Wednesday, October 14, 2009

poppies? no~cosmo! who knew?

addendum to original post:
thankfully one of my bloggy friends corrected me
because clearly i don't know flowers
i love a good humbling moment for all to see!

one of the local highways features these amazing purple
(what i embarrassingly thought were poppies but now know they are)

along its banks each year.
they are quite a sight.
sunday i was driving home from work with my mind running in a million different places. i was completely captivated when i came upon these glories in all their splendor.
these shots were actually captured a couple of years ago at the exact same time. & yes, many a commuter thought i was crazy doing a little impromptu photo shoot in the middle of the highway.

figured i'd share a few peeks of fall around our home~

i had really hoped to slap a huge monogram decal
on my big orange pumpkin that's nesting in the urn
but just haven't gotten around to it yet
we'll see

time to pull out the turkey transferware

& bake chocolate chip pumpkin bread

years ago i purchased loads
& i mean loads
of different seasonal laminated placemats
surely my teenagers won't think they're too mature for these cuties

my fave little posh velvet pumpkin

& a glittered one too

the fireplace
that might just hold anything
but a fire
the last of the sunflowers

my fave madagascar candle who was entirely too boring until i spruced him up a bit

hopefully its going to cool down enough
to wear my new boots that santa scored
he gave me the ok to enjoy them early!!
i sure love that boy!


  1. Oh my -- love all your little touches of fall! So very pretty! Boo hoo -- we had to sweep the snow away last weekend -- your boots would have been perfect for me! :)

    Have a great Wednesday!


  2. Absolutely gorgeous images!!

    And yay for new boots!


  3. cute halloween decorating...
    love the poppy pics.

  4. when can i move in?? :)
    adorable photos!!

  5. I am TOTALLY going to be a copycat! Your decorations are so HEARTWARMING! You are so talented!

    Thanks so much for sharing! I look so forward to your posts.

  6. Love all your fall decorations, Paige! I haven't even bought a single pumpkin yet :( ... may have something to do with the 90++ degree weather here - ugh. So NOT fall!
    The purple poppies are gorgeous!

  7. Shut up! You're ordering my boots? Why does Santa hate me?

    I loved seeing picture around your place. Can I come sit on the porch with you? We can sit outside with quilts and read and sip cocoa. Perfect.

  8. oh paige! i love your home! i need to see more! pretty please! i love your style! at home and in your pictures!

  9. Gorgeous flowers, love them! And your decor is fabulous...glad to hear santa delivers early...what would winter be without new boots! :)

  10. A field of flowers is always so romantic ... even if it is fire weed.

    ... and what a plethora of pumpkins. Never seen so many different kinds. Do you eat them after the season finishes?

  11. i love all your decor...especially lovin the placemats!
    you must be disapointed that i have done

  12. Well girlie all of your decorating looks spectacular! And that little girl of yours is too stinkin cute! Really lovely photos!! Only thing is, because I'm a garden nerd, I will tell you that I'm pretty sure those aren't Poppies, they're Cosmo :)

    Hope your week is going great!

    :) T

  13. loving all the subjects...objects in your photos...the best...your daughter in the field of flowers......have a nice day...

  14. I want to move in too. You have such fabulous taste!

  15. you got your boots!!!!!

    what a sweetie you have. ;)

    i saw some flowers like that on I-20 last weekend. they stopped me dead in my tracks. if Tommy would let me... i would have filed everyone out for a photo op. (but Annie's Hannah Montana shirt kinda held me back)

    i'm in NEED of a DC with you.

  16. you are amazing - love your touches and need a few of them at my house :) :)

    love ya!!!!

  17. I want to sit on that porch of yours and have some of that pumpkin yumminess! :) So beautiful. I LOVE the verses you have scattered about. Isn't it great to have reminders of God's promises... especially as you are doing dishes, right?

  18. Paige...I just love everything at your house! I especially love the white picnic table and your porch...picture perfect. I bought those same turkey plates yesterday!


  19. I love what you did to that candle- I never think of things like that, but what a sweet idea. And your photos are gorgeous as usual. What talent. :)


  20. Paige...I tell ya, your little girl is just so precious! Love these pictures. I am trying to get better at mine. I am about to buy a new camera...any suggestions? Oh, and the decorations are fab! You have inspired me, girl!

    Hope y'all have a great weekend. Oh, and check out my blog if you get a chance, I am having my very first giveaway!


  21. Lovin' your fall decor! Beautiful!!

  22. What adorable pics of your cutie(no matter what the flowers are) and I love your fall's shabby-licious!

  23. hey paige! thanks for the sweet comment! i am not quite sure where i found the cute nurse pix! i just googled and made sure it was free of rights! i do have it saved if you would like i can email it to you! just let me know! xo

  24. Santa? Already? And here I thought snagging my nov. 20th birthday gift early was good...
    You certainly have it figured out~ Great job!

  25. Those are great pics! I like your Fall decorating. Very cute! And I love your boots! :)

  26. you, my sweet friend, are the sunshine in my world this cold dreary sunday morning. I love you posts, pics, and passion. Hugs,


  27. Paige your home looks adorable. I love all of your touches. Those pictures of your daughter were so cute. I'd make a canvas print for the wall of one of them...just precious.

  28. I love cosmos...or poppies...whatever you want to call them:-) I love your chalkboard over the sink with scripture!!

  29. I'm so happy to see that you posted pictures of your home all decorated for fall! I looks wonderful! And I LOVE the poppies... I mean cosmos pictures!

  30. Hy Paige...over the sea..

    I am reading your lovely blog already for a while and love your writing..the styling...the semplicity and the elegance of it.

    I became sunday an award as a present of a very lovely lady and I was absolutely certain to overbring it to you....!

    I did not see yet any "award" set on your blog: it makes me thinking that you probably would not accept one of them?
    i hope of course I won't disturb you?

    I would love you stepping by in my
    TUSCANY; in Italy and show you some Impressions of mine!

    I wish you a very beautiful evening and see you hopefully soon!

  31. of course i love your pictures!! but most of all i love seeing all of your decorating ideas. you are so talented!! thank you for sharing them with us!

  32. Love all the touches of Fall in your home... and the who knew they were cosmo... i now know!
    great photos,

  33. so pretty. you have wonderful taste. i love the glittery white pumpkin. and those boots. adorable. what a great guy!!

  34. Oh, the cosmos/poppies are such pretty backdrop for your gorgeous little gal.

    Your home looks so fall-y and cozy and pretty!

  35. Love your gorgeous photos. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, as it has given me an opportunity to visit yours.

    Merci, Michelle

  36. Your autumn decor looks wonderful...and those cosmos look amazing!


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