Thursday, April 02, 2009

i love the rain
i especially love a spring rain
something so purifying and healing to my soul.
to hear the sound , the smell it leaves behind, to the way the sky glows at sunrise just after the shower with all the majestic colors of spring highlighted like a watercolor painting come to life

its raining today & that's just fine with me

( i'll give you a heads up here--if you want a funny, light & carefree post you might just close this one now & come back later, sorry)

dan's sweet daddy is in the hospital with doctors running a gazillion tests trying to figure out what is wrong
today he's a frail 87 year old man but years ago he was a strapping man in the coast guard protecting our country
loyal husband married to the same woman for 50 years whom he buried 9 months ago
a gentle soul with wrinkles from years and years of wearing a smile & carrying a joke
first generation of Swedish immigrants to America
crystal blue eyes that always see the good in people
a servants heart that is currently struggling to find a normal sinus rhythm

he's lost weight from the current illness
he has iv's in each arm & a picc line that was placed yesterday
bruises up and down his arms from where his platelets counts were low
a horrific ng tube down his nose hooked up to suction,-probably the most barbaric medical tool i've ever seen ,because he has a blockage "somewhere"
oxygen canula in because he can't breathe well
he came in to the hospital in renal failure which they think they've fixed secondary to dehydration, from what cause...who knows still
with an enlarged prostate
now they think gallbladder issues
or maybe a blockage in the colon
his heart goes in & out of a-fib, a-flutter, v-fib and when it does he is confused & agitated
he can't move
he can't get comfortable
he hasn't eaten in days.....days
his mouth is dry
he feels bad for the way he looks therefore only wants us as visitors
& no one else
but he doesn't complain,
of course not
he survived the depression and is part of the greatest generation
of course he isn't going to complain
oh did i mention he had quadruple bypass 40 something years ago, so his heart is quite fragile along with "everything else"

despite all this his nurses say
"he's one of the sweetest men we've ever cared for
....what a delight he is"....
my point exactly

i must say , i think caroline is his favorite
maybe because they both have blond hair & blue eyes
maybe because she's so stinkin cute
or maybe because they just have a special connection , kindred spirits if you will
she's so tender right now worrying about her pop pop
her kindred spirit
and worrying about her daddy & how
he's doing with all this

these photos aren't related
i took them a couple years ago at "the tulip house"
on a cloudy day
just after it rained
god speed pop pop
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest;
keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year
Robert Frost


  1. That's a beautiful post. I think it's so special that your dad-in-law and your daughter have that sweet relationship. He sounds like someone I wish I knew. I am praying for him right now before the daily routine sweeps me away. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a beautiful post Paige. He sounds wonderful and I will have your family in my thoughts and prayers for as long as you need. Thank you for sharing the insight to your seem like such a wonderful loving clan.


  3. This post is beautiful. I'm praying for your FIL and family. *hugs*

  4. Oh Paige, this is so beautifully written about "pop pop"....he sounds like a special soul. I will pray for him and for your family, especially Caroline, bless her nurturing heart. :) I will pray for comfort for him and also some answers for the doctors to better help him. His heart is fragile and it sounds like a part of it was buried along with his love 9 months ago. :) I pray for strength for him and for your family. Please keep us posted.

  5. That man obviously means so much to you. I'm sorry you are all going through this. I will remember you in my prayers. Hugs, Jen

  6. Just praying for Herb (Pop Pop) and all today! Love you guys.

  7. Oh Paige this is a beautiful post...your father in law sounds like a very special man...I will keep he and Caroline and your family in my prayers.

  8. What a beautiful post about a beautiful person. It really shows his TRUE character that at this most difficult time he still shows grace. I love that he has such a sweet connection with your little Caroline! We will be praying for your whole family.

  9. What a sweet post and enjoyed the beautiful pics of Paige! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh Paige....I am so sorry that he is suffering through all this. I will continue to pray for him and your family as you are there with him each day!

    Such a beautiful post and gorgeous pics of you sweet Caroline!!

    Thinking of you,


  11. Paige,
    So sorry your father-in-law is going through this. He sounds like a sweet gentle man. It's so hard to see our loved ones suffering in any way. So precious are your pics of Caroline and the words you wrote about your the relationship the two of them have. I just love the paintings! What a gifted group of friends you have. Happy Belated birthday as well.

  12. Hi precious Paige,

    Thoughts for "pop pop", Dan, and your sweet family.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the rain! :o)

    Not so fun when you can't get outside and your stuck in a windowless classroom all day x 18 kiddos!

  13. HI! I really enjoy reading your blog and wanted to say hi. I hope your father in law gets his health back soon. Your photo's are always beautiful too.

  14. saw your last post and was hoping that he was on the mend...

    So sorry to hear that he's still so sick.


  15. so sorry for the struggles that your family is going through right "baby" sister is in the hospital tonight for is always a stressful thing.
    my thoughts are with you.

  16. So sorry to hear that your father-in-law is going through so much! Keeping him and your family in my prayers. Take care.


  17. Oh that post was so beautifully written. I send prayers your way during this difficult time. Your pictures are so beautiful~

  18. Paige,
    how is he doing?
    still thinking of you and Dan.

  19. Your father-in-law sounds like a wonderful guy & you can tell he's loved a lot. I'll be praying for his recovery:) And thank you for the kind words you left on my blog regarding my mother's passing.

  20. with tears in my eyes I am lifting you all up in prayers on this peaceful Easter Morning...


  21. If you enjoy the rain, you're living in the wrong state. You should move to WA. We definately are not short on that! Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing an enjoyable post. ~Great read~


  22. So sorry to hear about "pop pop". May the Lord bouy you and your family up during this difficult time.


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