Friday, September 26, 2008

i am a lucky girl

yesterday amidst the stress of our nation's economy
all the talk about John McCain's suspended campaign
the 'into the night' talks at the Capitol
Letterman acting like a jerk
with my almost empty gas tank~

I hooked up with my new found 'thanks to the world of blogging' friends
i giggled & laughed
i was hugged
i played at Pottery Barn Kids for almost 2 hours
i watched two little birdies flutter around our table at The Corner Bakery
i learned about Chinese adoptions
i learned about her surgeries, one of many
i learned about my new friends
i delighted in my day
& i left with a heart full of gratitude for a precious little girl & her warm, loving mommy and how they made me feel like a lucky girl ....just to know them
photo courtesy of pixel fairy productions :)


  1. What a joy and what fun! I wish I could have joined you both! Blogging friendships are just amazing to me! I met two personally last weekend and how awesome....our paths probably never would have crossed otherwise! true blessings!

    Have a wonderful weekend Paige!

  2. Ever since I saw pixel fairies blog through three peanuts almost a year ago I thought this has to be the most beautiful little girl in the world. Do you remember my sending you a picture of this little girl saying I wish to adopt a little girl just like her? I am so glad that you have gotten to know these people and that you all are a blessing to one another's lives. God gives us a precious kiss on the forehead sometimes and I think through this meeting you all have gotten one. Have a beautiful weekend my friend.

  3. Paige,

    I also recently met the PFP and the PIT...and feel blessed as well. What a lovely family they are...and Debbie...SO knowledgeable on so many things.

    So glad you got the chance to meet!

  4. How wonderful that you were able to meet a blogging friend! Love her photos and blog! Have a great weekend!


  5. Sounds like a lovely day!!!

    What a beautiful picture of the two of you....There is a lot to be said of blogging and the friendships that are made through this wonderful little community we have!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. That made me smile and I really need a smile today - I have been just a wreck! We are starting to get a little bit of clarity on what happened this morning and Thank The LORD - it has nothing to do with my neighbor. There was an officer killed right in front of our house but there is a lot that they are investigating too.

    I cannot tell you how wonderful yesterday was and I felt an instant click with you. We are going to have to meet up again really soon :D You are a kindred spirit!
    Ladybug hugs,

    BTW - I can't wait to show you the LO I did from yesterday! You are such a beautiful person and Li Li was talking about you to EVERYONE! Miss Paige this and Miss Paige that!

  7. How wonderful that you found the things to be grateful for in your day. I love the postitive attitude admist the trials of the world. What you found was way more important than the other things going on around you.
    Thanks so much for sharing your loving heart with us. What an inspiration of love you are to us.

  8. Oh sweet Paige...I love your sweet perspective on life! I love love love the sweet photos of you and Li Li. You are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us.

    Sharon RN

  9. How wonderful you got to meet IRL. I know we will someday. I just know it. xo

  10. Your blog is just beautiful! Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments while I have been "away"
    having our precious baby boy! I am trying to play catch up this weekend and wanted to make sure and stop by. Love just flows out of your heart and through your words. I would love to "meet" you one day!

    Have a beautiful weekend with your family!



  11. What a beautiful family and blog you have!~ I will definitely stop by again! Did you find the pumpkins you were looking for? We have lots and can send you some pictures of different ones to choose from if you'd like.

  12. Sounds great! Adorable picture!

  13. Paige,

    I left you a little "surprise" on my blog!

    Big Hug,


  14. Wow, so glad to have found you too! Looks like you are busy this time of year with cheerleading, being sick and just life in general. Plus maybe looking into adoption? I am so blessed to read your real comments and thoughts. Thank you for putting them out there for the world to share with yo! :)

  15. what a cutie pie in that picture! actually you're both pretty darn cute! heehee! ;o) hope your week is going well. happy hump day!
    ps-i need to see that picture from 1984! *wink*

  16. What a special time and gorgeous photo!!

  17. What a special day! I wish I could meet you, too. To have you photograph my kids would be a always capture the innocence of childhood so beautifully.

    Have a great week!

  18. Can I just tell you how green I am here with envy?

    I am glad you had a nie day with Lili and Debbie:)


  19. Letterman is a jerk!

    Your girls are beautiful!


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