Monday, July 09, 2007

Sweet Escape

Oh wow~ what a glorious week. I can't remember the last time we all relaxed for that long.
The most perfect weather. A gentle breeze continued each day at the shore.
Crystal clear water-every day!
No injuries. No car problems.
Even little Emi , who has been sick for weeks with pneumonia, was finally cleared to get in the water. She felt great.

The condo we stayed in was perfect...only a couple of years old & everything was so nice inside.
We are blessed for sure.

My new camera was awesome!!!!!!! I can't admit how many pictures I took or the word will officially be out as far as my "condition"---HA! But i would love to share a few from each day for the next several entries.


  1. Just loving the pictures. I am looking so forward to seeing the rest! Glad you rested, read and just enjoyed your family and their company in conversation and time. Love to you friend.

  2. i so love your blog and your pictures. i found you through cottage bethy. what a beautiful family you have. i am a fellow georgia girl. i would like to ask if you know where i could get the picture with the crown you have on your flickr account. thanks.

  3. LOVE that pink checked couch. How fun would that be?!

  4. Not sure how I landed on your blog but your pictures are great! What beautiful girls you have. I love Seaside too. I also love the pink gingham chair!


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