Tuesday, April 07, 2009

just like sisters

kristin, jami, me, & lori

this past weekend i had the long overdue pleasure of getting together
with 3 of my best friends , ever
jami & lori are identical twins & we've been close since 8th grade
kristin grew up across the street from me
each of us intertwined the other

we've been each others maid of honor
room mates
favorite friends

we've double dated together
spent endless sleep overs together
know each other secrets
run 1/2 marathons together

we shared dreams & disappointments
chips & salsa
16 years of easter celebrations
our children's accomplishments & our own failures
books, clothes, shoes & jewelry too

been there for the birth of babies
& the unimaginable burial of one
we even share the hopes of those babies yet to come

breakups & re-unions
bad dates & bad hair
always ready with a laugh and maybe a casserole
or even a piece of james avery jewelry if the times are really hard

silent tears shared at gravesides
when words can't be found
that only a lifelong friendship
can truly understand

kristin & i talk daily
usually more than once
while the twins, i may not see for months
but we pick up like it was yesterday

even though my girls have each other
i pray they are blessed enough to find 3 friends as wonderful as these

three finer women can not be found
i'm so grateful to do life with you
i love you each
(even if your hips are thinner & your teeth whiter~wink)


  1. Paige, I could not have said that more true, perfectly, or tenderly. I sit here reading with a smile and yes, a little pool of tears in my eyes! God did something so precious to bring us back together again and I am so grateful. Sisters in heart each of you most definitely are and I love each of you girls as if you were my very own blood. Precious, just precious! xo!

  2. Let me just add that you look amazing and you have a beautiful white smile my lifelong friend! So, take that!
    Thankful for you always!

  3. What a beautiful post and you girls are gorgeous~!

  4. there is something so sacred about the friendships of women! When I was in Hawaii I saw cute grandmas hanging out together, shopping, laughing and traveling together and I said, "Lord! I want that! that is so special!" Blessed you are!

    Ok.... I do not mean that you guys are grandmas.... but that you'll still be true friends WHEN your grandmas..... phew! Glad we cleared that one up! :)

  5. Now why does that say anonymous? It's from me!

  6. What a beautiful post tribute to your friends. Is your shirt from anthropolgie? I have the same one. Great minds think a like!!

  7. Wow, this sounds like my 3 best friends. I wrote about mine also on the post titled, "On Beach Time." We've known each other since 8th grade too! There's nothing like it...an inseperable bond. I had fun reading this.

  8. Paige,

    I always look forward to your posts....you have such a big heart and have such an eloquent way of writing out your innermost thoughts and feelings!! These three women are lucky to have such a wonderful friend in you......your love for them comes shining through!!

    You know I had the pleasure of meeting Kristin and in the short time I spent with her, I can see what a beautiful person she is....inside and out. She made me wish that I lived in Atlanta so we could hang out and be friends.

    Hope that you have a wonderful Easter Holiday!


  9. PS....You all look stunning!! What a fantastic picture:)

  10. What a special bond of friendship to share.

    Hope you're enjoying Spring Break with the girls out of school! Thinking of you! :o)

  11. How wonderful for all of you to have and be such good friends to each other! And all so beautiful too! Have a great weekend.


  12. You all are so fortunate to have each other! What a beautiful friendship and a beautiful post. :)

  13. how cute are you????????
    and your girlfriends!
    I truly believe that good girlfriends are the backbones of our lives.

  14. what a great photo, and i love your post!! what great friends you have:)

  15. Paige, Such a sweet post. You have an amazing way with words (I wish I had an ounce of your talent).

    Friendship is a wonderful treasure to cherish and your tribute to your friends shows just how much they mean to you.

    Thanks for sharing.

  16. Paige- You are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and so close by too. But obviously you know that and treasure it. You are all so beautiful!

  17. I, too, have cried over the grave of a sweet baby with a friend... and those sort of tears bind people together in a way that little else can.

    "And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them..." I'm sure you grew up singing that song as well!

  18. This blog could've literally been written about me and my three best friends (since birth!) Our parents were friends before we were born and 34 years later....we are like sisters - thanks so much for this! I can't wait to send them the link! Happy Easter!

  19. That is a such a beautiful post (and you are soooooooooooo gorgeous!!! WOW I wished I looked that good at your age lol)....I lost my best friend when I was 18 and it took me years to really let anyone else in...Now I have some exceptional friends in my life and not being much of a girly girl that is saying a lot....I consider you a dear and sweetfriend...Thank you for always making me smile and touching my heart across the pond.....Love ya C xx

  20. You all are gorgeous...wow! I have to say I was touched by the description of your friendships. There is nothing like a friend and if you have a special one you are truly blessed...congrats.

  21. WOW! You are all so blessed to have one another. I have gotten to know Kristin a but through her blog and I can see how you are friends. You are two of the kindest sweetest souls ever!

    Happy Easter!


  22. P.S> You are ALL stunningly beautiful!

  23. Paige, You have such a gift with words! What a beautiful post to your best of friends. And just for the record....your hips are tiny sista!!!!

  24. Amazing friendship! I am impressed that you have all stayed in touch and think it is so wonderful. I feel like it is rare that we have these friendships that last a lifetime.

  25. I love this blog..so glad that I found it...have added it to my "Must Read" blogs!
    Hope you will stop by my blog. I am a new blogger, that has a lot to learn. This is my second month in the world of BLOG. I have a give away this month. This drawing will be the last day of April. Just leave a comment and you are in the drawing.
    This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I received on the Blog Party (over 300). I have decided to make this a monthly GIFT... I so loved reading every comment.
    In May, there will be some fun blogs coming from Disney World. I hope to blog every night, in case you like a good trip report. There will also be a Disney giveaway. I am so thankful for all my new friends.

  26. Paige!
    Oh! I so understand your joy of close friends! I 3 girlfriends whom I share my everything with! They are my links to reality and fantasy all wrapped together! I love them with every ounce of my soul! Great post!

  27. You have an incredible gift for writing...I enjoyed this post tremendously and thought of my own friendships as I read it.
    Have a wonderful easter weekend.

  28. Paige~beautiful words... from a beautiful heart... of a beautiful girl! You four are certainly blessed! and gorgeous! Glad you have each other for life!


  29. You can articulate feelings of the heart so well. You truly engage the reader.

    You and your sisters are beautiful!!

  30. Oh my sister... what a perfect word picture you painted of the last 30 years and all the roads we three have walked together! How far the LORD has brought us! I feel so grateful...
    And what are you talkin' about - thin hips and white teeth??? You have ALL the "bells and whistles!" I love you my forever friend!!

  31. Hey Paigie! I just saw this blog. I'm so grateful to have ya'll to go through this life. My only regret is not enough time together in person. We can change that! It was so much fun just being together. Seems like just yesterday we were driving around Stone Mtn. in the corona! Ha Good times! I'm looking forward to making more.
    I love you

  32. Such a beautiful post and wonderful tribute to your friendship. You are a lucky girl.

  33. Hi Paige, I have always said that you go through life with only a handful of Truly wonderful friends, that stick with you til the end, and it looks like you have found your handful. You have a wonderful way with words and this post was so touching!!

  34. how beautiful you and your friends are! you are so fortunate to have these girls in your life. and I'm very partial to farmhouses :)


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