Friday, May 08, 2009

this one's for you mom

Dear Mom

I pray you have a very Happy Mother's Day

that you feel loved & appreciated

that you know how much i respect and honor you

that i loved growing up in a happy home

that it warmed my heart and taught me greatly about the importance of spiritual things, to wake each day and find you down stairs praying and spending time with the Lord

that it made me feel secure knowing you loved dad and that i would never have to worry about having divorced parents

thank you for always being proud of me and Corey

thank you for making homecooked meals....all the time

& for taking me to the beach and sharing my love for collecting seashells

i watched you care for your parents in your own home, sacrificing much for them

thank you for helping me when gregg died and i felt all alone

thank you for all the special little things you do for my are a wonderful Mimi

for all the times when i didn't say it enough, please know you were never taken for granted

for everything...i thank YOU

And to Lil....
this is our first mother's day without you
oh how you are missed
especially by little Caroline
she talks about you all the time
she uses a laminated copy of your obituary as a book mark
& she's taped a picture of you holding her on her night table
we've been watching after pop pop
he's been so sick these last several months
i wonder sometimes, if that's his soul's way of longing for you
he kisses your picture each night before bed
can you see that from Heaven?
oh, i hope you can
i think you'd still be so proud of your son
you taught him well
he loves me and the girls more than i ever dreamed of being loved
he's loyal, tender, and kind
but he's strong and protective too
he's officially an Assistant Principal now too
you obviously were a great mom to him and now
5 girls get to reap those blessings
thank you's never seem enough do they?
we love you
god speed grammy


  1. so sweet paige.
    Happy Mothers Day
    to you!

  2. What a sweet tribute! Happy Mothers Day. Hugs, maria

  3. Your mom would be so proud to hear those heart felt words from you. Thank you for sharing such intimate memories of your childhood. It's inspiring to say the least.

  4. oh goodness me Paige, my eyes teared up after reading this one! The tenderness of a man kissing his wife's picture after her passing because he just longs to have her next to him when he lies down to sleep. That we would never take a day with our spouse for granted... I just adore the old photos! What a wonderful way to bless your mom! xoxo
    Happy mother's day to my very special friend!! You bless me BIG!

  5. What a sweet and special post!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


  6. Paige, what a sweet post, my goodness your words make me realize how much I too love my mom and also remind me to cherish the moments I have here..they go all too quickly. Happy Mother's Day~

  7. You write so beautifully. I know your mom must know how much you love and appreciate her. My mom's walk with the Lord is one of the things I really cherish. I hope I can show that to my kids the way she so faithfully did for me.

    I'll be praying for God's peace and joy for your family this first Mother's day w/o your mother in law. I'm sure it will be bittersweet.

    Happy Mother's day!


  8. What a tribute. Sweet June is going to love this.

    Happy Mamma's day to you Paige.

    mwaaahhhh, k.

  9. Again tears! What a sweet post. You have a wonderful heart. So glad to know you.

  10. Paige -- I love, love, love this Mother's Day post. You have such a way with words!

    I hope you have a great Mother's Day too!

  11. hi paige...stop on over to my bloggy!!

  12. Oh sweetest friend, so, so beautifully written...Tears in my eyes so many memories flooding back!!!Hope you have a gorgeous Mother's Day with me thinking of you with your sweet family across the pond...luv c xx

  13. I woke up early to have a quiet moment before having to go to work this morning. I'm having my coffee, listening to the chirping of a little birdie near the window, catching up on my favorite blog. I began to read your beautiful words and just started tearing up! SO sweet & loving Paige! I feel this way for my mother, and hope that my children feels this way about me someday. You have such a beautiful heart! Have a wonderful Mother's Day! Gina~

  14. What a sweet mother you are and what a sweet tribute.

    Happy Mother's Day!!

  15. what an amazing post paige ! hope you had a wonderful mothers day !!

  16. seems every time I come to your blog, I shed tears. But they are good tears. Tender tears. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!


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