Saturday, August 11, 2007

The birthday girl & school starts

Monday....2 sleeps...these 4 girlies of mine head off to
3 different schools
busy schedules~~
cheerleading ,
football games,
competition squads,
ballet 6 days a week,
art lessons
& violin.
Not to mention sunday school & various social events. Oh my!~
Yes, i do indeed have my mom agenda ready & the kitchen folio should arrive Tuesday by my friendly UPS man! That mom agenda rocks! Not only is it gorgeous ( which, being a visual person is very important)
it has places for four children's daily schedule-perfect,
place for menus-if i ever get that organized,
and just a great calender layout.
This new folio thingy I'm certain will change life as I know it! I will not only be organized but cute while attempting to keep up with our new insane schedule.
So today we celebrated Emily's 11th birthday! Sweet girl had 4 super duper cutiepies come for a little pool party. Emily is not one to have a gazillion friends like her older sister , but she's more of a "few really good friends" kinda girl. She has always picked kind sweet little (oops, guess I can't say that anymore) girls.
Today was much fun.
I hope you feel loved & celebrated sweet Em!!


  1. I love reading your posts you have such a lovely way with the narration! We have some things in common so your writings are very inspiring to me. Would it be ok to add you to my favorites? Kindest wishes, Lisa

  2. Glad to find your site. Love the pics of your family. I also have a momagenda and I love it!

  3. also wanted you to know i tagged you. i hope you love memes.


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