Sunday, February 28, 2010

it takes a village

it's the little things in life that completely make my day
& yesterday
a little thing was accomplished
learned how to play around with some textures in photoshop

about a year ago i stumbled upon Shana's amazing photography on flickr
Shana creates the most fantastic textures & actions
of course i bought some

they've sat in "mom's folder"
on my hard drive
for months
& months

lately some of my fave bloggers have been rockin' at their photoshop
editing techniques
i pouted & thought
"why the heck can't i figure this out"

so i did what any self-respecting photoshop needy woman would do
i begged for help

my 17year old
was first on the list
i offered her cold hard cash if she'd 'gimmejust15minutes'
sweet child

i emailed my buddies & they came in as fabulous relief pitchers!
tracey , traci, & jeanne you are rockstars
& i totally appreciate all your patience
{tracey, apologize to your family...
tell them the crazy woman from atlanta
promises to leave mama alone today }
thank you for getting me started
it takes a village!

here is a before~~

& here's what the shot looks like after adding the milk & honey overlay

the down side....
i may never leave this computer seat again!


  1. see now...i don't have this cool software that all the cool kids have! this is really awesome! i've never seen the overlays like this. great job!. and....i'd never leave the computer, either!

  2. oh my goodness. i am swooning over these. absolutely beautiful. love it. so different.
    i don't have that cool software - either. i just got a nicer camera for christmas. i am enjoying it so much. hopefully soon photoshop will come next.

    you must do a tutorial on it! seriously. such a unique touch to already great photographs!

  3. WOW! How beautiful! I think I need to spend some time learning how to use textures and just my photoshop software in general. Yea for you!

  4. Me too, Me too. I want that. I'm trying to remember one of the Ten Commandments "Tho Shalt Not Covet". I'm not doing a very good job though.
    BTW: Caroline is soooo stinkin' cute. Honestly better keep your eyes on that one.

  5. Wow -- I didn't think your photos could be any more beautiful, but they are! Way to go!!!


  6. Amazing!! These are soo beautiful!! I just recently bought my first dslr camera and am so excited to start using it and playing around with textures like this...inspiring! Have a wonderful week!!


  7. How fun, the pictures look great. Now I want to do this too :)

  8. Beautiful pictures! I am jealous, I need a new camera and a lesson in taking good pictures!
    Great job!

  9. Love Love Love these!!!!! you are rockin' photoshop now! any tips? I haven't been able to figure it out either :(

    How fun, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your "texturized" photos. Shana IS amazing and I have some textures, never used, in my files too.

  10. Fun! They turned out great! I got photoshop for Christmas from my hubby but I just haven't had the chance/time to really sit down and get into it. I know it would be worth the effort. So much fun once I got it figured out. :) Someday right?!

  11. Isn't it the MOST fun to do?? I get totally lost in creating in've created some really amazing pictures!!

  12. Oh girl, that is just exactly what I want to accomplish next! I just got the camera of my dreams so I'm snapping photos of everything that moves and stands still! Way to go- these photos are inspiring. I'll have to gather up my courage before attempting to purchase photoshop...


  13. you cute thang. i'll be right over to learn all that ;)

    only if you promise to be in your yoga pants and hair in a pony ... cause if i'm not working (or on my way to a talent show) -- that is my look.

    what fun to see you -- made my weekend.


  14. Paige....absolutely awesome. I love these actions/textures. I'm a softy for anything that looks like a french post card.

  15. AMAZING Paige...they are gorgeous...I am so ready to learn this now ready!

  16. B-utiful!!! I have had Shana's actions on my wish list for a long time! This might just make me break down and purchase them!

  17. These photos are so beautiful!! Well done to you:) I have not even looked at photoshop as I think I need to do a basic photography course first... but your gorgeous pics have inspired me. I think it helps that you have such a gorgeous little model too:) thanks for the inspiration. Have a lovely day ~ Tina

  18. Precious! I want to learn after the wedding and everything settles down. I'll be callin on you missy :)

  19. So wonderful Paige! I am so not techy and photoshop is way over my head. Jeanne gave Lissa and I a tutorial while we were out there and it was a-maz-ing the things you can do.

    Talk about time consuming though. You did a beautiful job!

  20. honestly, i did not think your photographs could be improved upon. you have hit the 'mother'load tho! they are absolutely breathtaking now. i am going to have to check into this as well. i will also be the one looking for help. i feel a summer project coming on....(or maybe even spring break!)

  21. You go girl!! They look great!! Her textures and actions ROCK!! She is so talented:)

    I am here to tell you that you will NEVER leave your computer. It is highly addicting!

    Enjoy your week!!



  22. They look great!!!!!
    Shana is one of my dearest friends... we talk almost every single day. I feel so bad.... I would have bee THRILLED to walk you through this if I had known. Let me know if ou need anymore help but it looks like you have it down:)

  23. Beautiful!!! I am not handy with a camera or computers but You have given me hope! :-) Gorgeous!!!

  24. Paige! Those images are stunning!! I especially love the 'postcards' transposed over top. So pretty! Great job, my friend!

  25. Oh wow love these! I have photoshop but I don't know how to use it...These actions are fantastic! I want them!! How to install on my pc?
    Please, do a tutorial for us!!

    Your blog is fantastic, I love it!
    Warm hugs from Italy,

  26. BEAUTIFUL!!!! don't ya just love it when you finally get it. a whole new world is opened to you. i am going to check out her actions. i have quite the collection and can never seem to get enough. have a wonderful day paige!!

  27. yeah!
    I wish i could have helped you;-(
    I'll be the loser friend that does not have elements.
    your photos look amazing.

  28. can i come over? i'm learning too, we could learn together. your photos are so awesome. having such cute girls :O) can't wait to see more :O)
    have a wonderful day.

  29. What fun. Great job!! I'll get in line to learn.

  30. You did a great job Paige! Isn't it a great feeling when you figure out how to do something new!
    Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog~

  31. First of all, I can't get enough of your pictures ANYWAY but these are great! How fun is photoshop? I just wish I could take a picture that good to even mess around with in photoshop!

    Heard Heather ran into you at dinner - I'm jealous.

    Have a good week!

  32. Paige,

    Recently, I started playing with some free textures I got online. I was like you -- trying to figure out how in the world to do it. I seriously could spend hours working on one photo because I try it all different ways! But it makes the pictures so special. :)

    I think it's funny when I give pictures back to people they say, "What kind of camera do you have?" and I say..."Um...the real star here is Photoshop!"


    Your photos are beautiful!

  33. Thanks so much for your kind words! Your photos are beautiful, and your daughter is SO so beautiful! ♥

    Shana Rae

  34. Oh you're rockin it now my friend!!! These are ALL so fabulous!!! That little beauty of yours sure is adorable!

    It's a time sucker alright, but ps sure is fun! I think I'm gonna go and buy some of Shana's actions now...

    Hugs sweetie ~

    :) T

  35. My goodness, these are fabulous!



  36. oh, these are truly beautiful! are you sure your new at this? : )
    i need to head on over, and take a look see, at these lovely textures.
    : )

  37. Wow...STUNNING photos! You'd never know it was your first time doing this. I LOVE the textures. The photos are so beautiful, I can't decide which one I like the best...they're all amazing!

    Glad I know what 'village' to visit if I have any questions of my own one day. I just may come knockin' at your door!! ;)

    Have a blessed week! <><
    ~ Tanya

  38. oh paige - i meant to tell you that i would love to come down and take your daughters senior photos. how fun would that be.

  39. I've been wanting to learn this too. I only have 1 small pkg for now. I never have enough time to sit down and play with it. Maybe today...

  40. Paige,

    I read your wonderful feature in "Artful Blogging" magazine ~ I love your article and wonderful photographs.


  41. Adorable, you did a rockin' job Paige!! your little one is just too stinkin' cute!!

  42. everything looks so great!

    love it!


  43. Well I did not think your photos could get any prettier...lo and behold they did!

    Great job!


  44. what fun textures and the photos are gorgeous...if i had photoshop...i know i would never leave my computer.


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