Friday, March 20, 2009

spring's first day

13 years ago today , on the first day of spring
i sat in a hospital--
the doctor told us gregg "might" have 3-5 years
(he ended up with 8 months)
the results were positive for melanoma.
his story is here.
a season change indeed
i was more amazed that life kept going for the 'everyone else' out there
i needed time to catch my breath
i needed time to make sense of the senseless

five years later
i was at a different hospital
on the first day of spring
sweet caroline elizabeth came into my world
a sign of new life & new beginnings
another change of season
all wrapped up in blond hair & blue eyes

I don't want to spiritualize what is not
but the truth is she could have been born any one of the other 364 days that year
but God allowed her to come that very day
I choose to see that precious detail as a tender gift from Him
The One that knows I'm all about the details
The One who saw every tear
& heard every prayer
The One who knows I need order in the midst of uncertainty
The One who knows how i struggle with fear

The scripture says His mercies are new every morning
& that there is a time for everything
for every season
I still struggle with fears, especially health related
but having another baby girl who's daddy is my soul mate
was a gift i never could imagine possible
a reminder that even in the midst of a storm
He is there
He loves me
& He is the giver of all good gifts

Each year on her birthday I love to tell her ,
"Listen Caroline, the birdies are singing Happy Birthday to you"

Sweet girl wears her "my birthday is on the first day of spring" as if it were a national holiday.
Happy Birthday sweet child of mine

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
psalm 139. 17~18


  1. What a truly remarkable story of God's goodness. Such a special gift just for you!

  2. Happy 8th Birthday sweet Caroline!

  3. Happy Birthday Caroline!!!! I too share this special day as my birthday! :)

  4. sweet caroline , love it.
    reminds me of the song.....
    such a sweet post Paige!

  5. Sweet Caroline's birthday post was the first blog I read after returning from my Moms In Touch meeting this morning and celebrating another Spring day birthday. Your message touched my heart as only a gift from God can do. His grace works through you.

  6. Happy Birthday to your sweet Caroline!


  7. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your heart. I was in tears as I read your post. God is so good and it is encouraging to hear about the little footprints he leaves on our lives. Blessings.

  8. Sweet birthday wishes to your darling Caroline.

  9. Your story touched have truly turned this trial into a strength!

    Happy Birthday to that sweet little Caroline!

  10. So amazing, Paige! Happy birthday to your sweet spring bundle. I miss my little one being 5.

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Caroline. Paige, I cried and cried as I read this because God is mindful of us. He is full of tender mercies. I believe he sent her to you on this day for a reason. And that reason is love.

  12. You have gorgious children and you know what my motto is....God is not a God of coincidence. How special that your daughter was born on that day. I found you through one of my friends. I just started my own blog and so am very new to this whole new world. Love your blog!

  13. Wow what a gorgeous post my friend!!! You write so beautifully!!!! Happy Birthday dear, sweet Caroline from your friends in Aus!!!! Love Cathy, Kirstie, Andrew and Geoff xx

  14. Paige, Such a wonderful post. You have such a way with words, so sweet and eloquent. It is truly a gift from God that sweet Caroline arrived on that very spring day. Happy Birthday Caroline!!

  15. Hi Paige...I just wanted to tell you that I love to check in on your blog daily...I think your writing is beautiful and such an insight to your spirit...I really appreciate that...thank you for sharing so much and for the look into your life...I look forward to reading on. Cheers!

  16. Beautiful. Happy Birthday Caroline! I love your name!

  17. Tell Caroline "Happy Birthday!" from Mrs. Courtney Brown! Hope you guys are having a fun weekend. :o)

  18. What a beautiful story, thanks for sharing... Hope she had a wonderful birthday. :)

  19. oh my.... i had goosebumps the whole time i was reading your story. God is so good.
    happy spring to you and your lovely family.

  20. Oh I love this post. God is so good.
    Happy Birthday sweet Caroline.

  21. Sweet friend, you touch my heart again and again. I love that you see the many ways that the Lord shows how deep and wide His love is for you. Happy Birthday Caroline.

  22. I have to tell you that your posts always bring me to tears....both happy and sad! I truly believe that Caroline was a gift and it just makes her a little bit extra special! You are a remarkable woman...and family! XOXO

  23. Such beautiful and touching words, Paige. Happy birthday to Caroline - your sweet, spring gift from God.
    Blessings to you all ...


  24. God is most certainly "in the details" as much as He is in the big things. What a beautiful day for her to be born, and what a beautiful gift He gave you!

  25. Happy (belated) Birthday, sweet Caroline. You share a birthday with my son. Donald was born 39 years ago in Cleveland, Ohio. He, too, listens to the birds chirp on his birthday. Well, maybe ... after all, he does live in snow country so perhaps all he hears is the scrape scrape scrape of the snow shovels! Either way, bet you both blow out the birthday candles and celebrate the day!

  26. What a very beautiful and moving post. Just beautiful!


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