Monday, August 13, 2007


I did
I blinked
& she went from this baby girlto this beautiful girl
in the blink of an eye.
I'm so proud of her.
Today she started 9th grade!!

Her first day at her huge high school....think there are 2600 kids..oh my!!

Honestly, I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her this new chapter in her life. Friends have asked me if I am sad or scared about this new phase in her life....heck no!! I am thrilled to be where we are in her life. I am so excited & blessed to have a happy , healthy , self confident , grounded daughter. Yes I realize that life is fragile. (She lost her biological daddy to cancer) . & yes, I realize that they do grow up in a flash. But I am honored & proud to watch all my girls succeed in life & bloom where they are planted.
Yes I miss the days when she was that little girl, with all four front teeth out at the same time. But I wouldn't trade the "today" for anything.

She has been an easy child to parent. She makes all A's seemingly effortlessly. She has a great quick sense of humor & when she's not being too "14" she cracks me up. She is outgoing ~~too many friends to even count. She is your typical first born in that she is a high achiever, one with many leadership qualities. She loves Jesus. She is a loyal friend.
Don't get me wrong....I would be just as proud of her if she didn't have any of these qualities. I am proud of what she does but I am MUCH more proud of "who" she is.

Being able to watch her cheer this fall is going to be a blast. She has worked hard to get to this point- years of tumbling & gymnastics. It is such fun to watch her living her dreams.
I can say all this mush since she doesn't read my blog!!

Many blessings to you baby girl!
I am so proud to be Savannah's mom!

You may be one of millions
but you're one in a million to me!!
( thanks Brad Paisley for that great little song)


  1. She is a darling girl, so beautiful, and it's clear that you have done a wonderful job helping her become the lovely young woman that she is! Congrats to you, and good luck to her as she starts her new school.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your comment for's always nice to have a friend in blogland.

  2. Paige, your daughter is gorgeous! And what a wonderful tribute you have written about her. This is a brand new phase of her life (and yours). She sounds like she is well-grounded and that is the most important during the high school years.

  3. beautiful daughter of a beautiful mom. have fun with all the new challenges and excitement high school brings.

  4. Lovely girl. She is lucky to have you! Lisa

  5. My favorite thing about each of your children's life moments is that from babies until now you have always celebrated each of your girls for even the smallest of things. Savannah looks so much like you in these images and I love the person that she keeps growing into with grace! I still remember holding Savannah in my arms as a baby and I love to the young lady she has become. xoxo my friend!

  6. What a beautiful daughter you must be so proud of her!
    High school is going to be so much fun for her!

  7. Thanks for the post- Beautiful children!

  8. Wow! She's gorgeous! And isn't it wonderful that she loves God even when so many ids her age seem so lost. You've done a great job parenting!

  9. She is beautiful and you are so right they grown up in the blink of an eye! High school years will be fun!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i'm going to nominate you for mom-of-the-year. she's amazing and you have every right to be proud!

  12. She is so pretty! My middle son, Eli, starts 9th grade on the 27th. He's a bit nervous I think, but I know he, and your daughter, will do great in high school.

  13. please don't post!!!!
    email me and i will fill you in about the

  14. Beautiful young lady and her character traits make her even prettier. You have a right to be proud.


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