Friday, March 21, 2008

Sweet Caroline

Sweet Caroline.....I have been singing that song to her since she was born.

We celebrated Caroline's 7th birthday yesterday.
Its so special to me that she was born on March 20th~ the first day of spring. A day that symbolizes new life, new beginnings.
You see, March 20th was also the same date that Gregg ( my first husband) was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. She's a gift from God , as all children are, but her birthday makes it even more tender & sweet for me. Sort of like the rainbow after the storm.

After Dan & I were married we knew we wanted to have another child. I suffered two miscarriages , both of them late in the first trimester. I worried ( as i always seem to do) if something was wrong with me.
When I found out I was pregnant with Caroline, my ob informed me that he was unable to find a heartbeat. He told me to prepare for another miscarriage. We were leaving for the beach the next day---he said he'd see me when I returned but not to be surprised if and when I miscarried while on vacation. ok....
Upon returning we had another sonogram & guess what....there was that beating heart!

I think this precious blue eyed, blond haired baby girl is the perfect completion to our family. There is not a day that goes that I am not hugely aware of how blessed I am to have her in my life. She fills us with giggles & hugs. Savannah, Madison, & Emily have doted on her from the first moment they saw her. She is personality plus!

We love you sweet baby girl
Happy Birthday Caroline Elizabeth!!


  1. Oh my, such a sweet story and such a beautiful Girl!!! My guy just turned six. It goes by so dang fast.

  2. Happy Birthday Miss Caroline! Love you, Kristin

  3. She is precious..your little miracle! We hope you have a blessed Good Friday.

    kari & kijsa

  4. She's just so adorable I could take a bite out of her like she is taking one out of that cake! So precious. Happy Birthday Sweet Caroline!

  5. I love that picture of her face in the cake! Oh to be that care free again.....TFS!

    Many Easter Blessings,

  6. What a beauty!
    My Grace turns 8 in May...they are growing up too fast!

  7. Happy birthday to your beautiful baby!! I love that picture of her with her face in the cake! I love all the sweet things you had to say about her today :)

  8. Happy Birthday, Caroline! Love, love, love these pictures! They are just beautiful!

  9. What a sweet post! Happy Birthday Caroline! I love the pictures! She is beautiful!

  10. You are quite a gifted photographer! Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous subject! Watch out boys!

  11. oh my! how precious is she?! you are very blessed =) happy easter, debbie

  12. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Caroline!! My Leah turned 7 on March 3rd. :)

  13. OMG - I cannot tell you how that brought tears to my eyes. This Saturday - we will celebrate Ian's 11th. I too suffered miscarriages, four of them, and I became pregnant with Ian about 8 weeks following the last miscarriage. My doctor told me to expect the worst and I changed OBGYN's, and the doctor put me on progesterone. What miracles our children are! Happy birthday to your Sweet Caroline!

    Ladybug hugs,

  14. Hope it was a happy birthday -- just a tad bit late! What a beautiful little girl!


  15. She is the perfect little ray of sunshine! She was very much meant to be in your darling family:)


  16. I just noticed that all the birthdays are coming one right after the other in your house!!!

  17. Beautiful story and pictures

  18. Oh my goodness...Happy Birthday to Sweet Caroline! What a sweetie little pie she is! Love you're glorious posts Paige :)

  19. Happy Birthday Caroline!

  20. Happy belated Birthday to Caroline! My youngest, Wesley, turned 18 on the 19th of March.

    God Bless,

  21. Happy birthday to gorgeous Caroline! She looks so grown up. . .the time flies by quickly doesn't it?

  22. Oh, she really is sweet! Beautiful shots!

  23. Love this post. Hope Caroline had a very happy birthday!

    She is such a beautiful little girl :)


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