Wednesday, August 19, 2009

we go together.....a post about bff's

this past weekend was full of encouragement & celebrations for a couple of the girls and their best friends
madison & her besties painted tshirts & wore pink to support & encourage her closest friend as her mommy endured her first surgery, all 10 hours , since being diagnosed with breast cancer. please note
even the cast, flips, painted nails, camis & hairbows are all pink
we love you jenny!!

on a much lighter note
i must share with you what savannah & her girlfriends did to celebrate one of the girls 16th birthday.
this surely wins the creativity award
& maybe an award for maybe a little over the top!
( can't wait to see what she whips up for my bday--wink!)

this involved months of planning , preparations & shopping

it all began with a typed "anonymous" letter being delivered to bday girl at school
followed by kidnapping & a scavenger hunt

here's the angels pre-kidnapping at birthday girl's home post hiding all her gifts

channeling their inner gangsta!

birthday girl being blindfolded

birthday girl cracking up as 2 of the angels take their task very seriously

savannah carrying in blindfolded bday girl
trying to continue to maintain all seriousness

birthday girls house was full of birthday gifts to be found via the elaborate scavenger hunt
the girls had bought her loads of gifts including a dress, shoes & jewelry for their evening event, which mind you is still a surprise
the angels have now dressed & left gangster wear behind

much horsing around continues

& lots of hugs
we're all about the hugs at 16 right?

birthday girl & angels arriving at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta for the big reveal
birthday girl realizes the friends are also treating her to a night at the musical

realization & tears call for more hugs of gratitude
poor corporate man caught in the paparazzi

jay walking in downtown Atlanta
please note the friends are all in black & felt later that they may have looked a little too dreary while birthday girl sports her new ensemble
which is NOT black


sexy glamour shots

maybe a little much sexy glamour shots!

totally cute girls

girls just wanna have fun
& i'll give you one guess who the biggest ham of 'em all is...

so proud of you girls & how you love on & support your friends.

If there is ever a tomorrow when we are not together there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think, but most important of all, even if we are apart, I'll always be with you.

(Christopher Robin to Pooh)


  1. Sweet, sweet friendships. What an amazing birthday!!!

  2. Oh, how fantastic......what a fabulous birthday surprise for their friend.....and what wonderful support for the friend whose Mom was having surgery.

    I am all about the hugs too.....and I am at least double their age!!!


  3. Such a FUN birthday party!! Beautiful girls.

    And .. girls are SO sweet. How wonderful of Madison & her besties to be so supportive & encouraging.

  4. what a lovelt girl,s and I wish the mom all the best..
    greetings kari

  5. she IS so very blessed to have those as her we were all so lucky! especially at 16!

    what a great Mom you must be :)

  6. What great fun and great friends! Such beautiful girls...



  7. i think the world needs a lot more girlies like that... great...

  8. How fun!!! What a great friendship they have. So sweet. Love the quote at the end.


  9. I loved this entire post. What fun girls, and what a darling quote to end with!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. You are raising some incredible girls there, Paige. I so wish I knew you in real life. I would ask you to be my mothering mentor:) Well, you are now anyway:)
    Praying for mrs.jenny.

  11. Paige what sweet and beautiful girls you have! I tried to raise my kids telling them that you have to be a friend to have friends! Don't know Mrs. Jenny but will say a prayer. My daughter's finance's momma is going through her own fight so if you will please lift her up too.

  12. Aren't girls fun...even with ALL the drama. The love and support they give each other is amazing. I know I feel blessed to have been given 2 girls.
    Enjoy your girls,

  13. These pictures made my day! How wonderful to see the friendship. Paige - THANK YOU for the kind words you left for me the other day, you're just such a sweetheart!

    :) T

  14. Your girls are so incredibly sweet!

    Fantastic b-day celebration! Can't wait to see what they do for your b-day!


  15. Girlfriends are just the best~ they are so blessed to have each other!

  16. For some reason - this post got me - at the Pooh part - Mack going off to school - him loving Pooh - seeing friendships and the Pooh quote all together wrapped into one - I am sitting and crying!!! Love ya :)

  17. Oh my...what a birthday. I am a little scared for the teenage years. Can I handle it?? Great pictures. You really captured all of their fun:)

  18. I am so thankful for my bffs! I couldn't make it without them. Your girls are so blessed. I hope that mama with breast cancer is doing well.

  19. fantastic bday!
    can she plan mine???

  20. Both stories amazing in love!

  21. what a great birthday celebration. friends are so wonderful. i hope their friendship lasts a life time.
    oh, and i love the christopher robin, pooh quote.

  22. How sweet! I wanted to send you this link because I had remembered that you once posted about Matthew Mead (fell in love with all the Halloween goodies you posted about).

    Anyway, I just did a blog for his new magazine and thought you'd like it!


  23. Best friends are the best! What an amazing day!


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