Monday, April 19, 2010

a generous heart

i think the character trait that most inspires me
is that of a generous spirit
i often wonder if i'm moved by someones generosity
so profoundly
because i don't see that generosity
or willingness to give
in my own heart
but what is conviction if
change doesn't soon follow?
sometimes a gift is given out of abundance
i love these
i love seeing someone who has been blessed financially
knock the ball out of the park
by giving to someone something that they never could have dared
to even dream of
as a society we all love these stories
the pro athlete who grants a terminally ill child his wish
the builders who construct the house for free & then wipe away the mortgage
the millionaire who simply writes the check & the need is met

i often think to myself
if i were "so & so" and had their bank account
i would give
i would give alot

but would i really?

other times the gift is given out of sacrifice
i might just love these more
the family who drives older cars
doesn't have the fanciest iphone
isn't wearing hip fashion
& yet
ponies up the money
~with joy,might i add
to finance a teenagers mission trip
to touch the unloved, the dirty, the forgotten
to be the hands & feet of Jesus

i want to be a giver
i want to give whether its out of an abundance
because lets face it
i might not be as rich as my "so & so" aforementioned friends
but just living in this country
puts my wallet on the abundance side of the scale
i want to be a giver
even if the gift is a sacrifice

the last several months i've felt the Lord tugging on my heart
i feel he's planted the desire to do something
for someone
someone in need
someone that i can touch
that i can see

i want to raise altruistic children
so the obvious thing to do
is walk it out for them
show them that their mama wants to be someone who gives
who wants to do more
who wants to make a difference in this city

i want to work or volunteer in a specific "need"
with summer rapidly approaching
i'd love for it to be somewhere that my girls & i can minister along side each other

i've got an idea of where i'd love for that to
& with whom
so stay tuned....
{hopefully i can have a story to share soon}

this weekend i'm headed out on a road trip
to meet up with 11 women i've never met before
the event is a ginormous generous gift from a fellow blogger
& i am just beside myself tickled
& can't wait to share all about it

one more thing to share...
a few posts ago i shared about some medical issues caroline has been dealing with

caroline received a huge package
i mean loaded
with gifts from a family we've never met
a fellow blogger with five children
just loving on a little girl who had been sick on her birthday

i handed her this ( heavy ) package & told her it was for her
she said ever so sweetly...."they sent all this just for me?"
the hands of Jesus
tangible love for a stranger
a cute one , but a stranger no less

this mama , i'm certain doesn't want me to spotlight her
but after i emailed her & gushed with gratitude
she told me there was more

a few days later caroline received this...

a precious necklace made by lisa leonard
who incidentally has the most generous spirit herself

that same mama
sent me

to celebrate my ( "p") anniversary with "d"

now that's the kinda person i want to be ............

to my generous friend,you know who you are

thank you

to my generous friend Ashley,

I can't wait to meet you, learn more about your company, & your ministry

& hug your precious neck

thank you

you women make me want to be a better woman myself



  1. i hope you start a trend... a lovely and blessed trend. and i hope it begins with me... to be a better person, i love that. to be more generous with others. i feel the spirit already trickling down.
    a deep sigh for beauty.
    i love this and will open my palms to this and more.

  2. Just WOW, WOW, WOW!
    I can't find other words to say.
    I love it that God is tugging at your heart.
    I can't wait to see what God
    does with His delight in you my friend.

    Those gifts wonderful and beautiful.
    My heart is moved.

    Happy Beautiful day to you.

  3. I love this post, Paige. I too, often think about all the ways I want to give. I even get the ideas for care packages or random notes in the mail...and then don't follow through. You've challenged me to stop thinking/talking about some of these things and actually doing them!

    Have a wonderful time this weekend! :)

  4. What an awesome post.........thank you for sharing that, it is so inspirational. I feel the same way about giving to others. It fills me up to overflowing to be able to do something for someone else.

  5. Great friends are the true and most valuable treasures on this earth. I don't know what we will remember after this earthly life, but I sure hope we are allowed to keep our friendships and the bonds we build on earth.
    Love ya and thanks........

  6. what a fabulous post paige...
    you sure know how to hit the ball out of left field.
    You've given me the inspiration to want to do some volunteer work myself!

  7. What a beautiful post. I have been blessed with paying off both of our cars recently, and can now afford to be more generous to my favorite charity (St. Jude's) and feel so happy about it.

    I bought that same bumblebee necklace from Lisa the day she introduced it and am holding on to it for a few more months until my daughter's birthday. It's a hard secret to keep but a necklace that special deserves to be given on a special day :)

  8. What an incredible post Paige! Totally inspiring!


  9. Excited to hear what the Lord is leading you to do. Let us all know. What a impactful post here-it's all about God in the end isn't it?
    So many blogging people are so generous too it seems.

  10. just. so. good. Working on it. Not there yet. But I will be. Learning as I go.

  11. Paige, Thank you for generously sharing your thoughts in this post. It generously blessed me and made me think.
    Blessings and Bliss,

  12. Wow Paige. I haven't been able to visit as much as I used to, but what a day to come back! Beautiful heart. Beautiful goal. Beautiful examples. I can't wait to hear about the recent blessings you've been gifted with and how God uses them in your life. Sounds like a great trip. And what a precious friend to gift your Caroline as she did... I pray that God blesses her richly in return for her thoughtfulness! And I love the I really think you should post!!...or email the link to me! :)

    This is wonderful and I look forward to seeing what avenue God chooses to use you and your daughters in this summer... it's clear you are ready to answer His call!

    This is exactly the kind of woman I aspire to be, as well. God has been doing a LOT of things to change me over the course of our adoption journey...and He ain't finished with me yet!! ;) I know I will never be the same. And I am seeing some of these changes in our children as well...but you're so right, it begins with us. I read another post this evening where the husband reminded his wife that "we are parenting our grandchildren"! That really struck me deep. It's so true. We are not just parenting our own children, but we are laying the foundation of love and how they will in turn, likely parent their own children one day... our grandchildren. What kind of a legacy will I pass down?! I hope in the end it is one that glorifies God! <><

    Blessings and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

    P.S.>>> LOVE your previous post, too... those pillows are my new favorite look, as well. I especially love them in your 'white' room! Beautiful! :)

  13. such a pretty blog- lovely images- beautiful thoughts.

  14. caroline had to just be so happy. how fun for her and you too. very sweet. beautiful post paige. your posts always get me thinking and i love that. you make me want to be a better person. you make me want to jump on a plane and meet you in person. i want to soak up your spirit. you are a gift to so many of us.

  15. Beautiful! I want to be a generous person, and I want to follow through with the God-thoughts of giving that come to my mind. Thanks for this.

  16. Nice texture on that first photo!! :) As always, such a beautiful post Paige! You are such a special, loving, generous spirit and it is an honor to read your blog and call you friend! Happy week to you my ray of sunshine!!!

    Hugs ~

    :) T

  17. ahh what an honest post...I often think of this, but being that I am not "so & So" my giving is of the heart, I suppose being there for friends, giving up little things when I can, encouraging others when life gets them down, etc...I know when the time is right I will be able to give more, financially speaking but for now this is all I can do, and I think you relate!! I hope what you have in mind comes to fruition and you are able to be a role model for your children, goodness is seen it is passed on and I hope my punk sees that as well! Hope your girl is feeling better! xo

  18. That is just wonderful. I love how God uses others to bless us and inspire us to greater things, all at the same time. What wonderful surprises for Caroline. {I want to be more like those people who blessed your sweet girl with kindness.}

  19. ditto! =)
    such a beautifully written reminder!

  20. I love your heart...and the heart that you are asking God to give you.

    It is an honor to follow your blog and call you a blogging friend!

  21. WOw...that i so very generous and thoughtful. I too cannot wait to see what the Lord is guiding you toward.

  22. This a very touching post. That is so sincere of you to say.

  23. you give yourself with every post.
    that, is the best generosity of all!

    you give yourself to us ..

    thank you.

  24. Wonderful post!!!

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  25. I desire to be more of a giver too! What a blessing from your friend.

    Paige, I just wanted you to know that I was so excited to open up the Artful Blog magazine spring issue and find your interview inside. It was written with such beautiful and heartfelt words and your photography, especially of the family, was gorgeous! I was by myself inside of Barnes and Noble when I happened upon seeing your article and I sighed kind of loudly. I think the people sitting at the table beside me thought I was wacky and talking to myself. I so wanted to share what I'd found with someone at that moment and say "hey I know this famous person!" (I feel like I know you even though it's just through blogging) Anyway, it was such a nice surprise to see you featured inside.

    Lee Ann

  26. Paige...I never fail to be inspired when I come here. Thank you.


  27. Beautifully said; your heart is honest and true, and I know you will give your gift where it is truly needed. Have a beautiful blessed weekend!! :)


  28. Beautiful words... and so convicting!

  29. I am once again blessed by your post. Your photography is wonderful as is your spirit. I hope your women's event blesses you as much and more than I have been blessed in the past. People have so much to give each other when they just take the time to do it.


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