Wednesday, June 23, 2010

all over the place

yesterday i finally tamed the beast
referred to as "my inbox"
next task=
organizing my photo files
which are taking over valuable real estate on my hard drive
so i thought i'd use some random photos
& do an entry catch up style

lately i have become obsessed with taking photos of flowers
they sit still & don't complain
while i'm playing around with aperture
they don't mind me taking 700 images of them
in an effort to get it right
{no subliminal message intended for my daughters-wink}
please tell me this is normal behavior

florals give me endless opportunities
to play around with actions & textures

dan & i on Father's Day
the little metallic flats are currently on sale at the Gap
for something ridiculous like 7 bucks
& are super duper comfy

my sweet bff Kristin sent me this rockin cuff bracelet for my birthday
she's so awesome
she remembered that i had posted months ago how much i wanted one
made by carissa

i stuck some candles in the uber cool packaging just for fun

don't we all love trader joes?
even their packaging makes their already yummy food
even more yummy

they don't sell mayfield
but it went with my lemon theme that day

seriously yummy pasta sauce

my current pedicure fave
essie's chinchilly

i love lapis of luxury & main squeeze too

found this ginormous fun beachy print
on sale at hobby lobby for less than &10
& the barnwood style frame on clearance at micheals for $20
scored the red lantern at pottery barn after christmas for 1/2 price

i started collecting these vietri dishes a few years ago
each trip to the beach i would come home with a new piece
love these little cuties
but sadly i think they are discontinued

love it when he wears his ballcap backwards
i call him slugger

when i bought this home
one of the big selling points for me was the back porch
we live on a busy road & sometimes
i sit outside listening to the sound of passing cars
& pretend it's the sound of crashing waves
i'm weird like that

we just planted peonies along the border
how incrediblely blissful that will be
if they can survive the africa heat down here in georgia

this little wren has been our little sleepover guest lately
she flies in at twilight
& flutters away around sunrise
her little mate serenades & visits her multiple times before she turns in each night
it's the most precious thing

we're praying, meditating, hoping, wishing, crossing fingers
& sending all the good thoughts and wishes we have
to the gulf coast
where we still plan to head
in ten sleeps!!!!!!

the end


  1. i love these random posts you do! LOVE the bracelet from Kristin! That was thoughtful! You looked super cute on Father's day! Your flower pics are amazing! As is your new beach print! I bet you're getting excited for your trip! I want to go one day so badly! And I would take your georgia heat any day!

  2. Beautiful photos (as always), Paige.
    You DID get it just right! :)


    (LOVE!!! the Hobby Lobby print)

  3. There is so much beauty and fun in this post, I am not sure where to begin......

    I love the cuff bracelet from sweet Kristin...and the picture of you and your hubby on Father's Day....BEAUTIFUL!!! I will have to check out those $7 flats:)

    It was good to get caught up with you and it sounds like your summer is off to a great start....minus the brutal heat of course!!



  4. Beautiful pics! :)

    Lovvvvvve those polish colors!!!

  5. Who doesn't love flowers? Walmart has a red lantern for only $5... I think I might need one of those!

  6. Your photos are so beautiful! I love that polish color,
    I need to go and find me some! Love the picture of the two of them kissing, so precious!

  7. Wow Paige -- so many beautiful photos! You are talented!! Love the one of you and your Hub -- you two are so cute!

    Beautiful porch and sweet wrens too -- I'm so jealous!

    Hope you have a great Wednesday!


  8. totally stunning. Cool to see your home too. Georgia now seems so dreamy. Oh my.

  9. beautiful pictures as always and love hearing about your favorites. I hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation :)

  10. paige - you don't know me but i love your blog. i just saw the vietri dishes at home goods in the clearance aisle for $3 -4.

  11. yes...those shoes do look super duper comfy.
    really super duper comfy;-)
    you know how I heart lemon from T.J.
    and don't get me started on Wren.
    Did i tell you Fin had his very first date with Wren last friday night...
    nope probably not because i can't call you.
    i guess i'll wait to fill you in...
    later gator

  12. Oh I just sit in a yummmmmmm state.
    Floral images! Ahhhh!
    Precious Family that I love dearly.
    Glad you like your funky bracelet. I like it too.
    Essie polish so serene cool.
    My precious real friend. Love you.
    You look beautiful with your Dan and skinny too missy!

  13. I love the photo of Miss C kissing her daddy and holding her babydolls. How recent is that photo? I love, love, love dolls. My little Paige doesn't really play with babydolls, but she loves American Girl dolls. $Cha Ching$. I loved Barbies and dolls of all kinds. I still like to help Paige dress up her dolls.

  14. LOVE that last photo...perfect! (And I have the same sweater your wearing in the father's day photo...guess I should go get the flats to match.LOL!)

  15. What a fun post! I love the picture of you and the hubs and I am ready to move into your back porch! It's soooo beautiful!

  16. You lucky girl...with your gorgeous back porch. I'd be weird like that too;)

    Carissa is so talented. Just love that bracelet.

    You are just getting too good with those pics. Gorgeous!

  17. oh my gosh... how beautiful your photos are! and of course, you saved such a precious one for last! i wanna know how... after your ten sleeps & vacation time, okay?

  18. Love your pictures, you are getting soooo good! I'm a sucker for all things Trader Jo's. Everything is delish and their labels are too cute.

    When I grow uo I want too paint my porch ceiling that very same color. You are so blessed to have that special place. Praying for your Seaside trip, it will be magical because you will all be together.


  19. First of all you are so stinking tiny! Secondly, I love your back porch!!!

  20. What a fun post! I just love your porch. We just don't have porches like that here in the desert!

  21. darling paige!
    It has been ages and a long journey! But I am so glad to be back and love blogging again! I have certainly missed you and your blog! hi!

  22. I just read a few of your posts. What a bright spot to my day. The last picture of your youngest is absolutely amazing, Paige! You have such beautiful photography. I also just read your father's day tribute to your hubby, and it was very touching. I am always so uplifted when I see other wives crazy about their husbands and children, just as God intended us to be. I hope your day is wonderful and full of sunshine and Sonshine.

  23. Paige, fantastic flower pictures! I have been loving the different varieties to shoot in Savannah ~ stuff we don't have up North. Your blue porch ceilings are lovely, too!
    Well, the whole darn post is pretty terrific. My fave has to be Dan kissing sweet Caroline, which is so darn precious! {And you are both way too cute!!!} xx Suzanne

  24. your photos and your home is just gorgeous...and that porch...oh that would have sold me too:)

    flowers are are you my are rockin' in that picture!!!!

    And those dishes...I heart them so much!!! Can't wait to see all from your trip. I know your photos will be amazing!

  25. I love randoms posts...and your porch. I've been sending prayers to the coast too because we love it there (we vacation in Destin) and hope only the best for the people who live there.

  26. I love your all over the placeness. Love the lemon recommendations as I am a total lemon fanatic. Also, I'm totally coveting the gorgeous porch. I have a front porch here (much smaller than yours) and it is my first porch after years of dreaming about one. I hope to never again own a house without one.

  27. I love this all the pictures...especially that last capture the best pics of that precious girl of yours.

    LOVE trader mad that we don't have one in orlando...which makes NO sense.

    LOVE that cuff that your bff sent you..what a good bff. :)

  28. ok - you have been holding out on me. if i had known you had a back porch like that, i would be taking up residence with the wren. gorgeous. i want one so bad i can taste it. beautiful photos paige - all of them. that print from hobby lobby is adorable.

  29. I LOVE posts like this one!! And I had already written down that I needed to head to trader Joe's earlier today. How funny.

    Enjoy that back porch!

  30. what a wonderful start to my weekend visiting you and your lovely photographs!!
    love the flats, polish and oh my goodness that print and chippy worn frame...fabulous!!
    so happy that y'all are goin on vaca in the gulf in spite of the devastation. i watched cspan last night with the louisiana locals being interviewed and the reality for all of us is so sad as a nation.


  31. great texture on that last photo -
    and wonderful picture of you and your husband!! what a handsome couple you are!!!!!!!
    but I really do love that print- I would buy that swimsuit she is wearing in a heart beat! cute!!

  32. always love your comments on my blog and so enjoy coming to visit YOU!

  33. Love it all...we don't have trader joe's here though:(

    Love your beautiful back porch.

    Last spring and summer I took tons of flower photos too. They are much more cooperative photos and I leaned a lot.

    LOVE the Hobby Lobby print!!! I grew up in the Philly area and sent much of my childhood at the Jersey shore. I am just trying to figure out a spot for it (if I can find it).

    I hope you have fun at Seaside..We loved it there last summer!!

  34. Please tell me when we can share a diet coke on that back porch? I'll bring the lunch if you'll supply the back porch and diet cokes!

    Love this post and praying for the Seaside shores with you.

  35. Love your blog, love your pictures, love your story writing. Just wondering how you got the type sript print onto your picture? Can you please share? Take care!!


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