Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fall around our house

Fooled ya!
wish that was my home!
I love all the white with black accents
rusty urns filled with gourds
colossal old clock face
grand mirror
wonderful feast prepared overlooking the country
& my favorite touch....the lyrics of "cowboy take me away" from the dixie chicks painted across the wall!!

I think as much as I get sad packing up my seashells each September, I get equally excited to see the first pumpkin at the market.
Not living in prime pumpkin country, I take my pumpkin picking very seriously.
Last weekend we took a road trip to watch a cheer competition & found a wonderful market outside of Atlanta selling fabulous pumpkins.
Jarrahdale blues
heirloom cinderella's
& of course the wonderful white pumpkins!!
oh the little joys in life!
Now, these are from my home~~

& for those of us who love martha......the glittered pumpkin!

Brinkley's toy of choice for the season....a football of course!

Yes, I know the star looks a little like Christmas.....which reminds me.....Martha Stewart Christmas ornaments are in stores.....shhhhh!!
Contrary to my families request, I have loved having the kitchen (along with several spaces downstairs) being neutral tones. Makes it oh so easy to decorate for fall & just whatever season.
Found these wonderful slips at Antrhopologie!

One more thing, thank you for such sweet comments on my Caroline entry.
What a blessing to have new "friends" out there in blogland
Happy weekend.


  1. OHHHH........... the Fall Fairy made a WONDERFUL stop at your home! Such pretty trickets and decorations she had left in her bag after visiting my home!! I think she saved the best for last!! I am still on the search for white pumpkins here... found one last year at Trader Joe's, but alas... none yet. Thank you for the eye candy! Isn't Autumn just the best?? : )

  2. ooh oooh ooooh, what wonderful eye candy. Love it all, even if it's not all yours. I have two old rusty urns, I now know what to put in them for fall. Thanks.

  3. Your house looks just as lovely as "dream" picutures! Love the pumpkin painting!

  4. i love this post! just reminded me of why i love my all white color scheme. the pictures are beautiful at the top of hte post, but so are the pictures of you home. i have dream and wish and other written things in the windows and on the walls. but i may have to add cowboy take me away. too cute. but i'm sure my husband will say he's not a cowboy. well, he may just have to pretend to be one.

  5. I love the photos of your home even more than the magazine shots!!
    Great decorating!!!


  6. WOW ! You really had me fooled and convinced on those pics ! I was thinking, "oh my gosh ! What a place !"
    Great way to tease us readers ! :-)

    I do love the way you decorate your "real" house.
    And, I have never seen or heard of white pumpkins before. Am I the only one out there that this is new to ?

    Have a wonderful day !

  7. Hi, I just found your blog and was really admiring your "home"! I was drooling with envy until I read that it wasn't your house. THEN, I drooled with envy again as I looked at your "real" house! It's just as beautiful as the other one!

  8. your home looks wonderful!
    Love the glittered pumpkin display. Wonderful decorating!

  9. LOVE IT! Autumn is truly a lovely time! You kitchen is FAB! Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos. And the post about Caroline really was touching. :)

  10. Scrumptious! Yummy magazine and home images. We love boyfriend weather now don't we!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous home photos of "around the house" - I love the unusual coloured pumpkins & cloche & all your Halloween themed decorations.

  12. Your home is as beautiful as the pictures from a magazine! I notice lots of Southern Living at HOME items in your house!

    You have such a knack for decorating!

  13. your home looks beautiful!
    better than any darned magazine spread! :-)

  14. I love all the pictures! Yours are just as pretty as the ones that aren't yours. That Brinkley is a doll!

  15. LOVE all of your black and white pics and decor for Halloween! :)

  16. I love your blog. The pictures are wonderful. I love the pumpkin in the urn. Your daughters are just adorable. Have a great week.



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