Wednesday, October 07, 2009

a fracture, football games, & fun dates

With only a week to go before their first game, Savannah injured herself at tumbling practice.
For those of you familiar with tumbling jargin, she had just thrown a full--it was perfect--except for the fact that she landed just a little funny on her foot.
funny enough that it tore ligaments,
broke the bone in her heel
& bruised the bones in her foot.

for two months she has been quite the trooper
doctor visits
physical therapy
wearing an ugly black brace
& maintained a great spirit the entire time!
less than 48 hours before her first competition this year
she was cleared to jump
these first two images are from her first night 'back in action'

unfortunately for the last two months there have been no tumble passes
no fulls
no triple toe backs
no layouts
no front hurdlers
none of these....

I have hated that she missed so many weeks from tumbling her junior year.
she cheers both for the football squad & the competition squad
but hopefully we're on the road to recovery
we know it could have been much worse

(this image used by permission from the Gwinnett Daily Post)
Emily has made her debut into the cheerleading world this fall & loves it.
She seems to be quite a natural.
Pictured below at her first competition rocking her toe touch!

I mentioned in my previous post that our area suffered flooding after severe rainstorms.
our home was not damaged but many in the area are still rebuilding & will be so for quite sometime to come.
it seemed like it rained for days

sadly it stormed on the night of savannah's homecoming
needless to say, i do NOT prefer my indoor shots
i've got to figure out iso & other camera thingies

she & her bestie went with the sweetest boys ever
& had such a fabulous time despite the dreadful weather

that darn ankle still causing a little difficulty !

just being silly while the boys where in another room
because of course
they're way too mature to horse around like this
in front of their dates


  1. Your girls are lovely. I can't get over the athleticism need for cheerleading! The things they do are amazing.

    P.S I LOVE Savannah's heels for Homecoming. Super cute.

  2. i think she is beautiful...indoor photo's or not.
    I was thinking myself of trying out for a little cheerleading...
    the nursing home around the corner is looking for middle age girls like myself...

  3. This is a precious tribute to two of your girlies and Kasey's comment is perfect! I hope Kasey makes the squad...ha ha ha!

  4. my daughter cheered for high school and all star competition. I loved those days....such fun. Enjoy...they go by so quickly! Your daughters are just beautiful

  5. Oh my -- what great photos! Wow --cheerleading is hard work, isn't it! Your girls really rock!

    Homecoming photos are so cute! They are all adorable and look so young and sweet!

    Hope you all are having a sunny and nice day!

  6. Gorgeous pictures. What beautiful girls you have!!

  7. Hi Paige,
    Great pics. I love all the tumbling photos!! Your girlies are just beautiful. I bet you are so proud.

  8. I look forward to these times with my girls in high school... not that I'm rushing them. Now I'm realizing that my girls should be in gymnastics to learn how to tumble. oh my, where do we find the time for it all! I'm glad to hear you thought the boys were sweet. phew! Your girls look like amazing jumpers (not that I know anything about it.)

  9. You girls are so pretty and they have amazing skills! Darn that Kasey she wants to be everything, Homecoming Queen and now a cheerleader, geesh!...she's already the Tooth Fairy!

  10. Paige,

    Your girls are so beautiful! I love all the pictures. Cheering is so fun! They look great at it!

    LOL! Kasey is so funny!

  11. They are so cute. What fun times that was when I was in their shoes!! Great action shots too by the way.

  12. Oh I do hope she is healing and feeling much better! Your girls are gorgeous...and indoor or out, you take some of the most amazing photos!!!

    :) T

  13. your photos are easy...heal quickly.....have a nice day!!!

  14. I am so glad that her leg is feeling better! I was dropped out of a stunt my senior year as captain before school even started. I had to sit out the first few games because of my ankle. such a bummer! hope she is back to full action soon! gorgeous homecoming pictures!

  15. i am so glad that she is back on her feet! wow! i wish i could do that! i bet its fun being a cheerleading mama! your girls are beautiful! and her date is a cutie! glad they had fun and that you stayed dry! xo

  16. WOW! Your girls are so talented! Love all the photos. It is fun for me to see what life is like with girls in high school - My daughter is 11 and just had to quit gym because of achilles injuries. I guess she needs to start tumbling classes if you need a full and standing back tuck to be a cheerleader - WOWSA!

    ps. I'm going to try out for that cheerleading squad with Kasey. Maybe cartwheels will get us in?!

  17. H O W do they move like that!!
    what a beautiful post about her determination and talent!!

  18. H O W do they move like that!!
    what a beautiful post about her determination and talent!!

  19. Hi Friend! The girls are amazing cheerleaders...Abigail is very impressed:) Savannah looked absolutely gorgeous in her Homecoming dress. It seems like just yesterday that you were expecting her the summer we took our nursing board exam! Love you! xo

  20. Hi Paige,

    WOW.....your beautiful girls can really fly through the air!!

    So glad that Savannah is back in business....that is not an easy injury to recover from.

    As always.....such great pics of your precious girls.

    Have a great week:)


  21. Oh my goodness!
    What a beautiful blog you have. I've trying to find like minded moms like myself that put our children first and want to lead natural organic milk filled lives.
    Please visit me sometime!

  22. wonderful. so proud you must be :O)
    they look so happy :O)

  23. Beautiful...just like mom :)

  24. Oh, I hope Savannah's foot continues to heal well and she's back to full and pain free activity in no time! Obviously the cheerleading talent runs in the family!

    Darling pictures of the girls (and very cute date) before Homecoming. And I noticed that the "pop" is contagious!


  25. So glad she is better and wear those rockin heels for homecoming. Back in the day, I was on our competition dance squad. Oh.... I loved it. The competitions were just the best. THe best. WHat a fun time to be a parent and go cheer her on!

  26. What talented girls! My middle name is not grace so they would never let me on the cheerleading team~

  27. What cute photos! She looks so excited for Homecoming! Oh to be young again!! (just was fun the first time around, but I'm just looking forward to watchin my kiddos go through it now...)

  28. your girls are so beautiful. and dang, can they jump. i am in awe!! it had to be so hard for her to sit out of something she love so much. my heart goes out to all those who have been affected by the flooding. it is devestating. mother nature offers such beauty and destruction. have a great weekend paige and thanks so much for your sweet words. xo!

  29. Oh, this brought back memories... What competitions do they compete in? Are UCA and NCA still the main ones? I used to work for NCA back the day :-)

    Dances. With boys. Oh dear. I can only hope that I handle it as well as you seem to be. Beautiful gals there (and some cute boys too).

  30. What a trooper she has been....and your girls have skills...serious jumping skills!! I would also like to point out that I did NOT look that good in high school...wrong, wrong, wrong:-) I leave for Brave Girl's on Tues.

  31. you have such beautiful girls! They make want to take up cheerleading...not sure how the hubs would would feel about that. :) hope you're having a great weekend!


  32. Your girls are amazing. So very talented! and then the dance pictures.... beautiful, You must be such a proud momma,

  33. Such beautiful and talented girls you have there Paige....

    Hope you have a great week!

  34. Your daughter is just beautiful! Cheerleading is tougher on the body than almost any other sport, yet it is one of the most underappreciated. You must be one proud mama!
    Have a great Wednesday,


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