Monday, May 11, 2009

watching her fly

My sweet Madison Grace
I have to tell you how very very proud you make me
six months ago you came to me and told me you wanted to stop dance
you wanted time to explore other loves
you wanted time to develop friendships
dance was an every day commitment & while you were a beautiful ballerina you were beginning to feel a little hemmed in

i prayed how i could best encourage you
should i encourage you to 'work it out'
or should i encourage you to spread your wings and fly
you have never looked back
you have never mentioned you thought you made a bad decision
you've made new friends and been able to spend time just hanging out...something you seldom had time for

i respect your brave decision to try something new

now after 11 years of wearing these shoes

you'll pick these up

congratulations on making the squad!!!
you will be an awesome cheerleader

you've signed up for tennis lessons --which you loved when you were little--with your 2 best friends
& are wanting to go back to oil painting lessons

while i never want you girls to feel that 'what you do' is what defines 'who you are'....its so fun to watch a new path unfold for you while you discover new adventures

by the way
the words you wrote me for mothers day are some of the most beautiful i've ever received

thank you for being my little bird...

what a joy it is to watch you fly
i love you


  1. Oh how sweet. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been to let dancing go for now, but congrats to her on making the squad. Whoo Hoo! I was a cheerleader in H.S. and it was the best memories ever! Hope it will be for her too!

  2. What a sweet post for your darling girl! I enjoy reading your posts about your girls so much. Your love for them is so pure and wonderful!

  3. Precious post. I know that has to be an amazing feeling as a Mom to watch your daughters take flight!

  4. Well... Congratulations!!! How fun!!! 2 cheerleaders in the family! This will be busy year... :)

  5. what a good mom you are to let your daughter use her is hard to sit back and let them start making their own decisions and not interfere. she is going to grow up to be confident, independent, and assured of the knowledge that her mother will always give her unconditional love.
    good for you.
    i see to many parents trying to live vicariously through their kids. it is really sad.
    have a wonderful day.

  6. This post makes me cry!
    You go girl!!!!
    Stop by our blog sometime.

    Funky Junk Sister #2

  7. paige...your post is's easy to see how much you care for and love your girls...they seem just lovely.

    cheers to you!

  8. congrats to the new dancer!
    and paige....good for you for letting her spread her wings and fly...

  9. Paige, you are an amazing mom and your daughter is just as amazing, in telling you what she wants, I love that. You gave her the wings to fly when she was little, now she is soaring!

  10. Oh Paige -- what a very sweet and brave girl -- to try new things after being such a great dancer for so long! Good for her and for you too for encouraging your girls the way you do!


  11. congrats!! that is awesome!! it is hard when you get so involved in something. I danced most of my life, until I made the squad freshman year too. It is so tough to do both, I think she will enjoy cheering though!!

  12. congrats!! that is awesome!! it is hard when you get so involved in something. I danced most of my life, until I made the squad freshman year too. It is so tough to do both, I think she will enjoy cheering though!!

  13. Yeah! How fun and exciting. It must have been a hard decision for both of you for her to give up dance. I'm glad that it's working out well. Sounds like a lot of fun new stuff going on. :)

  14. What's the deal...every time I read your blog I tear up. It must be your sweet spirit speaking to me. Love that post. You're a good mama to encourage your girls to try new things. Let them spread their wings.

    Oh and your daughter is just!

  15. Well I think I might have just found a new favorite blog...

    What gorgeous pictures!


    i pray i am helping my children's to grow.

    cheerleading is one of my fondest memories. what an honor for her! that is a huge deal in such a big school!

    you are the perfect little cheerleader mom ... cause you look like you could be in highschool yourself friend!!!

  17. Congratulations to sweet Madison for making the squad!! What a wonderful accomplishment!

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


  18. Paige -- What a sweet post for your adorable daughter! You must be so proud of her and her accomplishments!

    Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  19. I absolutely love how you share your pride in your daughters lives. As a mom of a daughter who just turned 11 (how does that happen??) and who has been a gymnast for 9 of those years - I do appreciate the wisdom I glean from your heartfelt posts from a Christian mom perspective.

    Congrats to Madison :)

  20. Hi Paige :) What great pics (as always) Congrats to your sweetie for making the squad...and to you for letting her fly xoxox

  21. How brave she is to leave what she knows so well to try something new. Most people can't do that. I'm sure she makes you very proud:)

  22. Just found your lovely blog...oh boy i can only image how you felt when your daughter told you she didn't want to dance daughter dances and it takes so much of her time....12 hours a week..some days 4 hours after school...good for your daughter to try other things..congrats to her!! My other daughter just got married on the weekend..just turned 20...enjoy... they grow up way too fast!!! I will be back.

  23. She is just gorgeous! Congrats to her on her new achievements! She is so lucky to have you in her life!



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