Tuesday, November 17, 2009

well hello poor neglected blog.....

we officially kissed savannah's cheer season goodbye this weekend.
after advancing to the sweet 16 ,
they finished 11th in the state!!!
it brings me so much joy to see my child in her element with this great group of girls!

i'm usually up to my elbows unpacking Christmas decor by mid november
(much to the dismay of my children)
but this year i've had several project deadlines to meet
& have hardly put any thought into decorating.
plus, its been in the high 70's for a week which makes me feel more like laying out in the sun vs. putting up a tree!

but have no fear....this weekend all the fun will begin.
i love to have it all up & twinkling by Thanksgiving day.

usually this "behind" feeling would have me all anxious & flustered
but i'll be honest
my goal is for the next several weeks to be a
free from self imposed business

some things can't be avoided
i'm well aware of this
but i'm praying the Lord will help me prioritize
& have a home that is grateful for so much

i'd love to share with you a few things that i had ordered from Kasey & Ruth
that arrived last week!!
both packages were filled with wonderful fragrance
& beautifully packaged
what a treat~
this french postal bag is exactly what i've been looking for
& even my girls gave me a thumbs up

I could fill an entire sofa with these gorgeous pillows....

few fall glimpses around the house~

primative dough bowl filled with silvered (huge) pinecones

a blurry picture of my pheasant tureen

one of my fave little pieces from rebecca sower
who i would give anything
to have 1/smidge of her talent

my fragile antique turkey salt & pepper shakers

& this image doesn't have anything to do with fall decor
but i have loved this little shade from anthro
& never could find the perfect place for it
(if i only had a few wall sconces....sigh)
until this morning when i just plopped it right on top of an empty candlestick


  1. Your house is just gorgeous. I love it when you show glimpses. Glad you are going to be peaceful about decorating for Christmas. I need to get excited about it. Not going to be home this year, so it seems silly to decorate...oh well. I know I still will.

    Your daughter is beautiful. She looked sooo happy:)

  2. Love everything!

    and congrats to the girls! great job...


  3. I hope your dreams for the holiday season all come true. I'm looking forward to a peaceful season too. Love the pictures of your house! I love Rebbecca Sower too. Loved her class this year at SB

  4. Congrats to your beautiful daughter and her friends! Wow -- that had to be so much fun to watch!

    Love to see all your little touches -- beautiful!


  5. Congrats to Savannah!

    I love the glimpses of your house. BEAUTIFUL!

    I'm jealous for your weather. It's been rainy and gray here. What I wouldn't give for high 70's!


  6. I love the lampsade! It's perfect on the candlestick.
    Your daughter is beautiful. I love to see girls, who are happy. She looks like she had a great time. You must be one proud Mama!

  7. Hi Paige!
    What a gorgeous post....your daughter is absolutely beautiful.....and what fabulous purchases....yippee!

  8. Paige... you sweet thing! SO glad you like your bag!
    Your pillow won't be far behind! :)

    Your daughter is just GORGE!! And I'm guessing she's beautiful INSIDE and out. :)

    Enjoy your pretty things, pretty home and wonderful family!


  9. just so you know...i have the same pillows..
    so we are indeed sisters lost at birth!
    I want more pics of your home after you start decorating okay...
    p.s fin is waiting for you to call.

  10. I love all of you decor....the lamp shade looks perfect there...and you and I are on the same page about the holidays this year....I will not let myself get stresses. Nobody will die if the decorations are not perfect or other things fall my the wayside!

  11. Such beautiful decor, Paige. Love all your fabulous touches in your home!
    I myself am starting to stress a bit over getting my Christmas decoration out and up. Super busy this month and traveling every weekend. And, I need my college boys home to get everything out of the attic!
    Congrats to Savannah and team. Is she a senior this year??

  12. Your house is simply gorgeous. And your daughter is stunning!! I love the pillows.. I am working on making some now. Keep up the great work.

  13. So gorgeous! I love all the pics of your house! I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!


  14. magazine? personal decorator? posh store? you are the coolest real life person I know! you're probably taking a ballroom dancing class too and just haven't posted the gorgeous pictures!!! Thanks for always sharing fun stuff, sweet stuff, inspirational stuff and beyond. You are super special!


  15. GORGEOUS girlie!!! Finally some pics of your house! So lovely and so are your new goodies!!

    I'll be thinkin of you this weekend as we will be putting our tree up too :)

    And woo hoo for your daughter and her team...11th in State is pretty darn awesome!!

    :) T

  16. Everything is just so beautiful! I have some turkey salt and pepper shakers that are very similar...just different colors. They belonged to my grandmother. I just love them.

  17. Paige your pictures of your daughter are beautiful! Congratulations to them!

    And your home is just beautiful too! I love see pictures of it...and maybe some more to come...hopefully because it looks so great!

  18. you know i'm waiting to come over until you have all your christmas decor up ...so i can steal some ideas :)

    after thanksgiving :)

  19. Oh Oh OH I love the candle stick with the lamp!!!so cute!! I am following your lead with the next few weeks.. peaceful, purposeful festive but not to get overwhelmed!
    Congrats to you daughter and her team... just fantastic!!

  20. Paige,

    I love your decor. Beautiful, elegant, understated, yet homey. I'm trying to decide how and how much to decorate since we will be gone for about a week (Xmas in Flagstaff, AZ). I may take a cue from you, a little here and there.

  21. Love the new purchases. I'm with you on the decorating front. It seems I'm not quite ready to take down the pumpkins.

  22. Everything looks amazing! I love the idea of the lampshade on the candlestick too! Very creative.

    Your daughter looked so sweet and in her element!


  23. Such pretty things! Thanks for sharing, Paige!

  24. Paige I am soo with you on the neglected blog thing...can't just seem to find the time and when I do seems like it takes me forever and I am still not impressed with the results, oh well...I just love cheerleading and you daughter is soo cute! Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving and a stress-free Christmas! PS I love my Fall decorations and refuse to take them down until the day after Thanksgiving when I will "madly", I mean, ever so "stress-freely" decorate for Christmas! :)

  25. i always love to see pictures of your home! Do you know what I love? the turkey salt and peppers! to cute!

  26. I love all your decorations and little touches everywhere!!

  27. i know you are a proud mama! i am so glad they had fun! and your house is beautiful! i am always begging to see more! please show off your christmas decor! i am glad you are taking it easy! its the best thing! xo

  28. Love this:

    free from self imposed business"

    Will be praying for help in prioritizing right along with you.

    Thank you, as always, for the inspiration!

    Wonderful goodies!!

  29. Piage, I just happened across your blog...what a wonderous place to visit!!! Beautiful home, love your purchases...have to steal a peak over there now!! Nice and refreshing place to end an evening....thank you...

  30. oops..Paige..sorry I didn't realize my spelling until I hit the ENTER button!!

  31. Love everything....but especially those pillows!


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