Friday, August 21, 2009

~~~Happy 13 Sweet Emily Austin~~~

This weekend, my sweet Emi turns 13!
the precious age teeter tottering between sweet and nieve & all grown up
worrying about what everyone else is doing
facebook & cellphones
lip gloss and hair scrunching gel
shaved legs & hoop earings
sleepovers & stuffed animals
good night hugs & kisses
holding hands with mama even in public

i know i've said this before
but since its my blog i'll do it again

sweet emily austin
i found out i was pregnant with you just days before daddy gregg found a lump
that's why i called you my angel baby
because you were like a freebie to me....a special gift during a horrifically difficult time

your middle name is austin after your great grandaddy who passed while you were in my womb
the name emily after my favorite doll when i was little

we scheduled your induction around daddy gregg's chemo
he was able to be there for your delivery only to get sick that night & never be quite the same
he was able to hold you until only a couple weeks later
when a seizure confirmed the worst
the cancer had spread
he went to heaven while you were in the suite next door
only 13 weeks old

i think the Lord has a great sense of humor
you look just like him
same huge brown eyes & curly hair
muscular legs...that'll be great for running-wink
always smiling
everyone's friend
he'd be so proud of you angel baby
just as i am
emily & i were able to spend some time a few weeks ago
just the two of us
we headed out to Serenbe
a beautiful hip & funky community about an hour south of atlanta

figured we could hang out

grab some yummy lunch & have 'the talk'

serenbe has a funky vibe
sorta urban loft meets horse country
but i soon realized
for this mom & her almost 13 year old
was quite a snoozer
only one super cute shop...sigh
but check out the funky street lights

here's the infamous farmers market
which is great if you live there
but not as fabulous as my grandious expections

gorgeous flowers
but since we were having "the talk"
& had an hour commute
figured the gorgeous flowers wouldn't make it

the cute yellow lab puppy
the highlight of our day
besides "the talk" more of the funky street lights

very cool light bulb fixtures

cute house with fab roof
emi was so impressed
the blue eyed daisy bakery
funky decor
but again
a tad disappointed
some shots from our nature walk
which consisted of the 40 yards between the blue eyed daisy & our car
since it was 100 degrees

even the stop signs & the speed signs were done in the cool rustic iron things

tin roofed homes
very very cute

so Serenbe
we were very impressed with your whole urban vibe thing going on out in the middle of no where but just a little boring for a teen ager & a mom who had high hopes for some grand shopping
but we'll be back one day during the holidays to enjoy how great you look all dressed up in your christmas finest, i'm sure
for those of you who caught the whole "talk" thing
it went great
i didn't really have a set plan
sorta winged it & it turned out the best of all 3 i've done so far

back to emi
who is turning 13 years old tomorrow
& 13 years is about the length of time i'm sure reading this entry might just take....

some of my favorite images are of sweet emi contemplating the ocean
i always wonder what your thoughts are...

Happy Brithday Sweet Child!!
I love you so
big lubs!!


  1. you don't know me and I'm not even sure how I found you . . .but YOU are a great mom. I worry every day if I'm saying the right things, catching all of the teachable moments, shwoing her Jesus in our home. You give me hope, you daughters ae beautiful! I love your blog (ps, I'm not a stalker- just enjoy your photography & writing style)

  2. Happy birthday to Emily!! What an amazing story Paige...made me tear up a bit tho...God does have a funny sense of humor..he knew you needed this baby! have a wonderful weekend celebrating!

  3. Happy birthday Emily :)

    One day when I have my own kids and have to give "the talk", I hope you're still blogging so I can come to you for tips!

    And by the way, that little town looks adorable!

  4. how sweet!!!!!

    i am so glad i have you to brainstorm on 'the talk' -- funny thing .. my dad took us all downtown (in 6th grade) and we stayed a weekend and listened to James Dobson Preparing for Adolescence TAPES ... i love my dad for it .. but, it was a little embarassing at parts! :)

    kpb is one of my friends! yay! that she found you here.

    hope that you have a great weekend celebrating that sweet girl.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. what a beautiful birthday tribute....
    now you are making me cry girl!
    Have an absolutely beautiful weekend celebrating...

  7. happy celebrating to your beautiful daughter and beautiful family....she is gorgeous like her mama!!

  8. i am so touched and have goosebumps from this story...
    what a special gift from God~
    hope your weekend is extra wonderful!

  9. You did it again, another beautiful post, full of georgous photo, wonderful words and this time all done for your precious daughter!

    Happy sweet 13 Miss Emily~

  10. love your blog, as i have said it before. your girls are so cute. and how lucky emily is to have a mom who cares so much :O)
    have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  11. So Paige, that looks like the coolest place. I never thought about making a special date for the *talk*. I love that idea. Natalie is named after my favorite doll growing up. Always knew I would have a Natalie. so, How did you keep her from "knowing" until 13??? A little boy pretty much shared almost everything with Natalie at school when she was only 7... Thank goodness she came home and asked me about it!

  12. happy birthday to your sweet Emily!

    ** You were so close to my house if you were at Serenbe! We went to The Hil there for our 10th anniversary recently -- loved it! Anytime you want to meet there for dinner just send me an email :-P

  13. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! She is definitely an angel. She is sooo blessed to have you for her mom!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. Paige - I just love you...I have so many questions for you so I want in on these Diet Coke meetings!!!! Happy Birthday to Emi this oldest is turning 5 tomorrow!!!! Enjoy the weekend with your girls!

  15. Happy birthday sweet Emily! I love the meaning behind her name. Beautiful words and pictures.

    Enjoy celebrating!

  16. Oh what a precious post Paige. You always touch my spirit. What an amazingly strong woman you are! So glad to call you my friend.

    Here's to Emily:) Happy Birthday sweetie!

  17. Paige,
    First of all a happy birthday to Emily (each one of your girls is so unique and special to all of us faithful Simple Thoughts readers!).

    I'm with you on the Serenbe critique. I've been to two weddings there, one recently and one way back when, when it was really just a farm and house.

    Two "retreats" that my 17-year-old and I have enjoyed, each quite the opposite of the other, has been to the Pura Vida bed-and-breakfast and spa in Dahlonega and to the Chattanooga Choo Choo. Pura Vida is tranquil and idyllic with the perks of Dahlonega shopping right around the corner. And accommodations on one of the Victorian train cars at the Choo Choo, along with shopping, the aquarium, and the hotel's pool, proved to be great (albeit touristy) fun.

    You, like I, enjoy mother-daughter time. So rare these days!


  18. Oh Paige my eyes are all welled up with tears...what a beautiful post! You are such a sweetie and that dear child is just beautiful!!! Happy birthday to Emily Austin (love that name)!

    :) T

  19. What a blessing to have this beautiful girl in your life!!

  20. Well sweet friend you are doing an amazing job raising one of the sweetest girls I have ever had the pleasure to chat with and I can't wait to one day have the chance to hug you both in person...Have the best weekend!!! Happy Birthday our Emi sending the biggest hugs and kisses from Aus !!!!

  21. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! I love to read stories of mother/daughter time as is something I always enjoyed with mine and still do...just don't get to quite as often, although we did make a road trip to Kasey's which was grand fun! I do share something in common with your daughter in that I never got to know my father, whom I am named after, either...and good idea about the "talk"...glad it went well for you!

  22. happy birthday to your sweet daughter emily. what a wonderfully heartfelt story!! the town does look adorable.

  23. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl!

    Will you have the talk with Emma when it's time? I'm sure you will be a complete expert by then. Either that or could you send me a transcript so I know what to say? Can I just get her a book at Barnes and Noble?

  24. Happy Birthday beautiful Emily! She is gorgeous like you Paige...



  25. Happy Birthday to your sweet and beautiful girl! Looks like such a cool and very funky place! You have such a great eye -- love your photos! Put me on the list of those who need the transcript of "the talk." Have a great week!


  26. I always find it amazing, hearbreaking and encouraging that Emily was there for you when you lost your husband. Without her you might have been able to curle up in a ball and not come out for a long time. She gave you a reason in the midst of unbearable heartache to breathe. I love who you are. Your girls will treasure you..always! I think you need to give us your "talk" outline (especially b/c this one was the best) I could use it someday:-)

  27. Happy Birthday My Sweet Little Sara Evans Look-alike. Love you my 13 year old precious friend, I do!

  28. So precious. Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl! I love these birthday tributes and yours was extra special!:-)

  29. I have to comment on this post because it is completely random that I found it. A beautiful, most touching story about your family. I, too, have an Emily, but I, also, have an Austin. Austin is named after his grandpa whom he never met because of that "c" word. (And he is a spitting image of him, too.) Children are a gift from God, and we are so blessed to have them in our lives. Thank you for sharing with the "blogging world" some of your most precious and private thoughts.

    Cindy B.


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