wow. That is such a dreamy little story. I just had my first serious-change-your-attitude-offer-to-help-be-thankful talk of the summer with my 7 year old. May I please borrow Madison for a bit? I think both my daughter and I would benefit from her example. What a sweet, beautiful daughter you're raising!

  18. How wonderful to hear that story. Can I borrow her?? :)

  19. What a blessing! So glad to see loving and helpful kiddos.
    Love, Debbie

  20. ...darling Paige! I just adore you and your family Paige! *wiping away a tear*

  21. Paige.... If things don't work out...
    I'm just sayin'.....
    feel free to send her my way.

  22. This makes me kind of teary...she sounds like such a well-rounded and adorable young lady. You are one blessed lady.

  23. yep. brought a little tear to my eye. having such a great kid is a clear description on how you are as a mommy.

  24. Would you post the recipe for the double choc chip muffins?? They sound yummy and I have been trying to make the perfect choc chip muffin believe it or not! Thanks for another wonderful entry! Your daughter is an angel!!! April

  25. I love that you are TELLING her how much you love her and how very proud you are of her! You BOTH are blessed.

  26. The chocolate chip muffins sound yummy!! Would you post the recipe? I have been trying to find the perfect choc chip muffin recipe, believe it or not! Thanks Paige and Madison Grace is precious!!

  27. What a beautiful girl she is!
    She sounds like a keeper! ;)

  28. I am so glad you posted this!
    I am certain in a home of many this helps so very much and to see one of your girls lovin on another has to bring a gentle smile.

  29. what a beautiful person! You have the most adorable children!

  30. Such a beautiful girl...inside and out, it seems! I have one like Madison and she is at camp for 6 weeks. Can you hear me crying the blues??? Love this post!

  31. What a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart. She sounds a lot like her Mom!!!

  32. You are one lucky momma! She sounds like such a doll. Way to go on raising your kiddos so well.

  33. She's just beautiful Paige. Love to see the love for your girls in your words.

  34. She sounds fantastic! I wanna be just like her! :-)

  35. I know you must be so very proud of her! That's great...

  36. What beautiful girls you have Paige, and how sweet a sister is your gorgeous Madison. I would have loved an older sister just like her too! So special:) ~ Tina xx

  37. I just popped in from Rubie's place. She has you on her favorites. This is the 3rd post I've read of yours and I've been teary eyed through every one. I couldn't help but remark on this last one because your daughter is such a pretty girl and it sounds like she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. What a delight teenagers can be when they put their mind to it and what a joy for a mother to be able to feel the love and happiness in her heart that a daughter can bring. I'm loving your blog — back to read more now. Have a great day.

  38. Wow! What a special, special girl. And a blessing to all of you. Her little sister is one very lucky girl!

  39. She is beautiful. I also love that she can carry yellow. what a darling bag. xo


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