Thursday, July 24, 2008

A morning in Virginia Highlands

There is a wonderful historic neighborhood in Atlanta called Virginia Highlands. Beautiful homes built in the 1900's, charming sidewalk cafe's, eclectic shops, gourmet food & kitchenware, pottery painting, funky dress shops, ice cream parlors, you name it -they've got it.
Dan & I went yesterday for breakfast at Belly General Store. Known for their fresh olive oil -melt in your mouth bagels ( haven't eaten one of those since I started Weight Watchers-my taste buds were so excited) and scrumptuous cheese grits. Such a funky place I thought I'd share some images. The first are just outside their front door.....a beloved Coke sign & vintage chairs. Here in Atalnta, all carbonated beverages are refered to as "coke", "would you care for a coke" might actually mean " would you like any various carbonated beverage?", just not pepsi!
Need to remember this spot for a funky photo shoot!

This spring I began quite a search to find Atlanta's best cupcake for Madison's birthday. Searched high & low--word of mouth, websites, etc. Belly was actually named Atlanta's Best Cupcake ~ after all it is all about the cupcake isn't it? I mean look at these babies....

Each day a different 1/2 dozen or so flavors are featured. Yesterday was carrot cake, red velvet , double chocolate, peanut butter & jelly, & yellow with chocolate. But everyday, those huge fun colored cupcakes are available. Definately worth the drive!

Loved all the urban touches....great lanterns, wire baskets, big tubs for fruits & veggies, but I especially loved the chalkboard menu hung by ropes.

Just down the street is a great salon & spa , Key Lime Pie. For all you precious blog readers who also judge their books by the cover, wouldn't you come here just because of the great funky name! Totally diggin' their window display. Sadly, they were closed---the interior was loaded with greatness!

I was all over these wonderful colors featured in Bella Cucina's window.....robins egg blues, creamy white & golds, sunflowers....could've just moved right in. Would I have still needed to cook dinner?
We were headed over to the new Urban Outfitters when we got a frantic call from our stranded cheerleader. Oh well, all good things must come to an end! wink!

Thanks for sharing the great books too!

Have a wonderful day



  1. Wonderful looking stores! Wish I was there today! How about the cupcakes? Is there a website where I can order some and have them delivered by mail? I would LOVE to try so..they look divine!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of the darling little stores! Have a good day!

  2. My old stomping grounds and what I miss most after moving up to Forsyth :). LOVE IT! Belly is so very YUM - the cupcakes are the best, Key Lime Pie is that great on the inside and from personal experience delivers the BEST facials, and I could too move into Bella Cucina. I tried once..., smile. I have a hard time walking out of that store without a bag and treasure within. Always feel good inside after experiencing that store. I love the pictures and thank you for the sweet memories of my hold Saturday jaunts with Anthony. Glad you get time like this with Dan. I love it that you two love time like that with one another!

  3. Oh my word what a place! I so wish I was there. It's been raining and humid here in Hip chick land for ever so long. Every single thing is damp. I would just about kill for one of those fun cupcakes!

  4. of course your pictures are amazing. i love that area ... don't get there enough.

    you inspire me to do more of that with Tommy. i mean, living in Alpharetta - it's just 'too far' to do things sometimes ... but, thanks for the gentle reminder that it is little things that are so important.

    i know your post wasn't about getting to be with Coach K (sorry, I just can't call him by his first name) .. but, that is an important thing I got out of it! :)

  5. oh, I want to go and visit! I love the coke photos and the cupcakes look amazing! Can and I come down and meet you there for a cupcake? XO, Clare

  6. LOL - Dan and I love Virginia Highlands! Vine is one of my FAVORITE restaurants :D Never been to Belly's but those cupcakes make me want to!
    Ladybug hugs,

  7. Great photos! And those cupcakes really made me hungry!


  8. What fun and how it makes me miss my Baby Girl!
    She was a hostess at La Tavola in VH for almost 3 1/2 years and just quit to take an account executive job after graduating from Emory. Her dream is to live in the Highlands and I hope she gets to do just that one day.
    Thanks for a fun tour! I HAVE to get her to take me to Belly on my next visit!

  9. Great pix! I would love to visit one day! I just love your posts! I did a cupcake themed birthday party for my daughter last year when she turned 2! I ended up making four different flavored cupcakes and put them on white pedestals! They were yummy! Have fun! Julie

  10. Paige - How sweet are you? Thanks for checking in on me! I'm feeling so much better (18 weeks) and have weaned myself off the nausea medication. We have our ultrasound in two weeks but aren't finding out the sex! I'll keep you posted!

  11. Virginia Highlands looks like a fun place to hang out! Great pictures and those cupcakes.....certainly worth a visit! I'm hungry now~! :)

    Have a great weekend Paige!

  12. How charming and what fun!
    Thanks for sharing your afternoon.
    As always, your photos are beautiful!

  13. OOh, Great pics! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oooh, I love the looks of Belly's.
    I love the old-fashioned kind of things...stores, storefronts, streets, etc.

    My son recently moved to Nashville, TN and he has learned the same thing about ordering a "coke". Coke means any kind of soft drink....(except to means COKE). :-) He's trying to teach his co-workers and new friends the ways of us Northerners. Ha!

    There is also a cupcake place in Nashville, called Gigi's, that sounds just like Belly's. They make about 6 featured cupcakes each day. They are beautiful AND scrumptious!

    I'm not sure where Lilburn is located in GA, but I have dear several dear friends that live near Atlanta....Lawrenceville, Dacula, Suwanee.

    Have a wonderfully, blessed day. :-)
    Jackie Carl (Marion, IN)

  15. So much fun! I would love to visit Georgia sometime. I would definately check out Key Lime Pie. Thanks for the fun outing!

  16. I'm in heaven, those yummy cupcakes (even though i'm dieting)and that beautiful store with the duck egg blue colours, in aussie land we just dont have gorgeous small shops filled with atmosphere (except mine of course, only kidding xxx)no really, I'm so jealous, Australia is shocking for huge, mass produced shopping centres. By the way I just love your blog adding it my list of favourites, Judy x

  17. I'm from south of Atlanta. If you like blues music and looking for something different to do, I suggest Blind Willies. It's a nice place for a date night with other couples or a group of girls. Every blues group we've seen there has been wonderful fun. $11 cover charge but, more than worth it.

  18. OH, Paige! I miss home! Thank you so much for sharing. I used to get me hair done at the Van Michael Salon in Virginia Highlands from time to time and my cousin lived in the area. Key Lime Pie has great facials and massages. Its like a little tiny slice of home to see the pics. Thank you, thank you!

  19. hey dear friend, can I come and have a cup cake with you...Wouldn't that be lovely... and that shop at the end is just the colours I love...Beautiful post, shows me a little bit of your world, I love it...
    Luv c xxxx

  20. Paige! I was thinking you need to come and "showcase" historic Roswell! We would love for you to take shots of our little town!!!

  21. I want to go & sit for a while!! (well, and shop & eat cupcakes!)

  22. I just love the Virginia Highlands area. There are so many great shops and restaurants.
    I haven't been in so long. Makes me want to plan an outing there.

  23. I loved the bella cucina store and that whole shopping area that is was in, just darling!

  24. Hi Paige,
    What great pics of Atlanta - especially those coke signs. And that spa named Key Lime Pie - simply fabulous!
    Stop by my blog when you get a chance - I have an award for you.

  25. Paige,

    I love each picture and your description just made the Virginia Highlands sound like a lovely place to visit!!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures of your fun morning!! I have actually come back several times just to look at them!!

    Best wishes,


  26. OH Paige!
    What lovely photos...just so fun and love the yellow cello tutus too! Great place!
    come by and say hello when ever!

  27. What a great little excursion! Thank you for taking such great pictures that allow us to go along with you!! Love this! : )

  28. As always, your photos are amazing!

  29. I just was blog-hopping and found yours and spent quite an enjoyable time reading through a number of posts. Thanks for spending the early afternoon with me!

  30. The cupcakes looked too good to be true! The shops just right for retail therapy! I would definitely shop there between cupcakes!

  31. Great blog!

    I drive by that place all the time and just look at their cupcakes, one day Im going to go get one :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  32. oh my fun! xo

  33. I lived in Atl one summer during college and fell in love with VH and Key Lime Pie! So glad to know its still there for me when I finally figure out how/when to move back down south!


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