Monday, September 15, 2008

the kindness of a stranger

this blogging community is amazing. you probably are already quite familiar with the nielson's story. apparently, there has been a phenomenal support from the blogging world for them....prayers, auctions, news stories, the list goes on. kindness from people that without the internet would otherwise be strangers.

while i may never meet any of this family, i feel such a connection to stephanie. i think of her often & pray for her daily. i printed out a few of her gorgeous photos ( thank you wendy) to carry with me & have in my bible. while i sometimes feel guilty for spending too much time surfing around on blogs, finding their story has given me confirmation that this online world is a good thing. i am honored to be given the privilege just to come along side of some incredible families & their journeys and lift them up with prayers and encouragements.

i am also humbled by many of the friends i've made out here the last year or so. several of you have lifted my spirits on days when i'm down. sweet pixel fairy princess dropped by unannounced one day ---waaaaaaay out of her way, just to bring me a giftbag full of treasures. thank you friend, you are a treasure.
i have met sweet courtney who i will hook up with for lunch in just a little bit.
i've met a couple of young moms who my hubby taught ( just a few) years ago :)

so while i may spend a little too much time on line, i am forever changed and blessed by the kindness of what would otherwise be a stranger & the many wonderful 'you's' out there.
so thank you.

"Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why,
when I am in special need of help,
the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim."

~William Feather ~

also, thank you to my sweet mom for bringing us pot roast, fresh bread & yummy yummy homemade chicken salad while i was a little below the weather this last week.

that same day my awesome journal from rebecca sower arrived. nothing like homemade goodness & an etsy treat to cheer me up!

madison has begun practice for the nutcracker....she will have dance 8 different times in each 6 day cycle ( all before the performance even begins!)....this really excites her but wears me out just thinking about the logistics

we're also knee deep in football season 'round here.
games each friday night & cheerleading competitions on saturday mornings.

emily is loving getting plugged in with the vast amount of youth activities our church holds. we are blessed to attend a church whose heart is to reach the next generation. the programs, the people, the everything is to help these kids get a solid spiritual foundation especially while in middle school.
she was so sweet the other day. she said " mom, i think its a good thing that i'm not busy with alot of extra circulars. that way i can be at church for all the great things there".
preach on emi!
you have a kind heart & you inspire me to be a better person.took these pictures sunday.....this little bit is just growing up way too fast

The smallest act of kindness
is worth more than the grandest intention.
~Oscar Wilde~


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  3. I love it for you that you have just made so very many heart friends along this blog path and great to see pics of your girlies. Good for the soul. I am never without awe at how God works in amazing ways. Sending prayers along with so many over Nie Nie too. Amazing how people have come together! Happy day to you my friend.

  4. Hello!
    To day I suddenly came to your blog and I think it was the name Knudsen who did it. I am from Norway, and Knudsen is a Norwegian name. Have you family here?
    I think you have so nice and cute kids, I think they look likes their mother :)
    You have a good heart, and I can see that you wants to help others by thinking of them and pray for them. Hope you understand my bad english :)
    Have a nice day!

    From Desiree in Norway

  5. Oh Paige,
    What a joy it is to find someone who appreciates the simple things in life- like friendship, good food, family, and life. You are such an inspiration for all that is praiseworthy in the world today.
    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful heart.
    It means so much to know that others are there.
    I wish I lived closer. If only I could walk in your footsteps for one day.
    Sending love to you today.

  6. Oh My! You make me blush. My life is so enriched by our friendship. You inspire me with your simple attitude towards life - be kind, love what you have, and take nothing for granted :D I am so glad that you are feeling better. Tomorrow we head into CHOA for Princess's surgery. Please keep us in your prayers - this one I am going alone with her. Dan has to be at the office tomorrow. I am sure I will be fine :D Just keep us both in your prayers.
    Thank you for blogging - I can't imagine not "knowing"you :D
    Ladybug hugs,

  7. I totally fell ya on the spending too much time reading blogs! It seems like I spend so much time on this crazy laptop of mine, but the friendships and stories I have from here are so worth that time.

    And as usual, beautiful photos! Your girls are so pretty!

  8. Paige

    um... yes... 3 whole hours of talking we did!!! ha! Loved every minute of it though. Lunch was great. So glad to have met you. Such a wonderful gal you are! :o) We'll definitely talk soon, and maybe we can plan a girl's day of shopping next time with the rest of your gang?!?


  9. I can't agree with you more....this little online community is am incredible place....I have met some wonderful people....many have touched my heart in a special are one of those people!

    Your girls are so beautiful....and looks like they are keeping you busy with lots of activities....I cannot wait to hear more about Madison and The Nutcracker...that is a passion of my past that is still near and dear to my heart!

    Have a wonderful week Paige!


  10. great post.
    love the wonderful pics also.

  11. Hi Paige,

    I have missed your blog!! I have been alittle out of it from the funeral and everything last week. I hope you guys are well, and it looks like you are staying busy. I love seeing pictures of the girls. It seems like just the other day I was in cheerleading competitions and performing in the nutcracker. Although it was 10 years ago! Enjoy it! XO, clare

  12. Like you, I feel such compassion for the Nie Nie family and sending prayers their way.

    I have also found so many wonderful people from blogging and reading so many great blogs -- like yours!

    Your girls are so lovely and so busy - - it's gotta keep you on your toes. Glad to hear that are feeling better. Take care.


  13. I visit your beautiful blog often...wonderful pages...and your post today made me think of a favorite line from the Bible...goes like this:
    "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares"
    You have certainly done this.
    Keep up the great blog...I will visit often.

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  14. sweet blog.
    i also feel like the neilsons are my family. stephanie's blogging has changed the way i look at many things these days. i will forever be thankful for her and the way she lives life.

  15. I just wanna hug your heart paige! such an inspiring post. thank you for those links. I love the shots of the girls. so fun. :)

  16. I think it goes to show that people really care about each other and we love when we can do something. Those little acts of kindness not only bless the one we are blessing, but it blesses us also. Your daughters are just lovely!

  17. HI Paige! I just found youthis morning (through NieNie) and wanted to say hello. I've really enjoyed reading through your blog. Hope you have a great day!

  18. Such a beautiful family and lucky to have the best mum in the world...Your blog always brings a smile to me dear friend...Love cathy xxxxxxx

  19. Blogging is my way of being part of a large community. Isn't it great how many wonderful people you "meet" along the way. I, too, pray for NieNie every single day. I check cjane constantly. YOur blog, too, is so uplifting. I hope you know how much you bless our lives too!

  20. Beautiful! I think that sums it up.

    Hope you're loving your weekend and soaking it up. I left you a little present over at my blog.

  21. Paige,

    I hope you are doing well and I am not surprised at the kindness other bloggers show you. You are sweet and kind and graceful. You have touched my life and I see how many others you have touched too.


  22. Hi Paige,
    Just wanted to check in on my blogging buddy... I know you have had much on your mind. I think of you..and have asked for blessings and good news and tidings to come to you and your family. Bless you...we love you!

  23. Paige! this was a lovely post! I too am amazed by the people I met through my blog! Once I get to feeling better I really do want to meet some of them...where my journey carries me!

  24. Beautiful post from a beautiful person! That's you!

    Teresa McFayden

  25. Hi Have just had your blog passed onto me from a friend. Sometimes you stumble upon people that inspire you!! You have a beautiful family i like you lost my babies father when they were young but i have learnt life goes on and i can be happy again.

  26. i have to confess that i spent some time reading through all your all past blogs. Mrs. Cantrell was over the night talking about your cute house, and i went in search of some pics. i do love your house. but i love your life story more.

  27. i am so sorry i didn't comment earlier. i just had to go back and make sure that i didn't. b/c i check your blog DAILY - i knew you had included a shout out to me ... and i was so humbled.

    thank you for sharing so much of your life with me. i feel like i have this special little seat just looking in, learning about what it means to be a christian wife, mom, friend by you.

    yes, i have some fun christian moms in my birthday club. some i cannot remember NOT knowing ... and some are newer friends that have been brought in. not sure what all the PCA moms would say if they read about the Red Bar ... but, we just had a good time. it's funny b/c we were home before 9 both nights our PJs watching the debate or the UGA game.

    thanks for sharing your life.

  28. I just came across your blog after reading your post on Nie's.

    I live in suburban atlanta also, and know quite a few Knudsens from growing up in Roswell!

    Just wanted to say I love your blog and I think Nie would be very proud and impressed.


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