Tuesday, December 02, 2008

i heart red boots

when i was 19 i purchased what would become my most favorite fashion item ~~ a pair of cowboy boots.

not just any cowboy boots, but red cowboy boots

red leather with red suade

let me tell you...i loved those boots.

if there had ever been an emergency requiring a quick evacuation i was going to grab my pink leather bible and those beloved boots

a few years ago i opened the box ( because they were indeed "save the box" worthy) only to find that much of the inside was ummm....disintigrating

sadly they were thrown away.

i've owned many a pair of boots since that time

even my prize yellow ropers from texas ( thus allowing me to live out my inner cowgirl that wishes i lived in fredricksburg)

if you've seen any old pictures of caroline, you've seen that she too is genetically predisposed to loving red cowgirl boots

but alas....

time passed

last week i had a fabulous day...i won an anthropologie gift card from kasey!!!
this woman is the cutest thing! i shamelessly covet her fabulous anthro wardrobe & that precious home of hers is so tastefully decorated...oh ,i forgot , she has a great shop too.
thankyouthankyouthankyou kasey!!
mwah !!!

seriously, i read her email & cried ( & i'm not a crier)

you see, weeks ago the anthro fall catalog arrived

i saw these~

the most incredible pair of boots known to man
i drooled
i sighed & realized that their sticker price was just a little to high for this girl

i mean, honestly i wore the same black flipflops everyday from about may until september. surely i am not worthy to wear the most gorgeous red boots

well, after kasey popped over the email
i dried my tears
offered her a kidney if she was ever in need
& immediately thought of those red boots--figured maybe santa might pick up the rest of the tab.

she emailed me the next day with only the words " they are on sale" in the subject line

holy cow
50% off
tell me i'm not living right!

so i made the executive decision that if they were 50% off, why not buy 2 pairs
surely this is the most prudent decision... right?

i mean how often do i get to use the "i won i won i won honey" & " that's all i want for christmas" line at the exact sime time?

only 2 sizes in stock ....tiny size to fit an 8 year old & MINE>..my size

in the red & in these~~

& free shipping--could life be any better?

24 hours later i receive a very unsympathetic email from anthro letting me know that
" quantities were actually not as shown & that my red boots were cancelled"


i cried again..well maybe i just teared up

i called the service line....explained my complete emotional attatchment to the said red boots
the lady was totally unimpressed
had she seen those bad boys? surely not

she then claims to check on line & then tell me they were gone
all gone
sold out everywhere

i called the larger of the two anthros here in atlanta only to be told they had sold out just that day. the boots had just gone on sale the day before & it had been crazy

oh dear....some lucky , probably unappreciative, soul is going to be walking around atlanta in the boots destined for me

it was more than i could handle...
anyway, this sales associate was definitely sympathetic to my cause & offered to do another online search

she found them in texas ( of course they were in texas..you know, my whole inner cowgirl thing)

i call dallas 30 min before they close
i describe the boots
she has them...in my size

i beg her not to forget to run the sale through &accidentally put them back out on the floor
she assures me that she will indeed run the transaction. she tells me she completely understands my obsession and that yes, they are indeed gorgeous. she then tells me to have a happy holiday....happy holiday indeed!
well, i call back 30 min later just to make sure &
she assures me again they are safe & sound and will soon be headed to atlanta

the brown nesting boots arrived within 48 hours!!
the red should be here anyday!!
& yes i've never been more excited to see my little postal carrier

the other day emily & i were playing a little "whats your favorite thing" game...she asked the question..."if there was an emergency what would be the first thing you'd grab"



  1. I am so glad you got them in the end....they are FABULOUS!! I am not a Southern girl, but I do love my boots!!

    Hope you and the family had a Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. Whew -- am so glad you got your boots! Bet you look really rockin in them!

    Have a great week . . . of course you will, with your boots! :)


  3. wow. The red boots were definately meant to be yours. And the Autumn boots.
    I myself, ordered the brown ruffled boots....50% off.
    They won't be here till mid December, but alas, I think Santa will have them waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs Christmas morning.
    I heart great ending stories!!!!
    and if i ever need a kidney....i'm calling you.

  4. OH ! I am sooo with you about the red boots ! I, too have a favorite pair of red cowboy boots....(as well as a pair of tan suede, a pair of black leather...w/ silver boot tips, I might add. :-) Also, a pair of black & brown alligator type leather (Brighton's "Toby").

    I don't live in the South, but am a Southerner at heart & a "wannabee". Maybe someday. We hope to one day retire in TN. Our son recently moved there, so at least I get to visit often. :-)

    Sooo...back to the boots....I'm so sorry about your boot purchasing experience & so sorry you didn't make out w/ the new red ones...but, at least you found the brown ones. YAY ! Kick up your heels for that ! :-)

    Have a boot-scootin' week !


  5. YEAH!!!! I am so glad that you got them. Kasey called me all excited and I thought for sure she won the lottery and then she told me Anthro was having 1/2 off sale. I immediately got off the phone and bought the nesting boots and the ruffle boots....ok..I bought a scarf too. Don't judge...it was free shipping over $200:-) Congrats on the red boots you sweet cowgirl!!!!

  6. I love these red boots! I also love the name Caroline. I love it so much that I named my first born Caroline in 1984!
    Dana in VA

  7. I now think you are the luckiest girl in the history of lucky girls. I was coveting the red and the brown boots. I actually had the brown boots on my feet in my size the day after the sale started and I put them back. It hurt but I just couldn't justify it during the holidays. Oh how it hurt. I'm so happy for you though!

  8. cute story paige!! how fun!! i can't wait to see you sporting those hot boots:)

  9. How cute! I wish I could wear boots, I LOVE the look. But have never found a pair to fit. I am soooooo jealous of your new pairs!

  10. I don't have an inner cowgirl but I do understand the "gotta have it" feeling and I love a great ending! Be sure to post pictures of you wearing your prized red boots!

  11. Just a warning that Kasey may really come asking for that kidney...just be prepared.

  12. You are a Hoot!!
    And I hope those boots carry you to some wonderful places and see some wonderful faces in them : ) Wear them in good health! I love that you heart them so much and went to such lengths to find them. Enjoy them neighbor : )
    Rox in Sandy Springs....

  13. Some things in life are just worthy of a fun scavenger hunt challenge. Glad you go the boots your heart desired. Seems like life is smiling on you.

  14. What a great story!!! You WILL be posting a picture of you stylin' in these boots, darhlin'....won't you??? : ))

  15. Talk about super cute blogs... I love yours, will be adding it to my favorite column soon. You are too funny, and I can identify. Love the color red AND shoes! Happy bday to your hub too, he sounds lovely!
    Happy Sunday to you!
    P.S. Tell your friends to stop by my blog for the giveaway!

  16. hey,
    just wanted you to know i finally added you to my "friends" list.
    you passed the test.

  17. Gorgeous! I am so gald your heart is happy. They look great in the above post! You are adorable.


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