Friday, March 14, 2008


Gratitude is the fairest blossom
which springs from the soul.
~Henry Ward Beecher

I want to thank each of you for taking a moment of your time to send a precious note to a woman whom you will never meet, but a woman who is fighting bravely for her life.
Thank you my dear friends.....

I wanted to share this image today. Years ago Lil & I decided we would attempt to smock. One of my precious friends spent a few patient mornings teaching us. Lil & I each smocked a bishop dress for Caroline who was one at the time.....I made a pink gingham & Lil made the blue gingham.
I loved the colors of this little dress!
I know I've said this many times, but the above photograph is one of my favorites of all time. Such a precious image of her in the dress lovingly made by her grammy.

A couple of years later, another dear friend called to tell me she had a special present she wished to bring to me. She presented me with a 24x30 framed oil painting of Caroline. I was blown away! I sat there speechless for what seemed like forever. My sweet friend had seen the photograph of Caroline & asked for a copy. She spent the better part of a year painting this image for me. She also had two replicas printed to give each grandmother. She had 100 cards printed with a tender text inside. This was one of the most amazing days of my life. She gave me a gift I could never afford & more importantly she gave me a gift from her heart~ talk about a labor of love. Words can not express how special , how treasured that painting is to me. Thank you sweet Fran.

Today I walked by that painting & smiled.
The tulips are again blooming here in Atlanta. I can hear, smell & see all of nature declaring the glory of the Lord.
& I am grateful.....

Thank you again my dear friends in blogland.
I pray you have a blessed weekend
I am thankful for you


  1. That is such a beautiful story! What dear friends you have. I love tulips and both images are breathtaking! I love tulips and I will agree, that as we have suffered through the drought here these pass few month, I am delighted to see the beautiful colors returns to my yard :D

    Your MIL will continue to be in our prayers,
    Ladybug hugs,

  2. The original photo is stunning and the painting is equally beautiful. Nice post.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. What a lovely way to begin my Friday. Just beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful photo and the painting -- wow - gorgeous! Have a good weekend.


  5. I love that dress. It is beautiful.

    I will continue to pray for Lil!

    I actually found out today that my friend's grandmother Betty just had a mastectomy. I was inspired by your post and my friend said her grandmother would LOVE to receive comments from people around the country so I wrote a post.

    I said I was inspired by a blog I love. Let me know if it is ok to link to your blog.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for the wonderful idea to write a post for Betty. I know she is going to love receiving comments and prayers.


  6. I'm been checking your blog everyday to see if you've posted anything new! No, I'm not a stalker - I just LOVE your blog! I was telling my small group bible study about it the other night and it turns out your husband taught some of my friends when they were in highschool! I was so excited because I was telling them I wanted to be your friend!!! We'll have to talk the name game on email! Love the new post!

  7. Wow! That painting is just beautiful! Caroline is adorable!

  8. I was delighted to come to your blog page tonight and see a new post. I have been wondering how things were going with you MIL and your family.
    You have no idea who I am and I am not stalking, I just love to come and read the beautiful things you post.
    Love both the picture and the painting. Both are breath taking.
    My continued prayers are with you all.

  9. Paige! I am sending my prayers to you and your MIL! And love the pic of Caroline with the tulips and love the painting too! What a wonderful gift! Thanks for sharing!
    Many warm thoughts for your family!

  10. What a beautiful little girl and a special friend. The painting is just stunning. Continued prayers for your MIL. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  11. That is a great story!
    I will pray for Lil daily

  12. What a precious friend and an equally precious subject. It sounds like this friend is definitely one of the angels in your life.

  13. I LOVE the picture and how sentimental! I love the dress and the painting as well. JUST BEAUTIFUL!!

    I have been and will certainly continue to pray for your mother-in-law.


  14. SO beautiful. Hope Lil is doing well. We are praying.

    Glad the tulips are coming up!


  15. What a beautiful post filled with that precious image of Caroline, we continue to lift your MIL and will do so indefinitely:)


  16. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  17. Sweet story. Sweet labor gifts of love!

  18. That is an adorable photo and the painting is fabulous!! Wow. When I used to live in southern Alabama smocking I learned to much work that was. Wow. Then lucky me I found a gal who would smock a dress for me for $35 and I had to only supply the fabrics. My little toddler had a closet full of smocked dresses! My baby boy even had a couple jumpers!
    Keeping your MIL in my prayers!
    Have a blessed Easter!
    Teresa McFayden

  19. What a wonderful story and such a beautiful painting. Of course, having an angelic subject certainly helps.

    I hope your dear MIL is facing this challenge okay...she is in my thoughts and prayers.



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