Tuesday, March 09, 2010

artful blogging, lisa leonard & a giveaway!!!

sometimes an email can be just a sweet & special
as a hand written note

such was the case several months ago
upon receiving a note from Kellene Giloff

Kellene is the president of Stampington & Company
& the publisher of Somerset Studio

the note from Kellene was so warm & thoughtful
it was as if we already knew each other
i felt like i was sitting across from her sipping coffee

one of the things Kellene shared with me was that she would be submitting
my blog to the editors at Artful Blogging

i am so tickled & completely humbled to tell you
that i am in the current spring issue!!

here is a little blip from my article~~

Some days I feel very introspective. I find myself eagerly awaiting the moment when I can sit quietly at the computer, when my simple thoughts take form, take on life, & roll seamlessly onto the keyboard. I enjoy the stretching & growing involved as I discover this “me” that is often buried behind a ponytail wearing, carpool driving, menu planning, laundry keeper. The “me” that never knew I enjoyed writing. The “me” that has finds peace in putting my heart out there. The “me” that chooses to be held accountable as I express my commitment to invest in my children. It’s in those rare moments where this girl who is seldom eloquent, finds an actual comfort and security in her own written words.

one of the things i was so tickled to see was that lisa leonard was also in the same issue

i love lisa's huge, full of unconditional love, mommy heart

lisa has a tender & transparent spirit

& she radiates true joy

& i respect the fact that she found a way to create from her heart , develop her own company thus be able to stay home and raise her precious boys

this week lisa has a introduced her new "whoo do you love" necklace

total cuteness

ya'll are thinking

were's the giveaway?
your title said giveaway


i am so tickled that i am just beside myself

lisa & i chatted this week
& rockstar sweet lisa offered to allow me to choose my favorite piece & offer it to one of you
lucky you
i might just sneak my name in there too---i'm just teasin

this beauty is called fly free

it speaks to my heart on such a spiritual level

i think many of us can relate to this thought...

just leave me a little comment

i'd love to hear if this sentiment speaks to you too

you don't have to leave anything personal ....no pressure, but if so, i'd love to hear

i will choose a winner via random generator early next week

you have until midnight sunday night March 14th to enter

until then

God bless

& may we all fly free....


  1. Beautiful! I have a 13 year old daughter involved in cheerleading . . panic hits when I know in a few short years she'll be flying the nest and heading to college.

  2. congrats paige! what a wonderful keepsake. I just ordered a necklace from Lisa this week!

  3. I picked up the magazine a couple weeks ago and loved it. It's how I found your blog. Thanks for the chance.

  4. Congrats to you sweet friend! I can't wait to see it in person! I love that necklace and I love the sentiment to me it reminds me of this crazy journey we find ourselves on this year to let ourselves fly free and chase our dreams.

  5. Love your blog and love this necklace :) I actually have a bird and anchor tattoo based on Psalm 124:7 that says"We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped." That's pretty "free bird", right? :)

  6. I wonder if the stars will allign and i might win this time?
    Just so you know...i framed your article and it now sits on my desk.
    you are the rock star.
    p.s. our good friend Lindsay {anthro} will no longer be helping us i'm afraid....she's on to bigger and better.....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love those necklaces...thanks for posting them...I have a sweet friend that loves owls...I'll have to see if I can get one for her! Also, Fly Free is really sweet...I can see how that touches you. As a follower of Jesus, that touches me as well...I have been going through a season in my life where the Lord is really freeing me from a lot of baggage that I've felt necessary to carry around when I could give it over to Him...THAT has allowed me to experience so much freedom and it's just wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

    Oh...and Congratulations on getting published in Artful Blogging...sooo fun!!!

  9. I may not be a very artful or creative person, but I know creativity when I see it. Paige, I knew others would find your blog and photos as amazing as I do, congratulations. I'm going to have to be greedy this time and say I hope I win that necklace (I usually say good luck to everyone), if not I'll have to buy one......I love those necklaces and I've been eyeing them for a piece now.

  10. Congratulations Paige! I can't wait to check out Lisa's things. What a sweet giveaway...I love the name of that necklace! To me flying free means to be able to live out all that God has for me...to pursue my heart's desire through His perfect plan and perfect will for my life...free from fear!


  11. what a wonderful honor for you to be featured! and to be a part of this giveaway is such icing on the cake, right? congratulations to you!
    i love the symbolism of birds. i have many artsy birds in my home and in the margins of my journals.

  12. How wonderful for you! I do have to say your blog is beautiful...the photos and the words! I look at mine and think, blech! oh well!
    Fly free doesn't exactly have a spiritual meaning for me, but several years ago when I started taking flying lessons, my favorite time of day to fly was just after sunset. The lights below were just starting to come on and there was such a peacefulness all around me!
    I have always felt that flying above the earth gave me such a feeling of freedom!
    What a beautiful necklace!

  13. So proud of you Paige...you rock star you:)

    I would love to win that necklace. To me it represents everything I brought back from Brave Girl Camp. To let go of the past, to push toward what God has for me...to not be afraid. What a great reminder of those things:)

  14. yes that necklace hits a soft spot in my heart...thanks for the chance...

  15. Congratulations!! Can't wait to read the issue (I know I have it somewhere in my house). I love Lisa - I have several of her necklaces and they all speak to me in some way. I love anything to do with birds and flying - they represent bravery and freedom and beauty to me!


    Paige, you are such an inspiring Momma!

  17. Congratulations!!! Your blog is beautiful in so many ways. Your photos are breath taking and your words are so eloquently written. I can't wait till I find the magazine so I can read the article.

    I love the necklace you picked out for the giveaway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good luck.

    Enjoy your day.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oops. I hit publish while I was still typing.

    So very tickled/proud of you girly on the article!!!!!!!! Yes I am getting my own copy!


  20. I was so happy for you when I saw the article!!! I love Lisa's work too!

  21. Congratulations Paige!!! What a treat for you!! Your blog is truly awesome!! I love Lisa's necklaces and charms and love the birds!! Birds (to me) represent freedom to chase after our true desires.

  22. I actually found your blog through this spring's Artful Blogging : ). And I've really enjoyed it. The piece in Artful Blogging is precious. And, yes, I'd love to win the necklace with that bird happily flying free.

  23. Wow! Good for you! You do have a great blog!

  24. This is how I found your blog! This is one of my favorite issues so far, and I loved reading the article.

    What a beautiful necklace too! *Crossing my fingers*

  25. I found your blog through artful blogging, the pictures were so pretty, I looked you up! LOVE that company, Stampinton... When I saw the fly free necklace I caught it caught my breath, I read a book once with an illustration on two men who were shackled in shack, knew they couldn't leave , so they never tried. A stranger came along and told them hey those shackles are not locked, why don't you go free? One man did the other knew he would always be shackled. Isn't life like this? We don't realize the freedom we have in Christ?

  26. how exciting for you to be featured in the magazine! congrats. those beautiful pictures of your girls make it all the more better! really.

    i love that fly free necklace. her jewerly is unbelieveable. i've never met lisa - only know her through the blog world. she is one of the first people i started reading. she has such grace, but is also so down to earth (as i am now following her on twitter.)
    thanks for the chance to win!
    blessings & congrats!

  27. Oh wow ... I would absolutely LOVE to be the proud owner of this. Thank you (both of you!) for this generous offering.

  28. I just found your blog last night. I don't even remember how I did... one of those times where I was blog hopping and ended up at your blog. What a beautiful blog you have!!! I absolutely love what you said about blogging and discovering who you are as you write. It's very much how I feel and one of the reasons why I began blogging.

    As always, Lisa Leonard's designs are just lovely!!! This just might be on one my favorites though. I am a woman that knows the freedom that can only come from Jesus!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. would love to give to a friend who is battling non-smokers lung cancer - a 44 year old single mom - whose OWN mom passed away on Saturday...she needs to FLY....

  30. Your article was truly amazing...amazing...I loved every single bit of it and the beautiful pictures too...and that necklace...WOW! fly free is a wonderful thing to wear around your neck:)

  31. Love your beautiful blog... it always makes my day to see one of your posts on my feed! I love this necklace... all my little birds are flying away... one just left for Africa! one just got engaged and will be married this June. I am grateful for the 15 year old still at home but college is on the horizon for her! I been reading a book entitled The Empty Nest, written by Dennis Rainey's wife... it has been a huge blessing during this season of life.

  32. Paige, flying free to me means finding my wings as my children begin to find their own. I have been so inspired by your blog as I feel that I am at a similar stage in life....and that the possibilities are still endless. Thank you!

  33. Congratulations Paige!! Love the sweet necklace & sentiment ♥

  34. That necklace is perfect for what God is doing in my life right now :) lisa leonard is just gifted!

    I love the artful blogging feature! WOWZA!!!!!!!!!! your photos are awesome.

    hugs :)

  35. Congratulations on being featured in Artful Blogging. I think they made a great choice... your blog is so nice and I love your writing style.

  36. Wow -- I am so proud of you and your blog for being featured in that lovely magazine! Way to go Paige!! I always knew you were a rockstar! :)

    And Lisa L's necklaces are so incredibly lovely. Love the idea of fly free -- it connects with me too.


  37. Yeahhhhhhh for you Paige! Your blog is so inspiring~ I always look forward to your updates & photo's. Love, love, love the designs of Lisa.

  38. Love reading your blog from the other side of the world. The give away necklace is delightful.

  39. i am so glad you came out of the shadows to tell everyone ...cause i was about to hijack your blogola and tell the world about your name in PRINT!


    fly free. i love it. with all the things that bog me down in my day to day - it's nice to know that with Jesus carrying my burdens ... i can fly free. free in him. free in His grace. free from sin. free from sorrow.

    fly free... i love it.


  40. Congratulations to you my beautiful friend!!!

    I am SO excited for you that HE saw fit to highlight you!!!! You of all people deserve to be in print. You have so much love and goodness to share with the world Paige. You are absolutely one of the most incredible women I have ever met......truly.

    Get ready. You and your beautiful words will be writing and publishing a book as well.....as I shared with you before :) This is just the beginning......

    You are a gift.

    Can't wait to get my copy!

    P.S. Ooooooo and I LOVE that necklace too!

    Love and Light,


  41. What a beautiful necklace. I ran across your blog not long ago, and I love it! Just yesterday, in a Beth Moore Bible Study, it was really brought to my attention all of the fears I have, and how I really need to be free of them! So, that is what that necklace means to me, my desire to be free from fears! The necklace is beautiful.

  42. i love this peace... it makes me think of how i feel when i get to leave the ordinary behind and fly free by creating something each day... even when it's just a few typed lines on a blog

  43. Congratulations on being in Artful Blogger, Paige:) Such a beautiful article!! As for the lovely Lisa Leonard - one of the true treasures of the blogging world and I gain inspiration from her every day! Fantastic giveaway - but I have already been so incredibly lucky to already be the very proud owner of one of her necklaces, so would prefer my name not to go in the draw... I hope that gives everyone one else a little more chance of winning:) Congratulations again Paige :) Wishing you a lovely day ~ Tina x

  44. I absolutely love "fly free". When I think about what that necklace symbolizes I think...."fly free" in your daily walk, your life, in Christ, etc...

  45. congratulations paige. what an honor. she knows beauty when she sees it. i will be heading to the bookstore to get that. i love lisa's jewelry. so beautiful - both in looks and the love that goes into each one. thanks sweetie. so sweet of you!!

  46. Beautiful jewelry. I love owls so that one particularly appeals to me but the fly free is beautiful too. It is great when we, as moms, can give our kids everything they need to make good choices and succeed on their own when they "leave the nest"

  47. I love it, Lisa is such a talented artist and congratulations on your article. Your blog brings me comfort, smiles and I wish all the best to you and your girls!

  48. Congrats on the article. Thank you for this giveaway. I just LOVE lisa's jewelry.

  49. OH, Paige, that is so cool! I absolutely love it! What a sweet necklace and how nice of her to do a giveaway! :) I can't wait to see that issue...actually it might be sitting here in my pile! :)

  50. Wow Paige. That's so wonderful for you! I'm really not a blogger, but I love to look/read yours. It's s always so uplifting, funny, warm and spirited. You have an amazing give of writing and your photography captures such precious moments. I hope your girls realize what a gift they have in you.

  51. what an honour, and you do write beautifully.

  52. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

    I like how it pictures letting go of things when it's time to transition.

  53. Hi Paige,
    Wow that's amazing your blog is being highlighted in the Artful Blogger! I'll have to look for that magazine. Not sure if it's offered here in Canada ~ don't think I've seen it around. I too love Lisa Leonard and her talent that she displays with these beautiful silver necklaces. I'd love to win the "Fly Free" one. To me it means doing what we feel and know in our heart to be true. Not following in the patterns of the world, but in our own way ~ the way God wishes us to ~

  54. First of all, SHUT UP on being featured in Artful Blogging!!!! How cool is that? You really are leaving such an awesome legacy for your girls.

    Secondly, thanks for your kind words about WW on my blog! Yes, I have done it before after my first was born - 5 years ago! Now two kids later and hmnn, hmmhn pounds...we're back at it again! I'll keep you posted!

    and Last but not least! Enter me in the drawing! How sweet and special are her necklaces???? I'm going to check our her blog right now!

    Have a great week!

  55. Above anonymous is me ~ thought I signed in under my google account ~ oooops

  56. Ok - so now I really messed it up ~ I'm referring to the anonymous at 9:24 that's me ~ just in case I'm the lucky winner of those necklaces ~ didn't want to miss out

  57. wrong time ~ just kill me right now ~ should be 9:22 anonymous - that's me

  58. Congratulations Paige! I can see why your blog is featured. It is so life inspiring...just like you! Please do not enter me in the giveaway, I just wanted to tell you how awesome it is that you are featured.

  59. It was for freedom Christ set me free - now I just need to live it!

  60. Love the necklace, and your blog! You are so talented!

  61. i love this necklace! i think that at any point in our lives we can feel trapped by circumstances but we will not always be. we will be able to fly free again.

  62. CONGRATULATIONS my sweet friend!! What a beautiful article.....if anyone deserves the honor of being in that publication, it is you!! You are such an ispiration.....and never cease to amaze me:)

    Her necklaces are BEAUTIFUL...I have a few friends that have purchased them and you know how I love jewelry.....it is just not on the priority list right now!! I love the one that you picked and what it symbolizes!



  63. Finally you mention your feature in Artful Blogging. Paige, my dear, it's about time you toot your own horn a little bit. You are a true inspiration to me. Seriously. I'm always glad when my reader has your blog highlighted...I love to hop over here and get inspired!!! I'm as proud of you as a PTA mom!!!

  64. Good for you....you deserve it....many blessings to you

  65. As the mother of five, I KNOW this to be true: The most important thing to give our children is a Christian home. The others are ROOTS and WINGS. That goes so well with your sweet necklace.

  66. Congrats on the article! Totally cool! You deserve it!

  67. congrats paige!! oh my goodness..i think i'm the only one who hasn't seen it yet...sigh...another downside to living in the middle of nowhere!
    *loving* your photos!

  68. Love your blog and love that necklace!


  69. Paige!
    i am so proud of and happy for you! i remember the day i started writing on carter's caringbridge page--never knew i had in it me to write so openly about my innermost feelings. of course, i had quite the little 'inspirer' behind every word that i wrote. during carter's illness i gave all of my closest friends a dove necklace from james avery. when i gave it to them i wrote a note to each, asking them to wear the necklace, pray for carter, and to hold fast to the promise of hope that God gives each us in everlasting life with Him. Five for Fighting has a song called "Hope" that has really been my theme song lately. you gotta have HOPE to make it through every single day!
    i think you know what the 'flying free' dove means to me--my baby--healed, cancer free, and forever flying with His Jesus.

  70. Her jewelry is beautiful! I love the word free when I think of the freedom that Christ has provided for us.

    Thanks for hosting the give-a-way.

  71. Yay! Congrats on getting published! I haven't even had time for blogging as I have been caught up in lists & invitation "quagmire"...PS I love me a giveaway! :)

  72. Published? That is VERY cool! Congrats! You deserve to be in there, I love your blog :)

    I love the necklace you picked out. It really does have such a great meaning. I'd love to be the winner!

  73. immediately . . I know who I would give this too! Stephanie (I posted about her earlier this year). Her sweet 6 year old boy has Lukemia & they 'live' in they hospital here in ATL. I hear a Beth Moore video last week about what the scripture means to be "engraved in the plam of His hand" and that when we feel that we are in the toght grip of fear, to only remember that we are actually in the VERY tight grip of the only one who has conquered fear! In fact, we are being pressed so closely to him and held so tightly in His hands that our 'engraving' has been left as a mark there . . . Stephanie is being held, and little Creed is being engraved in His hands . . and knowing that no matter what happens here on this earth, we WILL fly free ~ it is such a beautiful picture of forevereness!

  74. Congratulations on your Feature! You deserve it!!

  75. congratulations paige.
    your blog is beautiful and very deserving to be featured!!!
    love the necklace.

    now that spring is nearing...i feel more like i could soar.


  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. My heart rejoices with you. I am so happy for you that you are featured! I am going to have to get a copy. Congrats, sweet Paige.
    {and I love that necklace.}

  78. I love your blog for so many reasons and I am thrilled that you are in the magazine for all to see and to see what they have been missing!!!! Your thoughts and blessings on life seem to always reach into my soul and I play your playlist over and over because it makes me want to sing and dance...I have a son who is a senior this year and my daughter is a junior so they have both been spreading their wings and will soon "take flight" from our nest. It makes me sad but also happy to know that they are well equipped in the Lord and we have taught them the things we feel will keep them safe. It has been a year of life lessons for me, I lost both of my parents 11 months ago (2 weeks apart) and had also closed my boutique after 4 years of living a dream. I am inspired by your strength and commitment to your family and God. Congrats to you from San Diego!!!!!

  79. How special to be in a magazine!! I'm not a bit surprised. You are such a sweet heart and your photos capture all the love you feel for your precious girls. That is wonderful.

    I couldn't love that Lisa more. She is an amazing woman and her jewelry is beyond beautiful.

    What a fun post!

  80. Congrats Paige!! I am always amazed at the friendships that are formed through blogging, your blog is one of my favorite "hang outs", since I am a stay at home mom and don't go out a whole lot I find blogging gives me a chance to feel connected with other women and moms without having to leave my family to do so.
    That necklace is just gorgeous, I love it!!! Fly free means so much to me. I have lost so many loved ones and it reminds me of the end of their suffering and flying free in the Heavens. They are with me always.
    I need to run out and pick up that magazine!

  81. What a cute necklace! Fly Free - I need to try that - maybe this necklace could help me to remember to do so.

    Thanks for the chance!

  82. that's awesome paige...congrats to you...i have been coming to your blog for inspiration for the past year and a half and i am delighted that i found it...thanks for sharing all that you do...cheers!


  83. Artful Blogging is a little treasure I recently discovered. I read about your blog, looked it up and have been totally distracted at work reading about your life. I can't wait to read more!

  84. wahoo! how exciting! the pages look wonderful! you definately deserve it my friend! and thanks for the chance to "fly free"! xo

  85. It speaks to me! It says "authentic life" to me, and I would wear it as a reminder to be my true self and not to feel constrained by societal responsibilities, but instead to remember what's really important, like my children. Beautiful!

  86. Congratulations on the magazine...I wonder where I can find a copy out here on the Canadian Prairies?! I used to fly all the time in my dreams...I would love to again. Thanks for sharing!

  87. I love Lisa Leonard, and especially this necklace...aside from the fact that it resonates very deeply with me because of my experiences, it's also just such a beautiful, heart-felt, and universal sentiment...and her personal story is so touching. She is just an incredibly deep reserve of beauty and strength for the world, and so inspiring!

  88. Paige-congratulations on being featured-you deserve it with your poetic style and beautiful words. The necklaces are lovely-dainty and simple.

    thank you.

  89. I have loved reading your blog for awhile now!
    Love the necklace and all of Lisa's "little pretties"....maybe this will be my first!? ;)

  90. oh so glad we are free!! so many of us see the parallel there on a spiritual level. i love the necklace...and the fact that you were featured!! can't wait to meet you!!

  91. I'm so glad your gift for writing and photography were recognized in such an amazing way...wow girl...artful blogger...so cool!!! You got quite a nice spread in there too! :)

    Have a great weekend Paige ~

    :) T

  92. Congrats Lovely Paige - what an honor! Flying free = the priviledge of our salvation.

  93. Wow Paige, how exciting! You totally deserve it, love your blog. And love Lisa's jewelry! :)

  94. Cngrats! What an honor, and well deserved!

  95. I love the sentiment...would so love to win it!

  96. Congratulations! This entry brought tears to my eys. The beautiful free fly necklace would be cherished if I was lucky enough to win. I can't wait to see the new book!

  97. What a wonderful accomplishment to featured in the magazine. I love Lisa Leanord too. The necklace you picked is so perfect for me, my son is graduating High School this year. I am having such a hard time opening up the cage door and letting him fly free. Praying and praying he will make all (at least most)of the right decisions. I know his wings will get clipped a few times and this is how he will get stronger and soar higher, but it is so hard.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  98. what a fun necklace.. love your blod

  99. What a great article!! I love your blog too. Lisa's necklaces are beautiful--thank you for giving us the chance to win one!

  100. I love your blog so much! Congrats!! I am hoping my luck holds out to win the gorgeous giveaway!! Thanks!

  101. I love reading your blog and I love the "fly free" design. It can mean so many different things to each person. Thanks for the giveaway!

  102. "Fly free," to me - symbolizes how we can let all of our worries fly away thanks to our Savior. :)

  103. I hope I am not to late...I would love this beautiful necklace!! thank you for doing this give away!

  104. CONGRATS Paige on being published in Somerset....there is NO SWEETER more genuine person I could think of that should be an inspiration to all!

  105. Oh girl, you rock!! I am so excited for you!! congrats on your write up, the photos are just perfect!!! You deserve this sooo much!! xo, Tara

  106. Hi Paige. I missed the give away but thanks so much for sharing this post. I love all of the necklaces but will be saving my pennies till I can purchse the flying free necklace. Remember my fb post about flying free? I love this piece. It speaks so loudly to my heart and soul! I am just so thankful for the courage and strength God has given me to fly free. Sometimes I sit in amazement at that blessing he gave me. I never thought I'd have the courage. And this necklace represents that. xo, nicole

  107. And...WOW! Love that you made the magazine :) So wonderful to see your beautiful blog get such recognition.

  108. I have seen posts on this magazine ~ and today Jeanne at Bushel & Peck mentioned she is featured too!! =) the cover is different ~ now wondering if she is summer? =) I can't get my hands on a copy! I googled and found you ~ this!! So wonderful! I must go to their website if they have one!

    I love love what you wrote for your feature ~ I can so relate! many of us can! =) I love love learning to write and be creative for "me"... to try to encourage others ... to find me again! Blogging is helping guide me by the wonderful blogs I have discovered!

    love the fly free! love it!

    Your writing is a blessing Paige!

    (my little girls best friend is Paige and she notice your name one day and is thrilled I have a new friend Paige!) =) cute!


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