Sunday, January 10, 2010

white slipcovered bliss......

i wanted a casey golden retriever
a gorgeous breed of dog
winners of top shows
used in commercials
gorgeous dogs
thousands of dollars

as it is often in life
reality & the desire to not over spend--snore--set in
& we decided to ditch the thousand dollar dog plan
since i was in no big hurry
i'd just wait for a casey dog to be adopted
not for a thousand
but a mere $200

our adoption agent
(yes, you heard me right)
was well versed in the dog i wanted
a full blood golden
female--soon to be named Lucy
gorgeous & looks like a casey breed
she knew exactly what i wanted
she called & told me there was a golden available
that i had to see
the perfect dog
full blood golden
gorgeous & but didn't look like a casey breed
she encouraged me to just see the dog
that he was very handsome
but not to go into the visit thinking 'casey breed'
don't compare she told me

i patronized her & figured what the heck
lets go see him
his foster home was just across from trader joe's
& we needed a few things anyway

i tell ya
we walked in
met that gorgeous doggy
& declared "SOLD" in less than 60 seconds

& he is the perfect dog
even though he wasn't a casey golden retriever
part of his story is here

there comes a time in every woman's life when she declares
"no more"
"i just can't take it "
"not another day"
or the glorious words
"for such a time as this"

i had made my personal declaration
about our sofas quite some time ago
& i had my eye on the prize
glorious gorgeous perfection
all in white slipcovers
from potterybarn
to the tune of several thousand smackers might i add-sigh

i knew exactly what i wanted
my life would be perfection
i would want for no more
i would never be grumpy
i would rise early in the morning & sing
sing as i made hot breakfast for my children
i would plop down into my down filled bits of heaven
feeling as if i'd been hugged by a soft overweight granny-like figure
( not that we have one of those in our family, mom)
& sigh
i would have arrived

one leaves for college in about a year
one will be driving in 3 months
4 colleges
4 weddings
not today
but soon
sooner than this 'i can't live by a budget' woman

my potterybarnwhiteslipcovereddreamsofheaven
were put on hold

then my bestieblogfriend throws around the word ektorp
sounds like cp-30 or r2d2
certainly not cottagey heavenly blissdom
so IKEA we went
who knew?
who knew they would indeed have whiteslipcovereddreamsofheaven
cuz if you knew
why didn't you tell me?
my campaign for pottery barn would have been much shorter lived

as the golden retriever agent simply stated
i too told dantheman
just come for a look
don't think "potterybarnfatwomanhuggingyoubliss"
but you must respect the price

we took the surburban
the truck
just in case , you know?

i am proud to announce
that we
not just i
but we
are the proud owners
white slipcovered sofa, chairs, & an ottoman

they are not like plopping down onto a heavenly cloud
but they are gorgeous
& all of it cost less than one...did you hear me? potterybarn sofa!
& i am simply thrilled
& yes
i've woke early each morning
& a song has been in my heart
i have yet to make the hot breakfast
but i did make little bit some hot chocolate
which she is drinking while sitting on the floor
the whiteslipcovered peices of heaven

and all is right with my little world

before i press the publish button~please let me say that i hope you know i am writing in jest,

i love a white slipcovered piece of furniture as much as next ocd beach cottage dreaming woman

but i am well aware

& would never take for granted

that white slipcovered bliss is not eternal

& no it really doesn't bring joy

it brings happiness-alot might i add

i know there are all types out there

some who could pony up thousands & thousans for a room re-do on anygiven day

but there are more

much more

who not only don't have new furniture

they don't have a home

& i don't take for granted

not a single day

that which i have been blessed

there is always some one out there who has more

but my desire is not to focus my thoughts on that person

but the one who has less

much less

& not only be thankful for what i have

but find a way to minister to & help those less fortunate

i just wanted to make that clear



  1. this is quite funny. and a good lesson, too. there are those things that we just have to have in life, made by just that person or found just at that store...but you can always find the same thing for less! so thrilled for you that you found your slipcovers. my, how beautiful they are! they really, really are. no wonder you pined for them for so long!
    but, where are the pictures of lucy?

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! Now... lets just hope that said dog doesn't take to said white slip covered sofas!

    Enjoy! Good things come to those who wait! (not to mention that your oldest daughter can attend college in the fall too!)

  3. Beautiful.. I just went to Ikea last week and sat in the Ektorp... very comfy and yours is so pretty.I love the white! I wanted the PB sectional...hello! so pricey. I found a similar one at JCPenney and Love it. Very pleased and pleased with the money I have saved, too. Can't wait to hear more about the new pooch... :)

  4. I love it and I'm so happy that it's yours. You already know that you have everything you need but those beauties look so nice in your beautiful home. ENJOY!

  5. ...BEAUTIFUL....the white sofas; the (white) Lucy story; the white dreams...

    I loved THESE thoughts very much....lovely!!!!!
    These are all WHITE!!!!
    ciao ciao elvira

  6. Oh Paige I love your white slipcovered little piece of heaven. Isn't IKEA the best?!! Half our home was purchased there.

    Need to see pics of that sweet dog though.

  7. You are too the post.....we woman love beautiful things...and research does show that beauty i'm glad you are feeling so inspired...we all little a pretty little something to inspire us from time to time...god bless....

  8. Gorgeous and lovely Paige. I love this post. The look is amazing. Ektorp is a part of my house too and I must admit, they are not as cushy to sit in but when nail polish spills on them (or some other tragic spill happens), it's so much easier to get over. If the spill can't be washed out, you can just order another slipcover for a fraction of the cost of a new slip from PB. Great choice. Enjoy:) Happy Sunday.

  9. Your couches are beautiful. Ikea is wonderful, I love what you can find there for the price!

  10. Ahem... While your brandnewlovelygorgeoussofas are beautiful, the post began with talk of a new son. sooo... Where are his photos???
    I too will have a driver in 3 months - two to be exact - March, and while he is driving now, with me, and it is going rather well - better than I had anticipated, still, when on earth did I become old enough to have a child who drives me around???
    Happy Sunday my friend!

  11. Wow! Way to go! I love your new slip covers. I wish we had an IKEA close. The closest one is a good six hours away :( I have only been there once and that is a complete party foul! I love to shop!

  12. I always adore coming here... the music always makes my heart calm... This post made me smile so much... You are a hoot and I for one Love the white too ;)

  13. Just beautiful! I am the very proud owner of a white shabby chic sectional (waiting a looong time to buy it!) and I have to say your room looks just as fabulous as mine...maybe more :) Enjoy! And I loved your comment about not drinking your hot chocolate on your new sofas!

  14. i have the Ektorp ikea love seat...such a deal...i also read on Lola B's blog that the slip covers for these were on sale for $5.oo. Went to Ikea closest to our home (100 miles away) and they were $39.oo. Still a deal, guess each Ikea is a tad independent in sale pricing....Super happy to have an extra set of white though....jules

  15. I love the white... it's kind of an inner dream for me... dream, because not in a million years will ever be able to have white until JJ is grown and living elsewhere. And if he ever comes to visit, which I hope he does, me being his mother and all... I doubtless will pay for white furniture upon his arrival and regret the day I took that leap.

    Moral of my story. JJ=dirt.

  16. true bliss i tell you...true bliss.
    now about that dog.....

  17. Your house looks great! All this ikea talk makes me want to drop by there. Can't wait to see your new family member. :) And I love the end of your post. I've been thinking about that a lot lately.


  18. Beautiful Paige...just beautiful!!! I LOVE your new slipcovered furniture...and just think how much you saved...just beautiful...and I dream of an IKEA store to arrive in our area...but for now...I will dream my living room is a sea of beautiful white furniture similar to yours...

  19. You are too funny! I love this post. And the slipcovers are beautiful. I do love Pottery Barn, but it can be seriously expensive!

  20. loved this post - I kept laughing out loud, especially about the singing . . . Your photos are gorgeous! I'm dreaming about white slipcovered sofas - and wondering if I could have that happiness too (what with 4 children and a BLAÇK dog!) hmmmm it is worth dreaming about!

  21. I just realized as I sat down in my white slipcovered chair in the class room... that Um.... well, I do have a white slipcovered chair. HA! But only one, and the slip cover is rarely on it.

    Gave me a chuckle. I just put it on a couple of weeks ago for the Holidays and haven't taken it off yet...

  22. Love it!! Sooo beautiful!

    I have a question about your fireplace. We also have the red brick, but ours seems so much redder. Does that make sense? Did you do a whitewash over the brick to soften it?

  23. Those who know and love you know what's in your heart Paigeypoo! Love your new furniture. I'm so happy for you. I would love to have them too. I'm just wondering how often I will have to wash them with 2 kids, 2 cats, 1 dog and 1 husband!

  24. Oh my word -- that looks so beautiful! I think I will schedule a vacation around an Ikea store just so I can visit one and see all their goodies first hand!

    Have a great week!


  25. Oh Paige - I am thrilled for you!! Your room looks divine!! You deserve every bit of this beautiful, white, slipcovered sofa/chairs/ottoman bliss!! ;)
    On a side note - my dream is to have a home (beach home?!)drenched in white goodness! Love it!

  26. Beautiful my friend. I admire you and this post could not be more thoughtfully written or words stated any truer. Your crisp white items are so pretty and I am way did you hear me wayyyyyy excited for you, and even doing a happy dance for you!!!! What I love is that your heart well outweighs their pretty because in your heart beyond your external crisp white hearted slipcover body is a heart and soul of beauty. Love that part of your soul, I do!

  27. I am heading there to buy my very own Ektorp this weekend...a four and a half hour trip, but totally worth it!


  28. You go girl.... They are BEAUTIFUL!! Way to find a bargain.... I cannot believe they were all less than one PB!! now where are the pics of your new furry family member.....can't wait to see him!!

    Have a wonderful week:)



  29. I'm planning a trip to IKEA this spring...trying to save ( daughter might be going to the Prom)...but i'm sure by the fall i will have a new sofa......your living room looks beautiful.....enjoy

  30. HEAVENLY, I tell you!...simply...heavenly.

    Glad to see your blessings came through, afterall. Sometimes things aren't always as we thought they'd be... and sometimes they're just better! Now you can rest on those love white sofas, cuddle with your sweet dog, and relax in peace, knowing that you can still afford the weddings, graduations, etc, etc...!! :)

    I have to say it again though... the room is HEAVENLY! :)

    ~ Tanya

  31. oh my goodness they are dreamy. so beautiful and so clean. i love them. they are perfect!
    i had a dog named Lucy. A red chow named after Lucille Ball. Oh how I loved her. and Lucille Ball. The I Love Lucy reruns are still my all time FAVORITE!
    Can't wait to hear more :O)
    and see more :O)

  32. paige! i am with ya! i have white slipcovered furniture and LOVE it! i had someone make the slipcovers for me but if i needed to replace them i would be going to ikea! they look great! i am so happy for you! from one white slipcover lovin mama to another! xo

  33. Hey there, I love your blog and have enjoyed following it, so I thought I would nominate you for the Beautiful Blogger Award.
    Check out my blog for details.

  34. Bliss it is indeed!!! Gorgeous! I have a few of those ektorp pieces myself...I think it's ok to link a little of one's happiness to a piece of furniture, don't you think? Just a little??! Enjoy your new white goodness my friend!!

    :) T

  35. What a great post! You are brave I am so not with white! They look great ~ Love the Brinkley story. We have our 80 pound golden retriever of love Coop. He's perfect!

  36. I have the same feelings when I look at white furniture... unfortunately there is no way they would stay that way. Maybe in the future...

    I am new to your blog and have loved looking at all your old posts! I found you through my friend at Blabbing About Blogs :)

  37. LOVE that room. seriously, lovely!

  38. you are so darn cute.

    can't wait to see them in person .. when i bring you the book ... that is still in my car. waiting on ya.


  39. It's just gorgeous!!! gorgeous i tell you!!!! i am just thrilled for your slipcovered bliss... i'd be up singing too serving hot chocolate {served on the floor :) too}

  40. the couches are gorgeous!! and ikea is awesome. we used to live really close to one, but now it is far away. they have great deals on most everything!! great job paige, they living looks amazing!

  41. It was meant to be! Your home looks lovely. One day I too hope to have such a look in our family room. However, with children and a dog I feel I'm pushing it with ivory in the children's family room.

    A girl can dream!

  42. Oh, I cannot wait for IKEA to come to Denver! I had no idea either...and I feel the same as you. White slipcovers are a dream to just look at....comfort is second to something beautiful to stare at! You need to check out the shop, Simple Linens on . She also has a website I just bought the most gorgeous slipcovers for parsons chairs from her etsy store. And they are REASONABLE! Have not checked the prices on her actual website yet but thought you might want to take a peek. Again, I love your blog!

  43. I know you have wanted this look for a long time and I am SO glad for you! Anyone who has read your blog knows that your heart s pure and generous and deep. But it os okay to rejoice in these small (BIG) pleasures too:)

  44. Dear Paige,

    It's okay to buy your white sofas. It doesn't make you materialistic or insensitive. I would say that you're too sensitive, so very concerned with how your post makes people feel. That, my dear, is why we "follow" you.

    God has blessed you! That's something to rejoice about. I'm glad you're enjoying your new sofas. They're certainly beautiful and add a lot to your lovely, shabby chic home. Glad Dantheman liked them too!

    Good luck with the teens and the new doggie!!

  45. I love your blog and am so happy to have found it! You have great taste!

  46. OH Paige, Oh Paige, Oh Paige!!! I LOVE them. Were you just jumping up and down?? I have always wanted white slipcovered furniture. I had a sofa slipcovered 8 years ago in white denim and I still love it. I've been dreaming of an IKEA chair and ottoman to go with it in my tiny little apartment I have now. Yummy!

  47. Ah, my dear Paige...I too am the owner of Ektorp-white-slipcovered-bliss. And you are right. They can't save the world. But I am grateful for them. As you are grateful for yours. And mindful, both of us, that we are blessed.

    But they really are pretty, aren't they?

  48. hi paige~
    thank you so much for stopping by my little blog! your lovely comments mean so much to me! your blog is beautiful...i've had a dream home designed since i was a little girl...the one element i've always wanted is white slipcovered couches...sigh...then i married a rancher and that dream was gone in a flash!! ;0) your home is beautiful; i'm so glad someone can enjoy white slipcovered bliss!

    i do you textures in ps4; i've also messed around with elements...sometimes i think i'm over doing the texture thing?!? hhhmmm but i can't help it i'm addicted! ;0)

    farm blessings,
    faded prairie

  49. Oh my, that's gorgeous!

    I can never do all white though, I'm sure of it.

  50. well you know I love it! perfectly beachy white and not a compromise at all!

  51. They look delicious. Happiness award over on my blog :)

  52. Hi! I know...I already left a comment on this post...But, I left an award for you on my blog.

  53. Love your post! White slipcover sofa's priceless! Your pictures are gorgeous. Congrats on finding your adorable dog and white slipcover sofas!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a post.

    xx, Michelle

  54. oh paige. your room and your slipcovered sofas look like a little piece of heaven to me. so crisp and clean and peaceful and calming. gorgeous. enjoy them. i know i would.

  55. Ok, this is way too weird. I HAVE Ektorp chairs from Ikea. In fact, I'm sitting in one RIGHT NOW. But they are... (are you ready for this?) RED. I know, I know. bah.

    So, anyway, I've been, like you, DREAMING of PB white slipcovered beauties and reading every single farmhouse/cottage/decorating blog I can find...and I've come to the conclusion I need to dump everything in my house and get everything new. (Or old if I can score some good flea market finds...NOT my forte.)

    Anyway, since this post is getting ridiculously long, I will tell you that I recently came to the conclusion that I wanted to change my red chairs to white ones and just get the slip covers for my already purchased chairs. I'm thinking of lots of white pillows to go on my khaki colored couches (I wish I could get white couches too but hubby would kill me!) and I'll at least have the neutral I'm looking for!! :)

    Long, long way to say... I totally get that!!

  56. I know EXACTLY how you feel - we just added the Ektorp sofa, chaise, loveseat and chair to our little cottage too!

    HEAVEN? close. If this is even a portion of what Heaven is like....can you imagine what He has in store for us?!

    There has to be a special decorating area for us...right?! ;)

    Happy weekend - great post!! (not surprised!!)



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