Wednesday, October 03, 2007

James, Jenni, & Vera

I only listen to my James Taylor October Road cd in the fall....he's my all time fave & i have several of his cd's, but this one only gets played during this time of year. The songs are wonderful & they really do sound like fall songs, if there is such a thing. Makes me wish I lived in Vermont or New Hampshire (--of course come May I'll wish I lived in Seaside! HA!) Which makes me think of my dear friend that I lost a few months ago to breast cancer. She lived in a quaint little town in the New England area. We visited her a few Octobers ago & she had this cute orange galvanized tin bucket at her front door with a jack o lantern face. Inside she had one of those yummy pumpkin spice cake candles & the fragrance filled the air when we arrived that evening. There were gorgeous leaves all across the lawn of her 200 year old home. She had the largest cinderella heirloom pumpkin I had ever seen. Of course that began my fascination those! I miss her.... ( & yes I do have my galvanized tin out just like she did)
To totally switch gears.....have you seen this?
Vera Bradley has a new magazine & its wonderful!! The pages have a nice texture , beautiful images, great human interest stories & they have loads of great new products.
We are big Vera fans here. Rumor has it from a friend up in Chicago that the fondness for Vera is much stronger in the south but I find that hard to believe. They sound like such a wonderful company to work for & be involved in. This summer while we were in Seaside her signature store opened there the day we arrived. Oh glory hallelujah.....linens, tableware, toile lamps & much more. They also opened a B&B there too. Maybe the girls & I need a weekend away one day! Trying to get caught up in my scrapbooking. Here are a few my images from the Jenni Bowlin September kit

Our computer had a virus this week...yes what an inconvenience that always is, but the major bummer was what happened to my oldest. She had all , I mean all her pictures stored on a flash drive, hundreds of them. When she plugged it in we think the virus deleted all her images. She is heartbroken. I think most teens do so much with their pics on line, text messaging, & on their my space that they seem to have somewhat less hard copy photos. She had no copies & lost everything. Several beach trips she took with friends, cheer camp, social events, football sadness. A few months ago she lost several images on her disc & felt the flash drive was pretty safe. Lesson learned, always back up our images on at least one extra place. Trying to decide if we should go to an external hard drive for back up or just copy everything on flash drives & cds===any computer wiz out there with advice, we'll take it.
Have a blessed day!


  1. I love James and Vera too. I have never listened to October Road. I will check it out. I loved the new Vera mag and was going to post on it too. Small world! Love your scrapbooking style. Awesome!

  2. Another James Taylor fan here too. I love your scrapbooking style - the colours and layouts are gorgeous.

  3. Love the scrapbooking pages! I will be backing up all of my photos!


  4. I found your blog through Kim's and I love it. Your scrapbook pages are beautiful.

    What do you do with pages that have flowers and other embellishments can't be flattened? Do you put everything in books? I am inspired! You are very talented.

    I will check out that CD. I love the fall. But I really love Christmas.

    I lost all my photos a few years ago. I had photos of my beautiful cat who passed away. I lost everything. I just purchased an external hard drive and backed up all my photos and videos.

    Also, you can upload them online (kodakgallery) and other sites. That way they are online and you can at least order the prints. But I know what she's going through.



  5. SO true about the Vera I am from the panhandle of Florida, which I think I might have mentioned before, (not too far from SEASIDE) anyhoo... moved out WEST to AZ and you hardly ever see Vera here.
    Love all your new pages, wonderful as always!!!

  6. I did not mean to sign my name twice.

    Also, every so often I do like to back up to CD which is what I did for years. BUT I definitely recommend an external hard drive. You can find GREAT deals online. I just bought a Western Digital hard drive. If you need any info let me know.


  7. Girl....
    I am sooo with you on the JT thing. He is awesome !

    And, VERA !! Gotta love ALL the products. I am such a bag freak !

    So sorry about your computer and your daughter losing her pics. I would be devastated as well.

    Have a good day !
    Jackie Carl


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