Thursday, September 06, 2012

books, world vision, marathons & yucky summer head colds

 morning friends.
let me just say it's a good thing most of this was already in my drafts
because this head cold or whatever yuck i have is making me feel real fuzzy.

wanted to share a couple of books i'm currently reading.
i was a huge Judd's fan in the late 80's and early 90's
and have always thought ashley was such a sophisticated beautiful actress.
for the last 10 years she's been quite the humanitarian traveling through asia
& africa as an advocate for women in the sex trafficking industry 
and others in poverty.

while she & i are on two completely different planets spiritually,
i am truly enjoying her memoir.
the last calender year has been an eyeopener for me regarding the HIV/AIDS crisis
the orphan crisis and the sickening amount of slavery that still exists.
with events such as Passion & my latest passion with Noonday Collection
i'm continually trying to educate myself in these matters.

 speaking of the Passion Conferences
i'm also reading Matt Redman's "mirror ball".
incidentally , matt's wife beth is also an advocate and passionately involved
in the A21 campaign

 & for more light reading i'm also enjoying the book club with edie.
all my advanced placement literature taking daughter's jaws dropped when i informed
them i would be reading The Odyssey.

& speaking of justice,
i'm loving how all of my chatter is actually somewhat connected,
my friend ruth
owner of Carol & Company
is preparing for a marathon. a full marathon. not a wimpy half like i've run.
but 26.2 miles.
free shipping, & the proceeds are going to World Vision.

i mean come on.
you can wear a great bracelet & help bring clean water to children around the world.
read here for more information

and now for just a little random life in the last few weeks.
i'm loving jeanne's latest bag and feel very cute at publix when i cruise in for my daily
groceries. yes i still have yet to master shopping with a list. in advance.

justin's chocolate hazelnut butter served with a banana.

life changer. 

rockstar ballerina being fitted for another pair of pointe shoes.
i love having a dancer in the house again.

mr hospitality,
always excited to see us
fear not. he doesn't live outside. 
i have all the hair on my hardwoods to prove his existence inside our home.

skinny cords at target. 23 bucks.
super cute & comfy.

after spending the day trying on skinnies
i was prompted to check a fashion statement with one of my college girls.
proof that we all need to have relationships
with people at least half our age. at all times.

letter day from our little man in uganda
is always a highlight.
sweet little guy. listen to what he said through his letter interpreter...
"he sends greetings to savannah, madison, emily and caroline
& he's glad he has so many sisters.
"he's very happy to be a part of your family"
"his family loves you so".

 alrighty my friends
i'm on day three of some kinda yuck that is completely kicking my tail.
i'm crawling back into bed & spending the morning with skeeter & minny


  1. Take care my dear friend! Rest and take it easy! I use Vicks alot, I remember my Mom using it all the time when we were little.

    I am suffering from allergies just terrible this year...hate to say it, but I am ready for a hard freeze!

    Beka starts dance on Monday night. I am glad to have a dancer in the house again. :)

    Take care!

  2. Feel better and get rest!

    Speaking of Marathons and 1/2's, I just registered for Seaside...can.not.wait!!!!

    I am registered for a 1/2 in November here in my home state, which will be my first 1/2 EVER. I am so nervous but excited too! And now I have gone and registered for my 2nd, before I have even run my first...cart before the horse maybe? Either is going to be a blast!!!

  3. Love the purple polish! Do you mind sharing? Also love that Lenny & Eva bracelet those charms are too cute!

  4. Great post.

    Feel better.


    Headed to Targe' to try on skinny cords.

    For my not-so-skinny body.

  5. Hope you feel better! And I'm a little annoyed because I'd planned to have a super productive day but now I'm going to have to run to Target to try on those skinny cords. :-)

  6. Great book recommendations- thank you!
    LOVE the cuff - fabulous quote!
    Feel better, sweet Paige!
    BTW .. I am on a flight to Atlanta later today for the weekend! Visiting my Connor boy in his new Buckhead residents. My time is packed with shopping for him (bedroom furniture and such) and meeting the girl friend!!!! Yay! .. next time though I hope to meet up with you!! xx

  7. Love this post, and how much you squeezed into it. Thanks for sharing the bracelets! It means so much to me that people would support this cause!

    Great book recommendations--I'm looking forward to having some reading time again after this marathon!

    I'm right there with you today--wish I could crawl back in bed. Caught some hideous sinus head cold myself, and I'm hosting a World Vision fundraiser at my house tonight. The house isn't going to clean itself, ugh! Glad you can get some rest, hope we all feel better soon!

  8. * I am not a grocery list kind of gal either, I like to live dangerously!

    * I ordered that same tote from jeanne, it will be cruising the aisles at Bales Thriftway while I live dangerously [see above comment}

    * The quote on the bracelet is one of my favs! Love.

    * Your reading makes me feel like a slug - I have a stack of books on my nightstand that I need to crack!

    * Feel better YOU!

  9. :) sorry you have the yuck! My Sydney has the same thing.

    I must get a pair of those cords!

    Feel better!!

    Big Hug!

  10. oh my gosh.
    i have girls that i send texts to OFTEN for fashion help.

    i live in athens for pete's sake...I don't wanna be the old lady the girls talk about when they see me downtown. :)

    should i mention to you that i have never received the adorable bracelet that i won from carol & company? i fear looking like a demanding brat...but i'd LOVE to sport that'll feed my accessory addiction. :))

  11. Hope you feel better soon, sweet friend! Love the cuff! And,the skinny jeans....and the books! Mercy. I actually blogged today...hop over if you feel up to it. I thought I was the only mama making daily trips to the store. On my way there now.

  12. Thanks for the tip on skinny cords...I went out and purchased some after your instragram and am totally in love. Died laughing at the text convo with Abby. Glad to know I'm not the only one checking in with those girls for fashion advice. I send at least one picture text a week asking "does this look right?" Here's to always having younger girls in your life! Hope you feel better soon!!

  13. I just love stopping by and reading your blog, you are so funny, love all the pictures, I'm getting that bracelet for sure!!

    Feel better, and in my life Vicks is definitely a cure all, I don't know if it's in my mind but it even helps me with muscle aches.

  14. I'm in Edie's book club and will admit I'm a little long out of school for this book but I'm determined to be ready for the first chat.

    I noticed your bracket on instagram. Now knowing what a good cause the sales go toward, I'm on my way over to the web site to make an order.

    Feel better soon my friend.

  15. Paige, hope you feel better soon! Your youngest always has the prettiest dancer body lines (not being creepy), just grace and elegance. My best friend is walking a marathon to celebrate turning 50. Can't imagine my body making it, walking or running! I turn 50 in a couple weeks and feeling more like 60 lately :)

  16. Hope ya are feeling better soon..
    I have been told that if you put vics on the bottom of your feet it really helps..Google it..I am now a believer..

  17. Paige! We have the same interpreter in Uganda at Compassion! We have a little boy there, Patrick, and I TOTALLY recognize that handwriting on your letter!!!! LOL...that's kinda cool! Take care of your cold!

  18. I am plugging along with The Odyessy and actually enjoying it even if it does bring back memories of my Freshman year Humanities class! I am going to run my first road race ever on Sunday, a 5K. I a little nervous about it! And did you know that Ashley Judd has a personal blog/website? I will have to check her book out! Rest up girlie!

  19. I'm so with you on the crud, spending this rainy Saturday in bed with the laptop, tissues and tea. Feel better soon!

    (Loved the text with your daughter- so sweet).


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