Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy valentines day birthday!!!!

My favorite valentine~

I want to wish you a fantastic wonderful 17th birthday sweet girl!

I am so so so very proud to be your mom. There is not a day that goes by that I fail to thank the Lord for giving YOU to me. You have been a ‘nearly’ perfect child to raise. Unfortunately, I feel I have given you reason to believe you are everything but that. I apologize for that. I do not want you to leave our home feeling anything but LOVED! You have never disappointed me nor let me down.

I apologize for the times that I have hurt you with my words. I apologize for the times that my actions lead you to believe you were anything other than a precious child to me.

Savannah, you have so much potential. I have always known that! You have been a bright & gifted child from a very young age.

I realize that after Daddy Gregg died, you became my helper. There are times when I’m sad because I feel like I didn’t allow you the time to be a little girl. You always exceed my expectations. I am certain he is more proud of you than even I.

Please know that I carry much pride in being “savannah’s mom”. I love going to a meeting or an event being “savannah’s mom”. I love to introduce myself as “savannah’s mom”.

Know that I will always be on your side. I will always be on your team. & I will always love you more than you will ever know, sweet girl.

This is probably the last full year we will all live under the same roof as a family. My daily prayer is that the Lord help me show you just how much you are loved & cherished.

The world awaits you my dear.
I hope you always hear me cheering behind you & championing You on!

Happy 17th Birthday Savannah Miller
I love you

If i were to pick two best friends for you
I would have chosen Bailey & Danielle
they love you so much
they also wrote a little something for you~

Savannah Miller Knudsen has been such a blessing to my life. To think that we did not even know each other four years ago blows my mind considering how in these past four years there has been many times when I did not know how I was going to get through it without her. John 14:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends," and although, thankfully, neither Savannah, bailey, nor myself have ever had to give our lives for one another, we are all constantly making sacrifices and going out of our way for one another. I think the best friendships are made when people are repeatedly reminding one another how much they love and depend on one another the way that I am repeatedly depending on Savannah. Savannah's heart is beautiful. She has gone through her fair share of heartache and pain, maybe even more than the rest of us, and out comes a graceful, independent girl who happens to be a best friend of mine. So happy seventeenth to you Savannah! I love you, Danielle

Happy 17th!
I can't believe we are already 17. it honestly feels like we are still 13 again walking the halls of Trickum. I want you to know that the past four years that we have been friends have been such a blessing. You are a wonderful friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life. We really have grown up together. You have matured into a beautiful, brillant, inspirational girl. You have always been the sweetest friend, always there for me when i need you, always there to get excited with me about something and a sholder to cry on when I need that as well. You have become the sister I never had, and the greatest friend I could ever have. You are my person, and I hope that there never comes a day when I can no longer call you my best friend. Happy Birthday Savannah, I hope your birthday is perfect! I love you. Bailey


  1. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl :) This post was so sweet and thoughtful! All of your girls are lucky to call you their mom!

  2. Happy Birthday! What a sweet and thoughtful post~

  3. Happy Birthday Savannah!!! What a testiment to you. You are a beautiful girl from the inside out. Enjoy your day with your wonderful family anf friends.

    PS. Paige, you clearly have done an amazing job. I hope to have a daughter as wonderful as Savannah (all of your girls acutally)

  4. Happy Birthday Sweet Savannah!! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of joy and celebration!!

    I love that Savannah's friends joined you in this beautiful tribute:)

    Happy Valentine's Day to you all!



  5. Paige this is so sweet! Your a great mother and I can tell you've raised a beautiul daughter by the way her friends speak of her!

  6. Happy Birthday Savannah (I secretly have loved that name forever).

    Absolutely the most beautiful post for a beautiful girl.


  7. Beautiful post to your lovely 17th year old! Hope she has a wonderful birthday! What sweet friends to join in your birthday post to your girl!


  8. Oh, this post made me cry. So beautiful, honest and full of love.

    Happy 17th Birthday Savannah. Your mom is so proud of you and I can understand why! What a gift to have the family and friends you do...and what a gift you are to them.

  9. What a Sweet, Sweet Post! Happy Birthday to your daughter! I have a Valentine Child too, such Love!

  10. Happy Birthday to Savannah! Paige, what a wonderful girl you have and what amazing friends. It's so hard to find true friends and it looks as if these girls are the lucky ones. Such an amazing post. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day! Hugs :)

  11. Wow, I would love if my mom wrote that! Amazing. Happy Birthday Savannah!

    P.s. I'm totally blown away because it appears we both share the same last name!

  12. What a sweet post for your b-day girl! How fun to have her friends join the bloggy party too!

    Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. What a wonderfully written birthday present. Very nice!~

  14. Awww, Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! Adorable photos! :) You are a good mama!

  15. Happy Birthday to your sweet, beautiful daughter! This was such a touching post. What a blessing to have such an amazing daughter and such great friends for her as well.

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  16. Precious post Paige...I'm actually teary. I can't imagine the day when my oldest turns 17 and it's our "last" year under the same roof.

    What sweet words from a momma to her first born, and I love how you incorporated her best friends. Very thoughtful of you.

    Happy birthday Savannah:)

  17. Awww...Happy Birthday to your Sweet Savannah. Her friends are adorable and she is GORGEOUS. And I know her heart is beautiful as well....just lie yours, Paige.

  18. Paige...and her dear friends...that was just beautiful! I hope your daughter had a fantastic birthday but I'm sure she did:) Beautiful words for a beautiful daughter of yours

  19. Happy Birthday Sweet Savannah!!

    Paige, such a lovely post. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and she is extremely lucky to have you for her mama!! What a blessing.

  20. Sweet Post! Happy Birthday to your daughter! I have a Valentine Child too, such Love!

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  21. Happy Birthday to Savannah! What a beautiful post. It sounds like she has two amazing friends. Their notes were beautiful and articulate.

  22. Happy birthday sweet girl.
    ...I mean young lady.
    Love you sweet Savannah I do.

    Paige this tribute is beautiful.

    mwah to you,

  23. Oh Paige, this is just the sweetest post ever! Happy birthday to Savannah!! What a precious girl you have, with one fabulous momma too! So touching how her dear friends wrote to her :)

  24. How special. I pray that I can be the mom that you are to your girls. I was just telling my husband that I don't think I am exhibiting how unconditional and deep and pure my love is for my little gal, maybe just the opposite as of late. You are inspiring. Thanks for sharing Savannah's day with us. Happy birthday to your gal!

  25. How blessed you are. And her friends! Oh! How sweet and precious! WHat a gift from God! Good friends for your daughter! Well done, Paige!

  26. Happy Birthday to Savannah! She is so blessed to have such wonderful friends during these years! I'm still so close with all of my highschool friends and we've been through so much together! It's great when you've been friends for so long and know each other so well. Is she going off to college in the fall? Wow!

  27. oh my goodness! this must be so precious to savannah! I'm sure she must've printed this out to save forever! I would have!

  28. happy birthday savannah! what a wonderful daughter you have been blessed with! and what a wonderful mom she has been blessed with! thank you for sharing this special time with all of us! xo

  29. Happy bday to Savannah!
    gorgous post as usual.
    Mason is nine today...whew.
    and yes..i'm catching up at 4 in the morning.

  30. I hope Savannah had the happiest birthday ever knowing just how much she's loved!! Daughters & sons are precious gifts and believe me when they leave the nest you certainly feel their absence! Keep making great memories!

  31. what a beautiful birthday post. I love what her best friends wrote as well!! happy birthday;)

  32. Happy birthday all grown up girl. I think that makes me a little sad. I still remember you in your little pink WTP outfit I painted for you when you were just a sweet little gal.

  33. Dang it Paige, you're always making me cry! :) You have such beautiful way of being able to express your feelings in writing...a gift really...and your love for this child comes pouring thru...beautiful post and a very beautiful girl - Happy Birthday to sweet Savannah!!!

    :) T

  34. Lovely post, full of sweet sentiments. Happy Birthday!

  35. Ahh happy birthday to your daughter, this was a beautiful post as usual, I wouldn't expect anything less...and her besties sound like wonderful girls as well!!

  36. Happy belated birthday to your sweet Savannah. What a beautiful girl! I love her name by the way, I always wanted to name my little girl that after watching Savannah Smiles as a little girl. I am sure the apples don't fall far from the tree in your family!! I am sure you are all pretty amazing! What a blessing she is in your life!

  37. This made me teary! I love your heart, Paige! And your daughter has such wonderful friends. I hope my kids have friends like that. I hope Savannah had a wonderful birthday!


  38. What a beautiful post. Your daughter is gorgeous! I really hope to have a daughter someday. My lil' dude is the light of my life...but I would love to give him a sister!


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