Friday, August 13, 2010

beach faves, again

hate me
but yes, this is yet another
beach faves post
&  there's even one more to come
i'm so sorry

i can't imagine what it must be like to go on vacation
& just hang out
not this girl
i carry my camera and photograph every flippin moment
thankfully the girls are great sports
& they know the days always end with shopping and desserts!

so with all the girlies back in school
i have tried to spend this week getting the four thousand photos
i've taken in the last four weeks
backed up
& double backed up

after having a signifigant computer virus from the russian mafia last year
that caused considerable security issues with my bank and everything else
i have vigilantly stored them
on an external hard drive
copied onto a usb flash drive
& a cd
you do the same, right?
i'm also one of those weirdos who prints 'em
and slaps 'em in a photo album

wow, nothing like laying out all my photogrpahy compulsions in one post


am i sick
or just organized?
i'm guessing all fellow photo hoarders will agree i'm organized
while all you regular hang out while you're on vacation friends will go with sick

one more thing
not that anyone has said anything
but many of the photos i take of my older girls while we're at the beach
are of them in their swimsuits 
so i intentionally don't upload by the dozens
i'm fine with the suits the wear
hate me about that too, i guess
but just feel that those pics don't need to be plastered allover the blog
in mass quantity
more pics of little bit usually make the cut

good grief
i promise that my next entry will include something


  1. I love, love, love these beach pictures! You do such a great job capturing every moment while on vacation! And, yes, I hate you for your organizational skills! Not really -- just completely jealous!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. P.S. Thanks again for your last post! Jan, Maddy, Carson and I will be helping the homeless in October. We can't wait. Thanks for the gentle reminder to get movin'!

  3. love your beach pictures and your spunk this morning!

    I scrapbook...and oh, how I wish that I would just get over it and print them and put them in chronological order in an album....

    I'm so behind.

    this year. this year I promise to catch up!

    Happy Picture organizing this week!

  4. I love your pictures! And I do the same as you....I store my pics on the hard drive, then copy to the external drive and then store on flash drives plus online. I lost a years worth of photos during the first year of digital photography when our computer crashed. So I love your back up system!

  5. You take such beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Your subjects are beautiful as well.

  6. Organized....definitely organized!!! I LOVE the bright dress that your daughter has on...just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  7. you can ramble whenever you want. i love your ramblings and your beach photos. so pretty. i have my pictures stored in a couple places too. can't be too safe with your precious memories.

  8. I love your beach pictures! Now I know how to bribe my girl to allow more photos -- shopping and desserts do the trick,eh! :) And I only backup on external hard drive, so will be following your example!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    P.S. Such cute photos of you and the Hubs! You two are adorable!

  9. Those photos are amazing! What an absolutely beautiful family.

    I really want to be relaxing on the beach right now.

    I am a bit nuts about my photos too : )

  10. I am sitting here in school (planning period !!!) and I saw the post title pop up on my computer. I HAD to stop and look, and dream...and wish I were back there right now!!! But reality is that I am land-locked and in a school full of high schoolers! So, I am doing what I teach the children.....dreaming!!! Funny that you put this post up, because I posted this morning on my day in Oxford, Mississippi, (where I stopped on my way to Seaside). We must both be in the going-back-to-vacation-mood! Have a great weekend. Lori L

  11. Hey Paige
    I think you're uber organized, wish I could claim the same. What I'm amazed at is the ammount of swim suits. How many different suits do your girls own at one time? Would you believe I don't even own a single swim suit? I had one, but it wsa getting old, so I got rid of it a couple of months ago. Probably for the better, no one wants to see all of me in a swim suit on any given moment. Now having said that, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ocean and the pool. Go figure.
    Okay....I spy a tattoo on the inside of your right ankle. What is it? I think there's an interesting story there. That could be one of your posts. C'mon.
    Have a great day my friend.

  12. pictures. i am obsessed. truly i am. i take, take and take. i almost have a hard time deleting some of em'
    and i don't print them. but because of today of i am ordering a boat load of them. thank you.
    we live by the beach and rarely take pictures there. sad.
    your beach pictures rock. keep posting. keep rambling. we like it :O)

  13. Beautiful pictures! Love the ones of your and your husband. So romantic!


  14. love your pics, keep 'em coming!! Can you give me a few pointers on how to raise amazing daughters? I have 8 y/o twins & everyday I am reminded how much I have no clue what I am doing in this parenting role!!! LOL!

    I too am a pic hoarder, have just started backing up, have lost photos to a nasty virus one time & always fear that I will lose them again

  15. I think you are a wise woman for your incessant photo taking!!!! Everyday leaves never to return so why not capture it??? I wish I could get you to help me get my pictures together... Call me a sinner but I have a pile of pictures in a storage room waiting to be "dealt with." I can't bring myself to put them in a book. I guess because I can start and finish Levi's book and I don't like that... so this is my rebellion!! Clearly, I am a sinner!!! ;-)

  16. Since the beach
    is one of my
    favorite places
    on this earth,
    I NEVER get tired
    of any kind of
    sea shots! And, I
    am going to use your
    organizational skills
    as my gold standard
    and get my act
    for the inspiration.
    xx Suzanne

  17. Wonderful beach photos as always!! I just love them!!

  18. I love your beach raves! Please don't stop......

    Your last post struck a cord with me as I also have been thinking of helping, doing something to provide a need for others. I watched an episode of "100 Huntley Street ~ Full Circle" and this particular episode: ~ This guy has written a book entitled "The Compassion Revolution - How God can use you to meet the worlds greatest needs". It's a beautiful story he tells and because of his life experience growing up, he chose to get involved in a big way...He talks about the need right in your own neighbourhood.

    I'm definitely going to get this book and thought you might like it as well.


  19. Tired of photos of your beautiful family???? Never!! I'm just so sorry I haven't been by and will now be sending 10 thousand emails to catch up:) Your girls are so beautiful and everyone looks so happy...just as it should be!

    You are organized, not sick. Do you hire yourself out? I need some of it.

    I would love to print my photos but am clueless as to what kind of printer, paper...So I have a bunch on the computer and that's it!

    And I also love every single thing you have to say in your posts, as well as the fab pics!

  20. OMG...I LOVE the pics of you and your hubby....soooo sweet! You all are adorable. The kiddos are gorgeous as always and I think it's wise as a mom to not post a ton of bathing suit pics...there are some crazies out there!

    I'm a picture freak like you and I'm really concerned that something like that may happen to my computer one day...that's why I'm stressin' that I don't have a hard drive yet...However...I haven't taken 4k pics in my life let alone in the past few weeks...LOL!

    Keep the beach pics comin'...I'm livin' vicariously through your vacation! LOL

  21. love
    but you kind of know that : )
    i thought i was the only one in photo love, like that! lol

    do you use special albums for your pics??

    happy weekend, lovely!

  22. Gorgeous, beautiful wholesome fun. Love every shot:)

  23. Just gorgeous girl. You really captured the joy and light in each one of your faces:)

  24. Your girls are so cute , and I love the pics of you and your hubby . I live near the coast here in Tallahassee and I seek it out too for relaxing and just to hear the waves crash .Have a great weekend . susanne

  25. Love! your pictures. The beach is beautiful and so is your family. I spend alot of time taking pictures too. But my daughter is not always the good sport that your girls all and I am not nearly as organized as you! :)

  26. Your girls are so beautiful!
    And I know I've said it before, but it's hard to tell who the Mama is in your photos. You look like a kid yourself!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  27. Bring on more beach photos! I am right there with you, I am the crazy camera mom, I just can't help myself! Besides you have gorgeous subjects!!!
    I am crazy too about my photos, I had to get a new processor, motherboard and something else the other day and the only thing I even cared about were my precious photos!!! I get it!!!
    I am determined to get scrapping again once Myah goes to school, I will have to peak back at yours for some inspiration!

  28. hey friend! how i have missed visiting, seeing your beautiful pictures, and reading your sweet posts! this one cracks me up! yes, you are very organized and i need to follow! do you really put them in photo albums? i need to get on that! i thought about you on our beach vacation while trying to catch a picture of my girl jumping in the air! wow! that was hard! i didnt get a one! i am looking forward to visiting more often! xoxo

  29. I've had lots of fun with my new camera (took tons of photos in Maine) but am not nearly as organized as you. I wish you would rub off on me! Sadly, I haven't printed a photo in years...and haven't stuck anything in an album since my girls were babies. Sad for someone who loves photos so much.

    So not ready for summer to end!

  30. could you be any cuter?
    i don't think so.

    what's Friday lookin like for you?

  31. Your beach pictures make me smiLe!! Gorgeous family!!!! love your foot pop!!!!

  32. Your happy photos cheered up my day!!! Can't wait for the summer!!
    Have a great day!!

  33. gorgeous photos!!!! And i loved seeing that foot pop from you too!!!

  34. Hi Paige - I am just back from summer holidays and must admitm I DID NOT TAKE nearly enough photos! I so wish I was like you and had loads. Such a missed opportunity. So you just go ahead and show them all as they are all gorgeous. I love these shots as they are so Florida - that early evening light is perfect (is that the time of day it was?) and the girls look so lovely. It captures that mother's pride of her daughter(s) so well. Wonderful. Love it. Don't stop with the beach pictures! Lou x


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